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Me: Is there anything you would like to talk about?

1:40 PM
+19078417716: No 1:41 PM
Me: OK is there anything you would like to say to S******? 1:42 PM
+19078417716: Who is S******? 1:43 PM
Me: C*****'s sister 1:43 PM
+19078417716: Is this her? 1:44 PM
Me: Is there anything you want to tell her? 1:44 PM
+19078417716: No 1:44 PM
Me: This is an opportunity for you to say what is on your mind. I would take it. 1:45 PM
Me: I will get your word out for you. You can say whatever you feel. 1:48 PM
+19078417716: What you digging at man? I never hurt her children if that's what your trying to refer to in fact they cried

when I left C*****, C***** can confess that, I'm not some kind of monster that likes to hurt children, I care about all children
just mad a grave mistake by almost hurting a child after me and C***** broke up. 1:48 PM
Me: OK So you are saying you never did anything to S******'s kid? 1:50 PM
+19078417716: That shit haunt me for a while man, it was hard for me to get over it and that's that. A fucked up mistake I

was afraid to speak to any body about ,that just made it worse by feeling so closed up and afraid to reach for help. 1:51
Me: I understand. You are reaching out now right? 1:55 PM
+19078417716: Yes I never harmed S****** kids, and I'm done talking to you man, it was a one time fuck up, and as my

post express I didn't hurt the child physically and still hate my ass for years, I never raped any kids man 1:55 PM
Me: I never said you did. This is why I am letting you speak in a one on one environment. You can say whatever you

feel. 1:57 PM
Me: So do you want to say who it was if not S******'s kids? 2:00 PM
Me: I will give you a minute to think about that. 2:02 PM
+19078417716: No I don't even know you or intent for talking to me, you could have a maleious or hateful intent for me

man, ""I confess my sins as you sharpen your knife"???? I don't know you man, it your choice to believe me or not but
with me being the one to open my heart first, I would think would buy me some trust. I enjoy telling the truth it's freeing
and fun but so much on facebook man , I got attacked once...... 2:03 PM
Me: Well I am not attacking you. I have no intention of attacking you. You have built trust with me and I appreciate that. It

does help. 2:04 PM

+19078417716: I don't need help because I don't desire to hurt any one. From here, its your choice to believe me or not. I

would need help if I had thoughts or feelings of hurting people that I desired to follow by actions. As that is not the case,
I'm therefore a healthy and non - violent member of society. 2:05 PM
Me: Lee, the problem is you made some comments that makes people believe you still have these thoughts. 2:06 PM
Me: What do you want me to tell those people? 2:07 PM
+19078417716: True, I did have thoughts about a little recently on meth but had no intention to follow them with action 2:08

+19078417716: True, I did have thoughts about a raping a little girl recently on meth but had no intention to follow them

with action. Like a way to be sexual deviants without any negative consequences or people hurt. 2:09 PM
Me: I understand that the attention you were getting, good or bad, was probably exciting. So is that why you posted those

things? 2:09 PM
Me: Also if you are having thoughts, on drugs or not, you will want to get help with that. 2:10 PM
+19078417716: I expressed my self on line to free myself si I wasn't lock up in side it feels good to be open and honest, this

was not done to gain attention, and in fact there is too much negative attention so I deactivated my facebook account
yesterday. 2:14 PM
Me: So be open and honest now. 2:16 PM

+19078417716: I don't need help because those thoughts would never be expressed in action it's not in me to harm people

without being provoked, I'll be the first to kill my self if I harm a child again whether it be emotionally, physically or
mentally, I'm not down to harm kids, and the thoughts or feelings to rape a little girl while on meth did both me after the
fact because to create reality you first create the dream or thoughts and feeling first but with no intent to follow this by
action I don't prosecute my self too much for this, to create reality I have follow my thoughts with action 2:21 PM
Me: So if you are going to follow your "thoughts with action" does't that make you realize that there could be a

problem? 2:23 PM
+19078417716: Yes it would be a problem if I ever desired to follow my thoughts to hurt people with action, but as this is

not the case, I'm no danger to my self or others. 2:25 PM

Me: Well you understand that based on your posts that no one believes that. 2:27 PM
+19078417716: I never expressed i wanted to harm people, some of my posts are out of context and do seem to paint that

