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Theory Application Of The Health Promotion Model

NURS 306- Theoretical Foundations Of Professional Nursing Practice

The purpose of this assignment is designed to allow the student an opportunity to
complete an in-depth analysis of a nursing theory/model.
Approach to Assignment:
The Health Promotion Model developed by Nola Pender is one of the most utilized
theories in the nursing profession. My intentions regarding this assignment were to
analyze why the Health Promotion Model (HPM) was applicable to the healthcare field,
and how I could incorporate it as a theoretical framework into my current nursing
practice. This assignment allowed me to explore a theory, which has made a significant
contribution to the nursing profession in the form of developing health policy, nursing
education, research, and health education.
Reason for Inclusion:
Nurses should be knowledgeable in regards to the theoretical foundation upon which
nursing practice is based. This knowledge allows nurses to effectively provide the
appropriate nursing interventions based upon suitable nursing theories and models. The
HPM has been a template for many areas in the healthcare field. I was able to show how
the use of the HPM as my framework could engage patients at risk for cardiovascular
disease in health promoting behaviors and lower their risk significantly. This theory is
applicable to my nursing philosophy of patients taking an active role in pursuing healthy
Curricular outcomes

Critical Thinking:

Uses nursing and other appropriate theories and models to guide professional

I chose the HPM as a theoretical framework to demonstrate how health promotion could
provide a significant impact to at risk individuals for cardiac disease. Variables were
examined to discover what resources should be utilized to implement health education
and increase compliance of health promoting behaviors.
Nursing Practice

Demonstrates an awareness of complementary modalities and their usefulness in

promoting health

Two articles discussing the use of the HPM as their theoretical framework for research
on health behaviors were examined and discussed in my paper. Each research study was
able to demonstrate the increased likelihood of healthy behavior being performed by
participants when the HPM variables were a factor. One article discussed the significant
correlation found between interpersonal modeling, perceived self-efficacy, and parents
promoting healthy oral behavior among their teenagers. The second article
demonstrated that perceived health status, self-efficacy, and social support were
significant factors in health promoting behaviors among military spouses.

Accesses and utilizes data and information from a wide range of sources to
enhance patient and professional communication

Research data regarding cardiac health issues were obtained from sources such as the
World Health Organization to be utilized in the development of patient education
material. The Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile instrument was chosen to assess
patients habits, influences, self-efficacy, barriers, and commitment to a plan of action.
The results from this questionnaire would be used to develop a plan that would increase
the likelihood of a patient engaging in the health promoting behaviors.

Applies research based knowledge from the arts, humanities and sciences to
complement nursing practice

Two research studies were examined to demonstrate how different healthcare

professionals and different populations could utilize the HPM. A multidisciplinary team
of scholars in the areas of health behavior and education, a dentist, and an oral health
care provider performed a study that focused on oral health behaviors among teenagers
and utilized the HPM as their framework. The second study I reviewed focused on
factors that could promote a healthier lifestyle to spouses of military personnel, by
utilizing the HPM as a framework. The two studies were effective in showing how a
nursing theoretical framework is applicable to other healthcare professionals and various
populations in health promoting behaviors.

Demonstrates accountability for ones own professional practice

The HPM theory provided insight into how it could be used as a framework to
collaborate with my patients in achieving their health goals by promoting healthy
behaviors. As a nurse my goal for my patients is to decrease the incidence of chronic

diseases, multiple hospitalizations and premature morbidity. To accomplish this goal, I

would need to evaluate how effective I was as a nurse in implementing the health
education material.

Integrates knowledge of cultural diversity in performing nursing interventions

I was able to show that the HPM model could be used in a variety of populations. One
of the articles discussed a research study that was conducted in Iran. The second article
focused on military spouses. The military has a culture unique to itself, which
contributes to developing nursing interventions that would be more effective for military

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