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Amy Sampson

Crawler Room
Learning Edge Childcare and Preschool
ITERS Evaluation
On Monday, February 8th during free-play time, I completed the
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale for my classroom. I chose to
score four subscales out of seven; I scored Space and Furnishings,
Personal Care Routines, Listening and Talking, and Interaction. The
highest average subscale score we received was for Interaction. The
lowest average subscale score we received was for Space and
The average subscale score for Space and Furnishings is 4.60.
Indoor space scored a 4 because some furnishing, such as the table
does crowd the room. Furniture for routine care and play scored a 6
because the storage of the extra toys in the room does not meet the
requirements of convenience and organization. Provision for relaxation
and comfort scored a 4 because our classroom does not have a
designated cozy area separated from an active play area. Room
arrangement also scored a 4 because areas for quiet and active play
are not separated. Lastly, Display for children scored a 5 because there
are not an adequate amount of photographs of the childrens families
or pets at the childrens eye level.
Overall, Personal Care Routines scored 5.66. Greeting/Departing,
Meals/Snacks, Nap, and Safety Practices all scored a 7, which makes
me very proud of how we interact with our children and our childrens
families. Sadly, the two lowest scores we received during the
evaluation are for Diapering/toileting and Health Practices. I did not
feel comfortable scoring us above a 3 because we tend to use wipes
and dish towels with soap instead of washing each childs hand at the
sink with running water.
Listening and Talking received an average subscale score of 6.66.
During observation, I witnessed a wide range of communication with
the children using actions, signing, and simple words. I was able to
score Helping children understand language a 7 because of these
observations. Helping children use language also scored a 7 because I
observed the staff ask the children simple questions while engaging in
free-play activities. Using books received a 6 because I do not feel that
we rotate and add new books to our collection frequently enough.
Interaction scored a perfect 7.00. Close and safe supervision
occurred throughout free-play time and multiple duplicates of toys are
offered to the children to avoid conflict. Peer interaction scored a 7
because the staff talked with the children about what their actions do
to their peers feelings. I also observed a great amount of praise
throughout observation. Staff-child interaction is very warm,
welcoming, and sensitive to each childs emotions; children who are

sad are soothed and snuggled, happy and active children are played
with at their level. Discipline also scored a 7 because the staff
discussed and showed children gentle touches after they hit a peer.
Staff also talks with other teachers about new behavior guiding
There are improvements to be made in each section. For Space
and Furnishings, I will focus on creating a new Family Tree wall
display, which will be at the childrens eye level; currently, the images
of the childrens families and pets are at adults eye level. I also want
to create a Cozy Area for the children that is separated from our
active area. For Personal Care and Routines, we need to stop using
wipes and washcloths with soap and water to wash the childrens
hands. We need to make an effort to wash every childs hands in the
sink with warm running water and soap. For Listening and Talking, I will
go through our book collection and take out any seasonal books that
are not current, for example: Halloween books. As holidays and
seasons come and go, I will rotate books in and out of our collection.
Lastly, for Interaction we will continue to strive and create meaningful
staff to child interactions and peer interactions. I will create new
activities and bring in new materials and toys to strengthen these

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