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Rhea Varghese

Dr. Belinda Walzer

ENGW 3315

Globalization In The Business World

Business is everywhere, whether you are an engineer, a doctor or a banker, business

is the web that holds many different fields and interests together. Over the past decade, the thing
that has made this web even stronger and wider is globalization. Globalization is the integration
of global economies through the advancement of human innovation, technology and knowledge
to increase trade and competition worldwide and has become one of the hottest topics of
debate in many fields and especially in the world of business. The economic impact of creating
wider markets and easier trade has completely changed the way businesses operate and compete
within their industry. The effect of globalization and technology advancement began as early as
the 1980s, which disrupted every market sector from education to healthcare forcing higher
education institutes such as Northeastern University and large corporations such as GE, Nike,
Apple, Google to change the way they operate to shape a brighter and more successful future.

In order to define and truly understand the discourse community and their
conversations of the business academia and profession around globalization, this paper will
rhetorically analyze scholarly websites such as globalEDGE, departmental websites of institutes
like Northeastern university and also trade publications like Forbes in todays date.

To understand the academic discipline community we can use the Damore Mc-Kim
School of business as an example as it is one of the finest institutes in the region known for its
well-rounded undergraduate business administration education and cooperative education

program. Specifically speaking, the university in their recently published empower paper on
their website stated that with change as the only constant, our graduates must be flexible and
ready to lead showing their recognition of the importance of globalization and enabling it
through a wide range of interdisciplinary courses in the world of business and business
As a business management major at Northeastern, I am required to take business
core classes including international business, a science/technology class, an art/humanity course
and english courses which in itself has prepared me for a well-rounded global future where I am
equipped with the understanding of different fields and the latest technology advancements. Also
the student community itself consists of students from all over the world as such is a global
microcosm where we get to learn about different perspectives and responses to the same set of
issues based on everyones global experiences. I can also first hand say that each course in the
business school has a lot of examples and case studies that encourages students to think and learn
in a global context. Over the years, Northeasterns business school has also changed its program
to offer a greater number of courses and concentrations such as globalization which is
recommended for business students who aspire a successful career in the growing economies.

Interestingly, the Damore Mc-Kim School of Business is constantly evolving and

improving their business education program to keep up with the changing economic world
order. Their website goes on to mention that Global learning is engrained in the schools history
of business education. As the first American institution to become involved with the European
Partnership of Business Schools, Northeastern expanded the international reach of the
consortium. The use clear and direct language shows the importance with which the university

recognizes and puts heavy emphasis on providing its students with a global education. The
business school also demands that every business student must take an international business and
global responsibilities class which enhances their global perspective to give them an
understanding on how globalization is impacting the business world and how as rising business
professionals in the industry we need to prepare ourselves.

Northeastern university being just one example of the family of institutes

changing their basic education program shows the dependence of the academic discipline on the
outside professional world. This point is further supported by a scholarly website publication
called Globaledge that states that a common trend in higher education policy is the
internationalization of education to help students live, work, and be successful in todays
interconnected global economy. Conversations and the basis of the academic discipline
community is theory and the change of theory to meet the practical world demand.

Moving on from the academic discipline to the professional world of business, we

can see that globalization no longer remains a topic of impact but rather becomes the topic of
practice and the heart of how businesses in the world operate and compete. The trade publication,
Forbes, released an article on the impact of globalization, which describes the leverages business
take in their daily operations such as free trade, outsourcing, cheaper imports and increased
competition. It is due to globalization that businesses have gone from competing domestically
and domestic manufacturing to competing in an integrated global economy and with
multinational operations.

The article by Forbes then goes on to say that Globalization is like being
overwhelmed by a snow avalanche. You cant stop it you can only swim in the snow and hope
to stay on top which shows that the process of globalization in todays date is inevitable and is a
huge success factor for any business or individual in the industry. The language used is much
more proficient and specialized when you read articles about working in the industry which
require you to have an international and well rounded set of skills to survive in their world. I too
saw a glimpse of this world with my working experience at IBM where I just as an intern had to
constantly work with a team in India and Philippines to process data sourcing projects, which
show how crucial outsourcing has become in the industry.

