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Ms de 150 preguntas frecuentes en ingls y espaol

Ya que a veces surgen dudas sobre cmo hacer una determinada

pregunta en ingls, he pensado que sera til que pudiesis contar con una lista de
preguntas frecuentes en ambos idiomas.
Pongo un ejemplo de una duda muy comn respecto de las preguntas.
-Cmo es ella?
Se dice "What is she like?" o "How is she??
Se dice: What is she like?
-How is she? significa "Cmo est ella?"
Lo vis? Hay que saber que hay una diferencia y que no siempre es igual

Ms de 150 preguntas frecuentes en espaol e ingls



1.Cmo te llamas?

Whats your name

2. Cul es tu apellido?

What is your last name? (Amer)

What is your surname? (Brit.)

3. De dnde eres?

Where are you from?

4. Cul es su estado civil? (formal)

What is your marital status?

5. Ests casado/a?

Are you married?

6. Ests saliendo con alguien?

Are you dating someone?

7. Ests comprometido (para casarse)?

Are you engaged?

8. Tienes hijos?

Do you have any children?

9. Tienes hermanos?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

10. Cuntos hermanos tienes?

How many brothers and sisters do you


11. Estudias o trabajas?

Do you study or work?

12.Ests en el paro?

Are you unemployed?

Are you on the dole? (UK)

13.Tienes una familia grande o pequea?

Do you have a big or small family?

14. Dnde vives?

Where do you live?

15. Dnde naciste?

Where were you born?

16. Cundo naciste?

When were you born?

17. Cul es tu nacionalidad?

What is your nationality?

18. Cundo es tu cumpleaos?

When is your birthday?

19. Cul es su fecha de nacimiento?

What is your date of birth?

20. Cunto aos tienes?

How old are you?

21. Es mayor de edad?

Has he/she come of age?

22. Eres mayor de edad?

Are you of legal age?

Have you come of age?

23. Cul es tu direccin?

What is your address?

24. Cul es tu telfono?

What is your telephone number?

25. Dnde estudias?

Where do you study?

26. Qu estudias?

What do you study?

27. En qu curso ests?

What course are you in?

28. Cunto te falta para acabar la carrera?

How long (will be) before you graduate?

29. Dnde estudiaste?

Where did you study?

30. Qu estudiaste?

What did you study?

31. Por qu estudias ingls?

Why do you study English?

32. Qu te gustara estudiar?

What would you like to study?

33. Qu carrera hiciste?

What is your degree?

34. Quin falta? (en una clase, reunin)

Who is missing?

35.Qu falta? Una cosa

What is missing?

36. Cmo se llama ella?

What is her name?

37. Qu te gustara hacer?

What would you like to do?

38. Dnde vas de vacaciones?

Where do you go on holiday (Brit)? vacation


39. Cul es tu comida favorita?

What is your favourite food?

40. A qu te dedicas?

What do you do?

41. Cmo ests?

How are you? How are you doing?

42.Qu tal en tu nuevo trabajo?

How are you getting on with your new job?

43.Qu te parece tu nuevo jefe?

How do you like your new boss?

44.Cmo te sientes?

How do you feel?

45.Qu tal tu familia/amigo/marido/mujer?

How is your family /friend/husband/wife/


46. Qu tal tiempo hace hoy?

How is the weather today?

47. Cmo es el tiempo en xxx? (clima)

What is the weather like in xxx?

48. Qu tal es? Una cosa, una experiencia

What is it like?

49. Qu aspecto tiene? Una persona

What does he/she look like?

50. Es bonita/atractiva/guapa?

Is she pretty/attractive/good looking?

51.Es l guapo?

Is he handsome/good looking?

52.Es feo/a?

Is he/she ugly?

53.Cmo es l/ella? Forma de ser

What is he/she like?

54.Qu aspecto tiene ella/l hoy? Cansado/a,


How does he/ she look today?

55. Es alto/a?

Is he/she tall?

56. Cunto mides? (altura)

How tall are you?

57. Cunto pesas?

How much do you weight?

58. De qu color es?

What color/colour (Brit) is it?

59. Cul es tu signo del zodiaco?

What is your zodiac sign?

60. Cunta gente hay?

How many people are there?

61. Cunta gente haba?

How many people were there?

62. Estaba lleno (de gente)? Un local

Was it crowded?

63. Estaba lleno? Un recipiente

Was it full?

64. Qu distancia hay?

How far is it?

65. Cunto se tarda?

How long does it take?

66. Cunto tardas t?

How long does it take you?

67. Cunto dura la pelcula/el show/el

vuelo/el viaje/?

How long does the film/movie/show/the

flight/the trip last?

68. De qu va la pelcula/libro?

What is the film/movie/book about?

69. Por cunto tiempo?

For how long?

70. Cunto cuesta?

How much does it cost?

71.Cunto te cost?

How much did it cost?

72.Cunto gastaste?

How much did you spend?

73. Cmo funciona?

How does it work?

74.Por qu no funciona?

Why doesnt it work?

75.Est roto?

Is it broken?

76.Se ha averiado?

Did it break down?

