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Maricruz Estrada

Akinwumi, A. (2006). A New Kind of Entanglement? Immigrants, The American Dream and
the Politics of Belonging. Nigeria: Wiley Blackwell.
This book illustrates immigrants hope of chasing the American Dream, measured on the
basis of income, job opportunities, and education. Akinbola Akinwumi claims that exist
people who are very optimist about immigrants considering them vital to the proper
function of America and those who are pessimist and against them for different reasons.
In this book Akinwumi explains what does the American Dream means to immigrants,
summed up in a sentence: The desire to do well. This desire is not always succeeded by
immigrants, not all of them have the opportunity to own a home, a car, or send their
children to college. This book is an excellent source because it explains why immigrants
desire and fight for the American Dream. This book is informative and answers several
question I need to target in my paper. I will use it because it supports my argument of
immigrants are people hoping to make their dreams come true.
Delano, A. (2014). Introduction: The food business and the American dream: Gateway or
obstacle? Social Research: An International Quarterly, 81(2), 343-346. Retrieved from

Alexandra Delano addresses the issue of the rights of immigrant workers. Delano stresses
the important role immigrant workers face in the food service industry. To illustrate this,
she gives insight as to the need for support of immigrant workers by establishing
programs that would benefit and improve work, education, housing conditions not only

Maricruz Estrada
for workers but also for their families. This article shares with us a reflection about our
relation to food and the conditions for those who make food, for example facing
segregation or exploitation at the workplace. Delano makes a consideration of how food
industry connects to peoples lifestyle by cooking, referring to the article, it gives us an
idea of someone elses life and aspirations. This article seems relevant to my paper
because it benefits my agreement for the need to support of immigrant workers.

Fausch, T. (2010). Sharing the American dream with illegal immigrant. Roofing Contractor
Magazine. Retrieved from

In this magazine article, Fausch addresses the American Dream as immigrants hope of
send few dollars back to their families. Most immigrants decide to trust smugglers to
sneak them across the border because doing the right thing, apply for a visa, sometimes is
more difficult for immigrants. Qualifying for a visa can take years or decades. Fauschs
article accept and agrees that U.S. citizens do need immigrants, because sometimes U.S.
citizens are not capable or interested in doing some of the hardest jobs in todays society,
especially jobs for low wages. Tim Fausch points out that people should put themselves
in immigrants shoes and understand they are just trying to gain entry into the United
States in order to seek work. He concludes this article by proposing some options to
allow entry to immigrants for example develop programs that allows illegal workers to
stay in the U.S. and fulfill their dreams. All this information will be very useful to my
paper when I demonstrate that U.S. citizens do need immigrants.

Maricruz Estrada

Griswold, D. (2012). Is immigration good for America? Cato Journal, 32(1), 1-4. Retrieved from
Griswolds article gives insight to the different ways immigrants add to the productivity
growth of the United States. He states immigrants help for the United States, exist
numerous studies that have confirmed immigrants boost the productive capacity of the
United States through their work, innovation and entrepreneurial risk taking. He also
points out that immigrants do bring great things for example, immigrant workers make
capital more productive, boosting investment, and government tax receipts. Griswold
argues about why restrict immigration, and concludes that there are more human
solutions that restricting immigration. Immigration is a subject that provokes different
opinions and reactions in people. The article is relevant to my paper because Im going to
establish that immigrants do bring great things to the United States.

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