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2 KAMERON GRIER + Vy, *"@) a WORK SAMPLE rade: ENGLISH 4 foe ce EVALUATE AND EXPLAIN ANSWERS ‘nit; — Course: +{ 1. Ithink another reason he lets the children stay is because he doesn't want them to think he is ashamed of what he is doing. He has let them watch on previqus ‘occasions without objecting, so if he doesn't let them watch this time, he may feel that it sends the wrong message. He has always been honest with them, and he has taught them that the world és not always fair or just. He has unorthodox parenting methods, and this is just another lesson that he teaches them. He wants them to see that he did his best to defend Tom Robinson, knowing that he was beat before he began, but he didn't give up because it was the right thing to do. + 2. | think the attendance of children at trials, particularly trials addressing adult situations depends upon the children, their maturity, and their relationship ta the case at hand, No two cases are ever alike.... children might be too closely involved...... children might not be mature enough to handle the subject matter. ‘These decisions should be weighed carefully and decided by the children's guardians. | personally, would not allaw my children to witness a trial where either of these situations was in question i wauaesswvencatessontt-sisves Eng Lessow I A]. & wera Gitstrips) a (a (Pete omer SIT _rogcone _ Humor _News/Poltics Pop Culture (Gese (cock tse) aie ol BY KANERON GRIER VISUAL ESSAY ENG. LESSON TI ‘Create comic Character Uda Your My Stuff inbox: Strips Characters Friends Find some \ ae) eel oo as tweet like share flag groan laugh kudos favorite edit. merch ©10°@°@° Tee extn TA eto, ne cree Wo meal ceunnacer © Amey errs Pree ny Print this Bitstrip Linnissschanidhind ae 10 2% tpt isrps com/userO6NLHSirend phePoomic_d-RCMLVEaubecton=t

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