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A cultural and intellectual of the Renaissance that emphasized human potential to attain

excellence and promoted direct study of the literature, art, and civilization of classical
Greece and Rome.
In terms of characteristics that Renaissance humanist embody; they celebrate life, are
independent thinkers, have been educated, they seek fame, reason over faith, and strives
to be a Renaissance man.

Johannes Gutenberg was born 1395 in Mainz, Germany. He worked as an inventor and
printer which would later on have a major impact on communication and learning
worldwide. In 1428 a craftsman revolt erupted against the noble class causing
Gutenbergs family to be exiled and settle down in France. This is where his experiments
with printing began. He perfected small metal type. His innovation was developing a
casting system and metal alloys which made production easier. Gutenbergs masterpiece,
and the first book ever printed in Europe is the Forty-Two-Line Bible. Gutenberg died
in Mainz in 1468.

The printing press was the most important invention of the Renaissance.
Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press.
The printing press was invented between 1440 and 1450.
The printing press was based on existing screw presses.
The printing press made the Forty-Two-Line Bible one of the great and first ever books

printed in Europe.
The printing press impact on society was that it spread ideas like religion,
government, politics, education, literacy, science, philosophy and language. .
There are many prestige Renaissance artists such as Michangelo, Raphael, Donatello,
Giovanni Bellini and Leonardo Da Vinci.

Characteristics of the Renaissance can be; Individualism, secularism, classicism, nature,

anatomy, realism, symmetry, depth, blue black ground and linear perspective.
The Protestant Reformation was the 16th century religious, political, intellectual and
cultural upheaval that splintered Catholic Europe, setting in place the structures and
beliefs that would define the continent in the modern era. The Renaissance influenced the
Reformation, because it was a time when the Catholic Church was scrutinized.
Translations of the Bible were discussed and some written, this is truly one of the forces
behind the reformation. The Reformation was a time when the Catholic Church was
questioned for constantly interceding between people and God, and reformers worked to
create ways in which people would feel a direct connection to God.
Protestant Reformers, especially Anabaptists and Calvinists, would make a significant
contribution to the growth of religious freedom. Free Church Anabaptists, like the Swiss
Brethren and the Mennonites, opposed all coercion in matters of religion, implying a
radical separation of church and state. Emphasis on both new and ancient languages, as
well as the recovery of classical and early Christian sources. Some were indifferent to
social affairs, while others favored existing patterns of status or supported the growth
trend toward political absolutism.
The Renaissance occurred in England during a time period from 1550-1660. During the

Renaissance, England was under the Tudor Dynasty, This included Henry VIII, Edward
VI, Bloody Mary and Elizabeth I.

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