picture. 2:29 PM
Me: Correct they do. So how would I convince S****** that you did nothing to her daughter? 2:30 PM
+19078417716: Ask C***** if the children cried after I left 2:31 PM
Me: I already know about the drugs. 2:31 PM
Me: You know C***** is Married right? 2:32 PM
+19078417716: What drugs? And yes 2:33 PM
Me: Well lets leave the drugs alone for now. You keep telling me to ask her if the kids cried when you left. 2:34 PM
+19078417716: Yes they were sad to here I was leaving, I was truly nice and harmless to them 2:35 PM
Me: OK so if it was not S******'s then who was it? S****** won't believe it wasn't hers until you say who's it was. 2:37 PM
+19078417716: I don't remember the mothers name, I didn't know her or her child closely 2:38 PM
+19078417716: I'm met them after me and C***** broke up 2:38 PM
Me: Did you work with the mother at WalMart? 2:39 PM
+19078417716: No a friend of her 2:40 PM
+19078417716: No a friend of hers 2:40 PM
Me: OK, How is the friend related to the mother? or the girl? 2:40 PM
+19078417716: Not sure it was a family I knew for only a short time before I left to Alaska, 2:44 PM
+19078417716: Bye bye for ever 2:44 PM
Me: The friend worked with you at the WalMart on Memorial? 2:44 PM
Me: Not forever Lee. Because there is something you will want to know. 2:45 PM
+19078417716: I'm tired of talking to people who don't want the best for me, I need a good life with a good wife and kids

man 2:46 PM
Me: Well the only way you will get that is to put this to rest. Agree? 2:46 PM
+19078417716: Stop bother me 2:46 PM
Me: And I have been extremely nice. 2:47 PM
+19078417716: What to rest? 2:47 PM
Me: The best way to move on is to face this head on. Sure you got to express your feelings and clear the air but we have

someone who has not had that chance. 2:49 PM

Me: Wouldn't you like to be able to apologize to her directly? 2:49 PM
+19078417716: To who directly? Your trying to pull a victim out of the thin air!!! Your bad man!!! The girl I tried to hurt never

was destrubed enough to full wake up I only destrubed her slightly emotionally and she never looked at my face and the
mother had no idea I tried to hurt her daughter to find a victim you would have to find the right people and tell them
something they don't know and Show a picture of me to the girl of guy that barely destrubed her that she never seen
before. You would have to create the victims minds to be aware of me, tell them to lie, as Ive said I never hurt her
physically or sexually but because of my attempt I felt horrible shortly after, I was disgusted by myself, it was the last and
first time I ever pursued such a course of action. 2:57 PM

Me: Well I see you are getting upset. So let's cut to the chase shall we? 3:02 PM
Me: You made a post on FB and this will not go away. A lot of people are looking for you and as such some of these

people are not nice. They will not stop. 3:05 PM

Me: The difference is, at some point I will. 3:10 PM
Me: Meaning I will stop actively talking to you. 3:12 PM
Me: Just so we are clear. I am not a COP Lee 3:13 PM
Me: You can not post on Facebook for 30 days. 3:20 PM
Me: Well not on the LeeSchrimpf account. So do you want to get your message out? 3:20 PM
Me: Lee, I know you are there. I know your phone is on. I you want me to stop texting you tell me. 3:31 PM
+19078417716: Bye 3:32 PM
Me: Bye? 3:33 PM
Me: I know about G*****. Lee. 3:34 PM
+19078417716: You lied, I say I bye and your suppose to fuck off 3:34 PM
Me: When did I lie? 3:35 PM
Me: You told me there was only one 3:39 PM
Me: I have been extremely patient with you Lee. 3:41 PM
Me: Also I know you had a fucked up childhood. 3:42 PM
Me: I know about your real mother. 3:42 PM
+19078417716: Stop fucking with me, G***** was my sister we interacted sexually and the first time I verbal manipulated

her to let me rub on her, I felt bad for this, 3:44 PM

Me: OK I know when you were all 3 kids you were neglected, homeless at times. 3:50 PM
Me: I also know that Jacob hates Pam 3:51 PM
+19078417716: Open heart on face book even more so on kesha the musician website, i thought id shoot for true love, if

she could love me knowing the whole story about me then she truely would love me, the only reason I stay alive is hope
for true love, if it wasnt for that I would kill myself and as I think of sucide often, I don't like living very much, a cold hard
world full of misguided children using a mind or imagination that is no fun to play out. 3:52 PM
+19078417716: I feel like I could cry and never stop 3:53 PM
Me: OK well I have not seen the Kesha site. Not even sure what that is. So Kesha is like an idol? 3:53 PM
Me: You do know that many of the thoughts you are having can be helped and you can live a happy life. 3:55 PM
+19078417716: No your wrong, you guys are going to stop using money, putting guns in kids hands and calling it war this

