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Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning

Gas or Movie? Can I Afford It?

Sixth Grade Sixth Grade
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Project Idea:

Entry Event:

Standards &

21st Century
Information and

Thinking and

Gas or Movie? Can I Afford It?

Students will compare gas prices from the five different geographic regions of the United States along
with local gas prices. Through a group multi-media presentation and an individual essay, students will
show how gas prices vary from state to state and how the prices ultimately make a difference in how
people spend their money accordingly.
Over the next few weeks you are going to become news reporters for a local News Station. Your cover
story is how gas prices affect 11 and 12 year olds. You will need to research information thoroughly to
report your findings through a group multi-media presentation and an individual essay. To kick off the
event, a newscaster will be brought in from a local television station to explain how reporters do
investigations to cover a story. A local gas station owner or manager will be invited to be a guest speaker
to help kick off the event, as well. Their presentations will include facts and information about gas,
where it comes from, the prices, and how it affects people with the everyday economy.
Objectives Directly Taught or
Learned Through Discovery

Identified Learning Target

Evidence of Success in
Achieving Identified Learning

Evaluate connections (e.g.,
cause/effect, order) among the facts,
ideas, events and concepts of literary
and informational texts to self, to
other texts and to the world.

Students will use comprehension

strategies to draw conclusions and
interpret information about everyday
gas prices and how it affects the

Students will show their

understanding by evaluating
information which is relevant to their
topic through the use of a Research
Log Checklist.

Students will understand how the

cost of gas prices affects their lives.

Through teacher team meetings,

students report through writing an
essay and prove their knowledge of
relevant information.

Increase the amount of independent
reading to comprehend, analyze and
evaluate literary text and
informational text.

Students will use a variety of books

and internet resources to collect

Through the creation of the

multi-media presentation and essay

Create and present an
age-appropriate media product that
demonstrates format, purpose, and

Students will use various technology Group Multi-Media Presentation

tools to create a presentation.
Rubric- Students will use their
strengths to show their mode of
learning through written, visual,
auditory, and technical components
during their group multi-media

Learning Skills &

Teaching Strategies Culminating
Technology Tools
21C.O.5-8.1.LS2 - Student
Students will use the internet to create a
interprets abstract visuals and chart
creates products (e.g. digital
storytelling) that reflect a
growing understanding of
visual language and require
the effective use of tools (e.g.
cropped photos, original
charts and graphs,
well-chosen images from
databases, video clips).

21C.O.5-8.2.LS2 - Student

Students will analyze what they have

Evidence of Success
Chart (showing at least 5 pictures) of
how people are affected which will be
used in their presentations
Cite the source

Journal Writing

Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning

Gas or Movie? Can I Afford It?
Sixth Grade Sixth Grade
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Thinking and
21C.O.5-8.2.LS2 - Student
Reasoning Skills: draws conclusions from a
variety of data sources to
analyze and interpret

Students will analyze what they have

read on-line and their findings

Personal and
21C.O.5-8.3.LS1 - Student
Workplace Skills: manages emotions and
behaviors, engages in
collaborative work
assignments requiring
compromise, and
demonstrates flexibility by
assuming different roles and
responsibilities within various
team structures.

Students will work collaboratively with Collaboration Rubric - Students will

have the opportunity to use their
strengths in collaboration efforts to
display physical attributes, oral/verbal
skills, organization and structure, and
technology skills.


