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Autumn 2016

9 April 2016

Just a reminder about parking.The outside visitor parks
are for short term-4 hours-visitors.If your visitors and/or contractors ( electricians,tilers etc)
are staying longer ask them to
park in an internal visitors
park.No residents are permitted to park in visitors parks.No

Please step back and look at
your balconies-front and
rear.No tired furniture or worn
out plants,no towels or washing,no storage of items,no
bikes,no gaudy decorations.
keep it simple,keep it
clean,keep it modern.PLEASE.

Washing/Garage Areas
No one wants to see your
washing,please keep louvres
tightly closed so that those
above or below cant view your
laundry hung out to dry.
Please keep all garage spaces
clear of anything that is not on
wheels. Storerooms are provided for that purpose.
Please re read your By Laws.

Autumn 2016

Staying Number One

Premium products, whether they be automotive,fashion etc
require constant marketing and reinvestment.St Kitts,as a
premium residential address requires sound and ethical governance,strong and equitable management,a progressive budgetary focus, and superior building and ground maintenance.All these things- hand in glove with a healthy community spirit
Our progress is steady and considered, with an eye to the future, and a nod to the past.Your committee will continue a
prudent financial approach, but will also look forward by examining systems and technological developments to provide
all residents with better services.
Its up to us all to build on our strengths,and develop our
community spirit by volunteering for special projects,coming
up with imaginative ideas,and maintaining our pre-eminent
position on the Sunshine Coast
I know that we all have something to contribute-from the
simple act of pulling a weed,to developing innovative solutions in financing,resources,or technology.Please consider.

Autumn 2016

9 April 2016

Health Emergency/Fire Evacuation

As in a stand alone home,if you are living alone, you may need
to develop a personal plan with a neighbour or friend to cover
emergencies. The Committee has discussed the issue, and
have taken advice that emergency services are unable to have
a generic code for entering remote gates etc.

Report Problems
If you have a problem with
your Apartment/Townhouse
caused by external factors
please report the issue to the
Managers.Owners are responsible for their own internal issues but, if it is as a result
of a leaking roof, or something else outside ,lets rectify
it so that it doesnt develop
into a major problem.
Recently we had a theft of fire
extinguishers by local youths.
They were seen, and I believe
spoken to, but the person
who saw them did not phone
the Police or the Managers.If a
crime is in progress call Triple
Zero.Geoff and Heather will
accept genuine emergency
calls at any time on

The Managers are available to take emergency calls,but ultimately we ask that, if you are living alone,please discuss with
your neighbour or a friend who lives nearby. They may need to
have key access as well as a phone by their bedside.
There is a PIN accessed box on the market that can hold a
key for your buddy,that can be attached to the external
wall near your door. Oce Works or security firms may stock
this item.
Please have a list of important phone numbers in a prominent
spot in your home in case you need to activate Plan B.
Geo will be performing a Fire Evacuation drill shortly, and
he has acquired a siren for this purpose. Please treat the drill
seriously if you are on the premises at the time.

Annual Wash Down and Paint/Meetings

There will be a painting inspection this week with the wash
down and painting maintenance in the first or second week in
May. The Managers will advise further as to timing etc. Please
co-operate in removing as much property from your balcony
as considered practicable.

This is your home;if you had

an intruder in a stand alone
home,you would call the Police.Please do the same
here,we do not have a
guardian angel who will protect us.

Your Committee is meeting in early June to consider our upcoming budget,closely followed by the AGM in July.We always
endeavour keep our levies to a minimum and our focus will
remain the same, but balanced by the need to provide continuous improvement for all residents.

On the same theme,please

dont hesitate to question
people who you havent seen
before, as to why they are on
the property. Genuine visitors
wont mind the question.

John Edds -Chairperson

Autumn 2016

See you around St Kitts


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