world is fucked in many ways 3:57 PM

Me: ? You guys? 3:58 PM

+19078417716: You guys are bad, I feel like a sweet child who woke up in a nightmare and can't get out. 3:58 PM
+19078417716: CORRECTION your wrong, you guys are NOT going to stop using money, OR STOP putting guns in kids

hands and calling it war this world is fucked in many ways 3:59 PM
Me: Who do you think I am? 4:00 PM
+19078417716: A family member or journalist 4:00 PM
+19078417716: I feel like death will be nothing like the suffering of living on earth, that deaths pain will be nothing like the

pain of living on earth. 4:02 PM

Me: OK I am NOT a journalist 4:03 PM
+19078417716: C*****? 4:04 PM
Me: Suicide is very scary Lee. I think you can agree with me that you could use some help. 4:04 PM
Me: I am NOT in Oklahoma. 4:04 PM

+19078417716: No I will greet death with open arms at this point in life, thank god maybe I'll think. Sad shit 4:05 PM
+19078417716: Yeah area code expresses that 4:05 PM
+19078417716: Just tell me fucker 4:05 PM
+19078417716: ""Just tell me you love me bitch""" 4:06 PM
+19078417716: Kesha 4:07 PM
Me: Try not to worry about who I am. I understand that will be frustrating but it is necessary. 4:08 PM
+19078417716: Hold bitch your area code may not match your fucking location 4:10 PM
+19078417716: I love this song 4:10 PM
+19078417716: You a little bitch for hiding but maybe your scared of me 4:11 PM
+19078417716: Maybe your not family, I've learn not to trust no one after being hurt so much 4:11 PM
Me: No Lee I am not scared of you. 4:13 PM
Me: And I am actually not the one hiding. 4:13 PM
+19078417716: I'm not hiding, we'll ok that a lie people want to hurt me bitch!!! SO I TRIED TO RUN TO AN AMISH

AND HONEST YOU ARE the more you get HURT!!#!!!!FUCKED 4:16 PM
+19078417716: Well that good, I'm like a little mouse, a harmless fuck 4:17 PM
Me: The Amish are really cool people. Masters of sustainable living. 4:18 PM
+19078417716: Yes and no 4:19 PM
Me: Well I know a good bit about sustainable living. I am even working on helping a friend start a series of

communities 4:22 PM
Me: Do you like Tiny homes? 4:23 PM
Me: Maybe I went off subject to much 4:25 PM
Me: What do you think the family wants you to do Lee? 4:25 PM
+19078417716: You will all die with the continuation of fossil fuels so it doesn't matter what you try to do unless your

communities are truly self sustainable and provide food, shelter and transportation most communities express they are
sustainable living but lie, fucking lost kids.4:25 PM
+19078417716: They fuck off and die I see the future the error of our ways, it will happen whether or not you will it when

your body creates mechanical futures for you, certain thoughts create certain reality SIMPLE SHIT TO ME OR NOT TO
+19078417716: Time traveling is done using your mind, you can piece the future together in your mind if you know the true

facts of reality, I SEE THE FUTURE BITCH AND IT'S NOT GOOD!!!! 4:30 PM
Me: OK well that is a different take on it. 4:30 PM


Me: Remember you telling me that that girl was the only one right? 4:36 PM
+19078417716: I'll tell them to park their cars In a garagw with engine on so they die and understand how we poison the air


+19078417716: Yes except G*****, I didn't mean to lie but it seem I may have 4:37 PM
Me: OK well like I was saying people are looking for her. And here is the problem 4:38 PM
Me: Not G*****. The other girl 4:39 PM
+19078417716: The other girl has no awareness of me 4:39 PM
Me: BTW someone has already tried to talk to G*****. 4:39 PM
Me: How can you be so sure she doesn't remember? 4:40 PM
Me: Also the bigger question is no one will believe that so a bunch of people are now looking for her. 4:40 PM
+19078417716: Because I was there##!!!!! I feel like I speak to fools all the time just makes me feel more alone and

suicidal 4:41 PM

Me: I know this is a touchy subject for you but until someone verifies she is OK and all this may just keep going on and

