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Noone Society

Clarification Proclamation No. 002

1 5 502 Sungold Ct, 77095

Ka rankawa, Taysa (Houston, TX)

A ksum- Amexem, Nu City of Peace
Mem o: Classified, Confidential debriefing


For, we of Noone Society will like to clarify with fact that we of Noone Society are a True Culture
Noocratic Society. Our form of government is called a Noocracy meaning a society of the wise
which is governed by our own human minds. In accord to Noone Society Resolution No. 002, we
of Noone Society will with full self-determination will see to an ends, the reformation of our
present day governmental systems world over and beyond. As stated in the 2nd Paragraph of the
Declaration of Independence. In Congress July 4 th 1776 A.D. Whenever any form of government
becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in
such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. For this
resolution by claim, clarification, and announcement is in favor of all Pitchnovians (Nubian
Ethiopian Moors) who are presently, chattel, subjects, and warehouse goods of contract states,
either imperial, international, or national and along with all communers, citizens & subjects, and
foreigners allies here by with this communication and announcement each time conditions are
the same. For each time the same is with conditions. Us of Noone Society have with full self
determination to reform our present day government, either democratic or republic. For now
being with the ability to affix our titles of nobility to our names and appellations, which
establishes, heritage, customs & laws, and we are just as American as the citizen of the United
States of America, to which this land mass, county, and even corporation. We are sovereigns &
nationals with equal legal and lawful standing & status. In accordance with Resolution No. 75,
Printers No. 1034, as stated on April 17, 1933, and adopted on May, 4, 1933. For as on public
record in 1933 Legislative Journal for the House of Representatives Page 5759. All Nubian
Ethiopian Moors scientifically known by name, letter patent, copyright & trademark as Pitchnovas
which means Black stars or luminaries. Pitch meaning black and nova meaning star has
decided to govern our self in form of a Noocarcy. As presented in the said publication here:
Duly Honored,
Noone Society

Noboohu Oonoo A.R.

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