77. Qu es eso?

Whats that?

78.Cmo es eso? ( de qu est compuesto)

What is that like?

79. Qu hora es?

What time is it?

80. Me puede decir la hora por favor?

Could you please tell me what time it is?

81. De qu tamao es?

How big is it? What size is it?

82. En qu le puedo ayudar?

How can I help you?

83. Cmo puedo pagarlo?

How can I pay it?

84. Se puede pagar con tarjeta de crdito?

Can I pay by credit card?

85. Cundo llegaremos?

When will we arrive?

86. A qu hora llega el avin/tren/autobs?

What time does the plane/train/bus arrive?

87. Cundo llegas t?

When will you arrive?

88. A qu hora llegas a casa?

What time do you arrive home?

89. A qu hora empieza la pelcula?

What time does the film/movie start?

90. Tienes hambre?

Are you hungry?

91. Ests enfadado?

Are you angry?

92. Por qu ests enfadado?

Why are you angry?

93. Ests cansado/a?

Are you tired?

94. Qu te gustara comer?

What would you like to eat?

95. A qu hora abren?

What time do they open?

96. A qu hora cierran?

What time do they close?

97. Cul es el horario? Centro comercial

What are the opening hours?

98. Cul es tu horario?

What is your schedule?

99. Cul es el horario de xxx? Trenes,

aviones, autobuses, espectculos,

What is the timetable?

100. Cabe? (una cosa en otra)

Does it fit?

101. Se rompe?

Does it brake?

102. Cundo empez? Una actividad

When did it start?

103. Cundo empez? Una persona a hacer


When did he/she start?

104. Cundo termin? Una cosa, actividad

When was it over? When did it finish?

105. Cundo termin? Una persona de hacer


When did he/she finish?

106. Termin? Una cosa, actividad

Did it end?

107. Termin l/ella?

Did he/she finish?

108. Cmo se llama ese lugar?

What is that place call? NO how.

109. De qu lo/la conoces a l/ella?

Where do you know her/him from?

110.Dnde lo/la conociste? Por primera vez

Where did you meet him/her?

111. Qu dices? Literalmente y sugerencia

What are you saying? What do you think?

112. Qu dijiste?

What did you say?

113. Qu tal si cenamos fuera esta noche?


What/How about going out for dinner this


114. Y los nios qu? (Cuando te olvidas de

mencionar algo)

What about the children?

115. Qu opinas de esto?

What is your opinin about/on this?

116. Qu piensas de?

What do you think about?

117. Qu piensas hacer este fin de semana?

What are you planning to do this weekend?

118. Est l/ella enfermo/a?

Is he/she sick? Amer.

Is he/she ill? Brit.

119. Se ha recuperado de la enfermedad?

Has he/she recovered from his


120. Puedes repetir la pregunta?

Can you repeat the question?

121. Cmo te gusta llevar el pelo? Corto,

largo, rubio..

How do you like your hair? Short, long,


122.Cmo lo conseguiste? Una cosa,

comprar, adquirir

How did you get it?

123.Cmo lo hiciste?

How did you make it?

124.Con qu frecuencia vas a casa?

How often do you go home?

125.Por qu no me llamas?

Why dont you call me?

126.Por qu no vamos al cine?

Why dont we go to the cinema?

127.Qu ponen en la tele hoy?

What's on TV today?

128.Por dnde paras? Coloquial salir por la

ciudad a tomar algo, divertirse

Where do you hang out?

129.Con quin vas?

Who do you go with?

130.A dnde vas?

Where are you going?

131.Por qu no vienes conmigo?

Why dont you come with me?

132.Por qu no vienes con nosotros?

Why dont you come with us?

133.Por qu no hacemos algo?

Why dont we do something?

134.Qu te gusta ms? De varias cosas

What do you like better?

135.Quin te gusta ms?

Who do you like better?

136.Con quin vas?

Who do you go with?

137.A quin llamas?

Who are you calling?

138.Con quin te gustara salir?

Who would you like to go out with?

139.Dnde te gustara ir?

Where would you like to go?

140.Quin es el ms listo?

Who is the smartest?

141.Quin dijo eso?

Who said that?

142.Por qu dijiste eso?

Why did you say that?

143.Cunto tiempo llevas viviendo en


How long have you been living in London?

144. Cunto tiempo has estado estudiando


How long have you been studying art?

145.Qu ponen en la tele hoy?

Whats on tv today?

146.Dnde estabas?

Where were you?

147.Qu hiciste?

What did you do?

148.Te lo pasaste bien?

Did you have a good time?

149.Tienes coche?

Do you have a car?

Have you got a car?

150.Tienes dinero?

Do you have (any)

Have you got any money?

151.Tienes tiempo?

Do you have (any) time?

152.Tienes amigos?

Do you have any friends?

153.Cmo vas al trabajo? (medio de


How do you get to work?

154.Sabes conducir?

Do you know how to drive?

Can you drive?

155. Sabes montar a caballo?

Do you know how to ride a horse?

156.Cmo es tu trabajo? (En qu consiste?

What is your job like?

157.A qu hora es la reunin?

What time is the meeting?

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