on 4:42 PM
+19078417716: That's fine horrible mean children who don't understand forgiveness, I was like them once so I

understand 4:42 PM
Me: Well I am not a fool but you have to understand that you made this extremely public 4:42 PM
+19078417716: If your not a fool then what's above your head?? , most people call them stars. 4:43 PM
Me: They are not stars 4:44 PM
Me: Ships my nigga! 4:44 PM
Me: You put enough info out there for people to find this girl on their own. You understand this right? 4:46 PM
+19078417716: Bye journalist 4:46 PM
+19078417716: Not true 4:46 PM
Me: LOL I am not a journalist. 4:47 PM
Me: I was at one time. Even owned a media company. 4:48 PM
Me: Would a journalist know about your uncle in *********? 4:48 PM
Me: What would he want you to do right now? 4:49 PM
+19078417716: Ok your a soul with a body and heart, I know that much 4:49 PM
Me: Thank you.. 4:50 PM
Me: Let's bring this to a close. Here is why 4:50 PM
Me: People will be looking for this girl. Using only the info you provided they can find her. 4:51 PM
+19078417716: Maybe he would like to know I would of fuck his daughter but I was to shy to make a move but she wanted

me too but M***** tapped that, d****** was a nice sex girl who asked if I liked what I saw to shy to say yes. Tell the truth is
fun 4:52 PM
Me: Wouldn't you rather NOT let some questionable person contact her? 4:52 PM
+19078417716: What are you talking about? 4:53 PM
Me: Are you mad M***** did? 4:54 PM
+19078417716: No not at all, he and her wanted it, I suppose I would like to but I was too shy, always been so scared to

speak up in life 4:55 PM

Me: No one will believe you that you only pulled her pants down. That is just fact. Especially after all the shit you wrote on

Facebook and Twitter. 4:55 PM

+19078417716: Ok I understand people like to thing beyond the truth 4:56 PM
+19078417716: Ok I understand people like to think beyond the truth 4:57 PM
Me: Correct 4:57 PM
Me: So instead of making it more traumatizing for the girl and having who knows who contacting her lets you and I figure

this out 4:57 PM

Me: Sound fair? 4:58 PM
+19078417716: I Make up realities, I do the same my self, but I don't like to live in false realities. I rather know the cold hard

truth of reality 4:59 PM

+19078417716: Warm soft truth of reality ,,,,,, fucking duality 5:01 PM
Me: OK but you see my point right? 5:01 PM
Me: You and I figure out who the girl is. Then someone makes contact with the family to make sure she is OK. Then if all

is like you say all should go away. 5:04 PM

Me: Would it help of I gave you the dates you worked at WalMart? 5:06 PM
+19078417716: I don't need any bodies confirmation she is ok, I know she is?!!! I don't trust you any who, """sharpen your

knife while I tell you my sins"""" I know earths kind, we are puppets of true evil even if you don't mean me harm you do it
any ways using money and driving combustion engine cars 5:08 PM

Me: We are not talking about you anymore Lee. We are talking about a bunch of people who are looking for her. But

maybe you do not care about that. If so tell me 5:11 PM

+19078417716: I don't I wish death O lord I'm mean lee please take me from this life 5:12 PM
Me: So you do not care about anyone but yourself? 5:14 PM
Me: You are being selfish here Lee. Others are effected by your actions. 5:16 PM
+19078417716: what kids do to each other on earth I WANT OUT 5:17 PM
+19078417716: Fuck all of you 5:18 PM
+19078417716: I'm tired of paying to live 5:18 PM
Me: Make a decision Lee. If you can about anyone other than yourself then now would be the time to start talking. 5:25 PM
Me: can = care 5:25 PM
Me: Time is running out. Like really fast. Who is the girl Lee? 5:26 PM
+19078417716: What the fuck are you talking about, NO LOVE IM OUT, I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN UNTO A REALITY


Me: Take a picture and send it to me. As a last good gesture I will post it for you. Not one like twitter 5:28 PM
+19078417716: Your bad I don't know !!! Your bad real bad you just trying to get me trouble, good thing I don't really know

or I would probably just tell so you could just condemn me to a jail cell 5:29 PM
+19078417716: Fuck no 5:29 PM
Me: I am not a cop lee 5:29 PM
+19078417716: You can find different pictures of me if you wanted, paint me as monster and watch the world burn 5:30 PM
Me: That is the point. Everyone wants to know you are OK. 5:31 PM
+19078417716: I DONT believe any thing you say about your identity or intent of what you will to do with me. 5:33 PM
Me: You do not have to believe me. Never was a condition of mine. 5:33 PM
+19078417716: When banks crash or a great war happens we will all suffer greatly and know my pain unless you switch to

free energy cars, but the crowd is running towards death. 5:35 PM
Me: There is someone would very much wants to know you are ok. Just send a pic. No big deal. 5:36 PM

