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EDPG #3- Learning Environments

The competent, caring, professional educator works with others to create a variety of
environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourages positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

Rationale Statement for EDPG #3

For EDPG #3, I have chosen an artifact highlighting my procedures in the classroom. A
carefully run and organized classroom is essential to learning. Students should know from the
beginning of the school what I expect of them as students and how they should behave in my
classroom. Consequences are clearly noted. This artifact demonstrates my ability to create a
learning environment that supports all types of learning, self-regulation, and fosters the spirit of
collaboration and discussion.

a. How are students to signal that they want my attention and help? When students desire
my attention or need help, they will raise their hand until acknowledged. If I am helping another
student at the time, I will indicate by a nod or gesture that I will be with them in a moment.
b. How will I call on students during question and answer sessions? I will determine which
students to call on by those who are raising their hands, and then those who I feel would answer,
but not feel comfortable raising their hand. For those who are not comfortable with speaking in
class, I would only call on them when I felt they knew the answer and would not be embarrassed.
I would not call on students when I knew they did not know the answer in order to embarrass
them in front of the class.
I view discussion times differently than question and answer sessions. In English education,
many discussions will be held about various aspects of books, characters, plots, and settings.
During these discussions, students should feel able to voice their opinions freely, but with
ultimate respect for their peers opinion. At no time should a student disrespect the opinion of
another student. No student should interrupt another while speaking. To foster a conversation
environment, I would not require students to raise their hands; however, I would moderate all
discussions to keep us on track.
c. How and when are students to enter and exit the classroom? Students will enter and exit
the classroom quietly during the passing period. Upon entering, students will sit in their
assigned seats and take out their bell ringer sheet to begin working the activity on the board.
Students should then begin preparing for the days lesson, which will also be on the board.
Students who need to exit the classroom during class time must ask first for permission, then
sign out and take a pass.
d. How are students to obtain the materials for instruction? Students will obtain materials
from appropriately labeled cabinets and bins after being instructed to do so by the teacher. At
times, the teacher may choose a few students to hand out materials to avoid congestion in the
supply areas. If supplies needed are indicated on the board, students should gather those
materials as they enter the classroom.
e. How are students to store their personal items? Personal items should be stored in their
lockers. If personal items need to be brought to the classroom, they should be stored in a place
where they do not disrupt or hinder the flow of the classroom.
f. What are my procedures for students going to the drinking fountain or rest room? At the
beginning of each grading period, each student will have an allowance of restroom and drinking
fountain breaks (perhaps 3 for the grading period). After the three have been used, a log will be
entered. Students should utilize passing periods for rest room and drinking fountain breaks.

g. What are my procedures during class interruptions? My procedure to deal with class
interruptions is to deal with the issue swiftly, then immediately return to the lesson. Students
should remain quiet until the interruption has ended.
h. What are my procedures for tardiness or early dismissals? Students will be marked tardy
when they arrive after the bell has rung. They should enter the room quietly and sign in. If they
have a pass then it should be given directly to me. Early dismissals should exit the room quietly
after being officially dismissed by me. At no time should a student who is being dismissed early
leave without notifying me.
i. What are my procedures for turning in homework? Homework shall be turned into the
appropriately bin for the class period at the beginning of class. After the bell has rung, homework
will be gathered from these trays for grading. Anything turned in after collection is considered
j. What are my procedures for turning in late homework? Late homework should be brought
to the teacher and discussed, not simply put in the bin. The teacher will discuss with the student
the reasons for the work being late and any point deductions. Consideration will be made for
certain circumstances, but at no time will late work be accepted without explanation.
3. List of student behavior expectations that I will present to my class (no more than five).
Rule 1: Respect others when they are talking- be silent and LISTEN.
Rule 2: Be kind to one another.
Rule 3: Come prepared to learn.
Rule 4: Cooperate with procedures put forth by the teacher.
Rule 5: Be open to new ideas.
4. Explanation of consequences for broken rules: For the first incident of broken rules, the
student will be given a warning by the teacher at the time of the infraction. If the rule continues
to be broken, a second warning, this time apart from the class, will be given, with the
consequences explained for the next infraction. After these two warnings, if another infraction
occurs for the same rule, the student will be disciplined based off what the infraction entails.
This may constitute a referral to deans office or principal if appropriate. A corresponding
disciplinary action will be notated in my records and the schools if appropriate.
5. How my procedures, rules, or consequences may vary (if at all) according to the grade
level taught, or according to any other criteria, such as in team teaching: My procedures,
rules, and consequences may vary based on the context of the situation. There may be times
when I am more flexible regarding procedures depending on what we are attempting to achieve.
Additionally, depending on the rule broken, the consequence may be as simple as a warning, or a

referral to the office for further discipline, depending on the severity. Students in grades 6
through 8 should enter the classroom with a basic understanding of how to behave in a
classroom. It is expected to have a learning curve when it comes to adhering to a teachers rules
at the beginning of the school year, but the rules are expected to be known as the year progresses.
High school students should enter the classroom knowing the basic rules of a classroom and
adhere to them immediately upon entering.

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