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Angel McHugh

Journal #2
Of all the wonderful individuals I encountered on my trip to New
Orleans with the Alternative Spring Break program I will miss and
remember my dear friend Lewis. Though I only knew him for the
duration of the trip I felt he was a like-minded person whom I
could see as a lasting friend. Lewis is South Korean, who like
many is here in the United States attending college, in my time
talking with Lewis I learned a lot about bridging the gap between
cultures. Often Lewis doubted his language skills and feared
embarrassment of misunderstanding when he spoke, he would
ask me many questions in his continuous battle against the
contradictories of the English language. As an international
business major here Lewis was my first real interaction across
cultural and language barriers, I learned with the experience of
Lewis about my approach to an issue I will face often in my
professional career, and for that I am thank him.

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