+19078417716: I don't trust you 5:36 PM
+19078417716: You drity rat. 5:37 PM
Me: Why not? I have been extremely patient and nice to you. Plus I am doing you a favor. 5:37 PM
+19078417716: You a bad child trying to condemn a sweet child who is sorry for his sins. 5:38 PM
+19078417716: A favor? 5:38 PM
Me: She said I can give you her email address. 5:38 PM
Me: So send it to her. Not me 5:39 PM
+19078417716: We all just rats or stars made to run in a maze. THE WORD RATS SPELLS STAR BACK WARDS. 5:39

+19078417716: Never you dirty fucking rat 5:39 PM
+19078417716: leave me alone now 5:40 PM
Me: I have not condemned you Lee. 5:40 PM
Me: However you are making this more difficult then necessary. 5:41 PM
+19078417716: Who said? 5:42 PM
Me: Well M***** for one 5:42 PM
+19078417716: I don't know of her 5:43 PM
+19078417716: Google my name and look under images for more photos of me 5:44 PM
Me: Ummm Yes you do. However you may not know her by her real name. So up to you. 5:45 PM
+19078417716: What's her fake name bitch?? I'm highly suspicious of intent for me. 5:47 PM

+19078417716: What's her fake name bitch?? I'm highly suspicious of your intent for me. 5:47 PM
Me: Let me ask her. 5:47 PM
Me: K**** which is her middle name she used on FB. M***** is her real name 5:49 PM
+19078417716: I don't who you speak of FUCK OFF NOW 5:50 PM
+19078417716: I don't know who you speak of FUCK OFF NOW 5:50 PM
Me: OK Told her just that. 5:50 PM
Me: You have 10 minutes. so Say whatever you want. After that. Not much I can do. 5:51 PM
+19078417716: FUCK OFF 5:53 PM
+19078417716: Bitch 5:53 PM
Me: 8 minutes lee 5:53 PM
+19078417716: 5:54 PM
+19078417716: Music time bitches 5:54 PM
Me: Also you worked at WalMart from 3/25/2009 to 7/8/2010. The amount of the larceny was $2,121.58 So that is your

time frame. Think fast, 6 minutes. 5:55 PM

+19078417716: 5:56 PM
+19078417716: See my tears on the camera too 5:56 PM
Me: This was the time allotted for you to talk. You have 4 minutes. Start talking Lee. Time is almost up. 5:57 PM
Me: You can not send a pic to this number Lee. 5:58 PM
+19078417716: Why do want my picture 5:58 PM
Me: Oh the WalMart video, Yep you cried like a little bitch in that. 5:58 PM
Me: 2 minutes Lee 5:59 PM
Me: You need to give me solid info on this girl like NOW 5:59 PM
+19078417716: The girl was never harmed physically by me 6:00 PM
Me: Not your call to make pal. GAME OVER!!! Sorry you made the wrong decision. 6:01 PM
Me: Also the Kesha page is shut down. But you knew that huh? ;) 6:02 PM
+19078417716: Why are you theatening me? 6:02 PM
Me: All your stories are gone. 6:02 PM
+19078417716: My sister said my post were no longer there, I'm the one that deactivated my face book 6:03 PM
+19078417716: What chance? 6:03 PM
Me: I was willing to work with you. Now you fucked it up. 6:03 PM
Me: You needed to work with me on finding the girl Lee. 6:03 PM
Me: That was your chance. 6:04 PM
Me: Do you have any clue who I am NOW? 6:04 PM
Me: You had until 4 minutes ago to to answer. I tried to warn you. 6:05 PM
+19078417716: Work with me how? Point you to a girl I barely hurt? I hurt my sister worse or my mother or C*****, in reality

the harm I did emotionally was nothing compared to how I treated C***** I was a monster to her, unkind, unloving of her
soul. 6:05 PM
Me: But no just like always it is all about you. And your fantasy world you live in. 6:06 PM
Me: C***** moved on. She is married now. Not N****** anymore 6:06 PM
Me: S****** is another issue you could of resolved and the kids. They loved you . 6:07 PM
+19078417716: I don't know the address of the girl or her name, I might be able to find her house if I was in Oklahoma but I

wouldn't dear go near her. 6:07 PM

Me: You think G***** wants to relive all this shit. 6:08 PM
Me: You know who she is Lee. Stop fucking around. 6:09 PM