Driving Question:
Assessment Plan:

Individual essays using the WV

Writing Rubric

How to research
How to cite sources of relevant information
How to cut and paste from the Internet
How to generate questions that will lead to obtaining the information that is relevant
How to plan, create, and present a multi-media project
Complete research
Take notes of relevant information and cite sources
Write an essay
Generate questions they need to answer
Save pictures from the Internet and insert them into documents
Plan, create, and present an age-appropriate media project with your group
Evaluate presentations of peers
Self-assess your work on the project
How do gas prices affect what you do every day?
Major Group Products
Major Individual Projects

Assessment and

Journal Writing

Rubric(s) I Will Use:

Other Classroom Assessments

For Learning:

Multi-Media Presentation
Student Essay
Collaboration Rubric
Critical Thinking & Problem

Content Knowledge
Presentation Rubric

Oral Communication



Practice Presentations


Self- Assessment

X Notes

Peer Evaluation
Collaboration Rubric

X Checklists/Observations
Research Log Checklist

Online Tests and Exams


X Written Communication
WV Writing Rubric Grade 6


Concept Maps
X Focus Group
Task Management Chart

Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning

Gas or Movie? Can I Afford It?
Sixth Grade Sixth Grade
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Journal Writing/Learning Log

X Other

Map The Product: Product: Multi-Media Presentation

Knowledge and Skills Needed

Already Have

1. Research skills

During the

2. Skills to take notes

3. Compiling a bibliography

4. Skills to collaborate with others

5. Skills to plan, create, and present a multimedia


6. Knowledge of a variety of age-appropriate media products.


Before the

School-based Individuals:
Reading/Language Arts Teacher
Technology Integrationist Specialist
ELMO Projector or other document camera
Some websites students might use with the project include: gas/petroleum/data publications
Owner of local gas station
Newscaster from local television station

Manage the

Chart paper
Research materials
Students will be grouped heterogeneously for investigating information in five geographic regions of the
US . The teacher will continually make observations throughout the project to see if students are staying
on task and then can differentiate in any learning tasks that students may be experiencing difficulty. The
teacher and students will collaboratively complete a Research Log Checklist as an informal assessment.
The students will conduct a Survey with students, as well as, adults to find out how they prioritize the daily
things they spend their money on. The results of the Survey will allow the students to better understand
what is important to the average teenager. The teacher will utilize a daily journal to assess the group
project and meet with the team leader from each of the five groups to check the progress. The journal will
be kept similar to that of a diary. Members of the teaching staff, as well as, selected community members
will evaluate the final multimedia group presentations utilizing the Presentation Rubric provided.
Grouping: Students will be grouped based on the strengths and weaknesses of each individual
Teacher will group students. Contact local news station to set up presentation (video to share with other
classes). Contact local gas station owner or manager to set up presentation (video to share with
other classes)

Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning

Gas or Movie? Can I Afford It?
Sixth Grade Sixth Grade
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Deliver Entry Event
Student activities (note-taking from presentations, question-answer session)
Teacher will select group leaders based on leadership qualities.
Students will meet in their groups to assign group tasks.
Step 1:
Students begin individual research.
Complete daily journal, outlining what they have discovered including daily gas prices from their assigned
Step 2:
Students will conduct surveys with selected students and adults.
Step 3:
Students will begin the prewriting process and continue to work on a rough draft of their essay.
Step 4:
Students will complete peer review of the rough draft within their groups.
Step 5:
Students will begin putting together pieces of their multi-media presentation. Students will
work collaboratively to decide what individual components of their research will be used in the
group presentation.
Step 6:
Students need to practice their multimedia presentation as a group. Students will complete their final draft
of the essay.
Step 7:
Students will complete their final multi-media presentation.
Step 8:
Audience (members of the school staff and selected community members) will evaluate the final
multimedia presentation through the use of a Presentation Rubric provided.
Step 9:
Students will complete their final journal entries. Final project review.
Project Evaluation: Students will work on the Self Assessment Rubric and the Collaboration Rubric. Students will use
journals throughout the project activity to record daily information. This information can be delivered
through KWL charts, exit slips, journal prompts, or other teacher-created ideas. Teachers will assess the
project through observation, reviewing daily journal entries, personal communication with students, team
meetings, project rubrics, and a final class discussion at the completion of the project.
Resource Files
Resource Files

Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning

Gas or Movie? Can I Afford It?
Sixth Grade Sixth Grade
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