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Peter Uy
Depression is the most common mental health problem in the United States. Each year it
affects 17 million people of all ages, races, and economic backgrounds (Lyness, Understanding
Depression). Depression can really negatively affect someone behavior, the way they act and
the way they feel. Studies have shown that depression takes more lives than aids, diabetes and
cancer combined. So I think it is safe to say that depression is a very serious topic and more
people should be inform about it because it can affect anyone.
Depression is a medical illness that negatively affects someone emotions, the way they
act and how they feel. It is a feeling of severe despondency and dejection. Depression does not
only affect the person who has it but the people around them like family and friends. In fact,
Families for Depression Awareness suggest that living with someone who is depressed makes
individuals more susceptible to becoming depressed themselves (Aufiero). So if it is left
untreated it can devastating and negatively affect the lives of many people.
There are many different types of depression. But the seven most common depression
that people have are major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, bipolar disorder, postpartum
depression, seasonal affective disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder and atypical depression
(Schimelpfening, Top 7). Major depressive disorder is when a person has a lack of interest in
the activities that they used to be interested in. In severe cases there can be thoughts of death and
suicide. Dysthymic disorder is a mild to moderate type of depression. People who have this type
of depression usually experience little to no joy in their lives and cant even remember a time

when they were happy. Most of the time they feel gloomy. People with bipolar disorder dont
always go through depression. They have depression for a while then they have a period of better
than normal mood called mania. Mania can be sometimes mild or they can be so extreme that
they affect with a person daily life. Postpartum depression affects only women after giving birth.
During a women pregnancy their hormonal are shifted which can change an affect in mood. If
the depression is mild then it can be curse with treatment. But in cases where the child dies
during the pregnancy the mother can go into postpartum psychosis. The effects of postpartum
psychosis can be, extreme mood swings and hallucinations, and possibly need psychiatric
hospitalization (Brockington). Seasonal affective disorder is when a person is feeling depress
during the winter months but feel great during spring. Some of the effect of seasonal affective
disorder are weight gain, sleepiness and having the craving for carbohydrates. Premenstrual
dysphoric disorder only happens in females. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder happens before
menstruation and can cause a female to have severe depression, irritability and tension. Studies
have shown that, the symptoms of PMDD are more severe than those seen with premenstrual
syndrome (PMS) (White). Atypical depression is a type of depression that changes with the
events that happen in a person life. So if something positive happens your mood can brighten as
a response to that.
The causes of depression is still a mystery but are thought to be multi-factorial. Studies
have shown that, depression is, at least in part, an inherited condition involving abnormalities in
neurotransmitter functioning (Schimelpfening, 9 Common). An imbalance of
neurotransmitters can affect a person mood which can cause depression. Because females go
through more hormones fluctuation then men that is why women suffer twice as much as men
from major depression (Lyness, Why Do People). Deficiencies of vitamin and mineral can

also be a cause of depression. Not supplying a body with enough nutrition can increased the rate
of depression. Everyday stress plays a big role with having depression. There are two different
types of stress having to do with depression, which or chronic stress and acute stress. Chronic
stress is the stress someone gain from taking care of a parent with Alzheimers. Acute stress is
the stress that follow losing a job or the death of someone close. Both of these stresses can lead
over work the bodys stress-response mechanism. Some prescription drugs also have been known
to cause symptoms of depression.
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that approximately 14.8
million Americans suffer from a major depressive disorder (Spriggs). Depression usually occurs
during a person 20s or 30s, but can happen at any age. The risk factor of someone with a family
history of depressive disorders causes the probability of that person developing depression
higher. Such things as a serious loss, trauma, a difficult relationship, or financial problems can
cause a person to trigger a depressive episode. People who are isolated and dont have that many
interaction with other people have a higher rate for getting depression. Age doesnt really matter
while dealing with depression because a person at any age can experience depression but elderly
people have a higher risk for depression.
There are certain signs and symptoms that most people have who are suffering from
depression. These are the nine most common depression symptoms that people have who are
dealing with depression. They will have a depressed mood, decreased interest or pleasure,
weight changes, sleep disturbances, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue, feelings of
worthlessness or guilt, brain fog and thoughts of death (Schimelpfening, 9 Signs). People
who are in a depressed mood report feeling sad or empty inside. The activities or things that
they use to love to do, they find no happiness or interest in doing these activities anymore.