+19078417716: I real don't, I like to be honest 6:09 PM

Me: You know who your friend was at WalMart. And you know a lot more than you are telling me. 6:09 PM
Me: Bull shit Lee. You are lying. 6:10 PM
Me: Lee do you not realize that this whole thing could have been resolved? Like today! 6:11 PM
+19078417716: I'm thinking you just want to be mean to me. 6:11 PM
Me: No I do not. 6:12 PM
Me: If that was the case I would have a lot sooner then this. I am extremely disappointed. 6:12 PM
Me: You know more then you are telling. I know it, you know it. 6:13 PM
+19078417716: Why does it matter? Where the little girl is? It doesn't make sense why you ask what your asking. 6:14 PM
+19078417716: She was unharmed by me!! 6:14 PM
Me: You had a chance to do all the wonderful bull shit you talk about. But all that crap you write is just BULL SHIT and


Me: If she was unharmed then you have nothing to fucking worry about LEE! DAMNIT DON'T You understand? 6:15 PM
Me: All you had to do was help them find her to VERIFY IT WAS ALL YOU HAD TO DO! 6:16 PM
+19078417716: Your not making sence to me, it like your trying to pull out a confession from me then what I really did. 6:16

Me: You said so much shit on Facebook that they needed to check this out. 6:16 PM
Me: Everyone read the confession. That is NOT what we are talking about now 6:17 PM
+19078417716: My words match my actions, and I like to confess or express when I realize I told a lie. 6:18 PM
Me: I really tried. Lee. I really did. I tried to get you to do the right thing. 6:18 PM
Me: Well you lied about not knowing who the girl is. I know it, and YOU KNOW IT 6:18 PM
+19078417716: I know more details about the family but I'm not going to tell you because I feel you want to use my words

against me to lock me up or be mean to me 6:19 PM

+19078417716: No I real didn't know the girl 6:20 PM
Me: You won't need to tell me the details. Probably to late for that now 6:21 PM
+19078417716: In fact I can't remember any of the family names just race and what we did together. 6:21 PM
Me: Lee, you know who the mother is. You know your friend. 6:21 PM
+19078417716: Your a bad person!!# I knew the mother briefly like for a week or two. 6:22 PM
Me: Well you can tell that bull shit to them. 6:22 PM
Me: And no I am not a bad person. You are. You danced around the issue about the girl. All this could of been cleared up

TODAY! 6:23 PM
Me: So the mother just left YOU alone with her kid? NO WAY 6:24 PM
Me: You were not baby sitting Lee. 6:25 PM
+19078417716: Go away 6:25 PM
Me: Who was it Lee? They are asking one last time. 6:27 PM
Me: Think really hard Lee 6:27 PM
Me: Give them something. We don't need this Lee 6:29 PM
+19078417716: Your choice to believe me or not; I do not know the name of the girl, nor did I harm her physically, only

slightly emotionally. 6:29 PM

Me: You know the name of your friend. You know where they lived. You know more then you are telling. hang on they

want to say something, 6:30 PM

+19078417716: Your choice to believe me or not; I do not know the name of the girl, nor did I harm her physically, only

caused a slightly emotionally destrubance for her. 6:31 PM

+19078417716: Your bad!## you don't know my truth 6:31 PM
+19078417716: I'm being interogated by a bad cop!! Or person. 6:33 PM

Me: Well they are telling me that I am the only one who can type to you on this. So if you are not going to give them more

information I guess that is it. 6:34 PM

Me: No COPs are here Lee 6:35 PM
Me: That is what you do not understand. 6:35 PM
Me: This was your chance. To do something right before this got to far out of hand. 6:36 PM
Me: But now you want to play games and they don't play. You had until 30 or so minutes ago so they are wrapping things

up 6:37 PM
+19078417716: You don't tell the person your interrogating what they think or feel your attempting to lead the witness or

"and" your trying to make the person your speaking too, behave or speak in away that is untrue of them selves. 6:40 PM
Me: Mr. Schrimpf. The person you were talking to is no longer at this terminal. 6:42 PM

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