During depression some go through weight changes because they have the desire to eat. Some
people go through insomnia or sleeping too much during their depress state. They would be more
agitated and restless toward thing they wouldnt have been before. Feeling lazy or slow is a
common affect during this state. Some even feel worthlessness and thing they dont have any
value in life. Or even feel guilty about things they have no control over. Brain fog is when a
person may have diminished ability to concentrate, thing or even make simple decisions. In
severe cases a depressed person may have thought of death or committing suicide. Although it
is often classed as mental illness, clinical depression often has as many physical symptoms as
mental. The feelings or emotions that are depression symptoms actually begin to cause the
physical effects (Elliott).
There is no definitive test for depression yet, so doctors have to rely on a patients
symptoms and observation to determine if they have depression. Doctor will use specialized
blood tests or other laboratory test to help them make a conclusive but most laboratory tests are
not that helpful when it comes to diagnosing depression. Most of the time taking with the
patient is the best way for a doctor to know if he/her is suffering from depression (Bethesda).
The four top depression treatments are medications, psychotherapy, electroconvulsive
therapy and vagus nerve stimulation. One of the most successful medication for dealing with
depression is an antidepressant. In the STAR*D study, which assessed the effectiveness of
depression treatment, about one-third of patients achieved complete remission of their symptoms
with the first antidepressant they were given (Schimelpfening, The Top 4). Another treatment
they might be easier for some is psychotherapy, which is basically talk therapy. It is when a
patient and psychotherapist sit in a room just taking to each other. But it is not just casual
chatting, the psychotherapists are trained in techniques which can help the patient with their

mental illness, behavior issues or personal growth. The combination of psychotherapy and
medication is consider to be the most effective treatment for someone dealing with depression
(Saisan). Electroconvulsive therapy is another type of treatment for someone who is suffering
from depression. It involves applying a short pulse of electricity to the scalp which results the
patient to have a seizure. This type of treatment only is use if other treatments fail. Lastly there is
vagus nerve stimulation where a device is implanted to provide periodic stimulation to the vagus
nerve. But before someone try any of these they should consult a doctor or professional on this
Ultimately, depression is a very serious illness that many people go through. It is a very
complex and not fully understood illness that should not be taken lightly. Depression is a mental
illness that also affect a person physically and can affect anyone regardless of sex, race, or
ethnicity. If depression is detected, treatment should be taken immediately. If depression goes
untreated, it may lead to psychotic episodes, severe damage to the brain and nervous system and
in severe case even death.

Works Cited
Aufiero, Barbara. "Depression Effects on Others." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM,
27 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 Dec. 2015.
Brockington. "Postpartum Psychosis." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Sept. 2015. Web.
06 Dec. 2015.
Bethesda. "Information about Mental Illness and the Brain." Information about Mental Illness
and the Brain. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2007. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
Elliott, Mark Tyrrell And Roger. "The Depression Learning Path." (n.d.): n. pag. 2013. Web. 06
Dec. 2015.
Lyness, Arcy. "Understanding Depression." <i>KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about
Children's Health</i>. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Mar. 2015. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
Lyness, Arcy. "Why Do People Get Depressed?" KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about
Children's Health. The Nemours Foundation, 01 July 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
Saisan, Joanna. "Depression Treatment." : Therapy, Medication, and Lifestyle Changes That Can
Help Depression. N.p., Sept. 2015. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
Schimelpfening, Nancy. "Top 7 Most Common Types of Depression." Health. N.p.,
26 Sept. 2013. Web. 15 Dec. 2015.
Schimelpfening, Nancy. "9 Common Causes of Depression." Health. N.p., 11 Sept.
2015. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.
Schimelpfening, Nancy. "9 Signs You May Be Depressed." <i> Health</i>. N.p.,
Feb.-Mar. 2015. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.

Schimelpfening, Nancy. "The Top 4 Depression Treatments." Health. N.p., 24 Mar.
2015. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
Spriggs, Brenda B. "Risk Factors for Depression ." Healthline. N.p., 24 June 2014. Web. 07 Dec.
White, Cynthia D. "Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." U.S
National Library of Medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 16 Nov. 2014. Web. 07
Dec. 2015.

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