All in all, globalization is an obvious trend between the discipline and profession.
The relationship we see between academic discipline and profession is about theory and practice.
In the academic discipline community, higher education is improved and changed to prepare
individuals going out to the professional world and when it comes to actually working in the
field, for individuals to practice the acts of globalization to compete in the market. As the
analysis of artifacts in both the educational and professional institutes demonstrated, both
communities are very similar and professional where one gives you the foundation and skills you
need to survive in the other community. In terms of conversations and speaking with one another,
a big change I believe globalization has caused is having academic discipline change their ways
of knowing and foundations based on the changing professional world of business.

As a business student who aspires to start her own business someday, I can
definitely say that a global education will prepare students to tackle the consequences and exploit
the benefits of globalization in the professional world and the future of globalization.

1. Business is Everywhere - "Business Is Everywhere." Michigan BPA. N.p., n.d.
Web. 24 Jan. 2016.
2. For, The Campaign. Empower Northeastern (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 24 Jan. 2016.
3. "Bachelor of Science in International Business (BSIB)." BS International
Business. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2016.
4. "How Globalization Is Changing Business and Education." GlobalEDGE Blog:
GlobalEDGE: Your Source for Global Business Knowledge. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2016.
5. Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2016.
January 27, 2016
Dear Rhea Varghese,
I have just finished reading through your paper entitled Globalization in the Business World. I have made
preliminary comments on your Google Doc, which provide my thoughts on a few aspects of the draft that
you may want to revise as you move forward with the revision process. In this letter, I also provide you
with comments and suggestions that are specifically aligned with the grading criteria from the rubric for
Project #1. I hope my feedback helps you during the revision process.
My first impressions of the paper is that it meets many of the grading criteria listed in the rubric. I saw
that you identified a genre in your discipline, you provided examples of the genre, you used appropriate
tone and style, and you developed your thesis logically over the course of your essay. It was easy for me
to see that scholarly websites play a key role in shaping and developing a globalized business world. All
of these points created a strong infrastructure for your final paper.
When you start the revision process there are a few issues you will want to develop and evolve. The first
issue is that you only talk about one genre from your disciplines and you label it as scholarly websites. I
think it would be advantageous to define what a scholarly website is, because scholarly can be interpreted
in more than one way. For example, my initial interpretation of scholarly is that it has undergone the
rigors of scholarly discourse and analysis, such as in the case of a peer reviewed journal article. However,
it can also mean that it relates to academics, such as university websites.

Another issues that you will want to consider as you revise your paper is a more direct rhetorical analysis.
What I mean by this is that you state what rhetorical element you are analyzing and then present your
analysis. To achieve this, you can bring in the readings from our course.
Overall, I think this was an excellent first draft. I hope my comments helped.
Elias Tarazi

Grading Criteria (these are the actual categories on the rubric):

Genre: Effectively identifies modes of writing in academia, in the profession, and in the discourse
community. Shows effective use of citation conventions. Effectively demonstrates your sense of the
discourse communitys perspective on globalization. Demonstrates anticipation of genre and audience
expectations in your own writing.

You identified scholarly websites as a genre.

Are there other genres you can use as a contrast to scholarly websites?

When defining your genres, are all the websites you listed scholarly? You may want to define
what scholarly means, as I see two different subtypes, school websites and research websites.
Rhetoric: Demonstrates understanding of rhetorical situation and audience needs in the specific
discourse. Effectively locates the writers own relation to the modes of writing within the profession.

I like that you explain how the discussion relates to your personal experience.

I see that you talk about the professional development needs of your discourse community, but
what about other rhetorical factors? What about vocabulary, context, and communities?

Maybe explain what specific rhetorical element you are discussing in each paragraph or section to
clarify that you are addressing a specific rhetorical element.
Analysis: Demonstrates careful reading of the artifacts/texts chosen for investigation. Demonstrates
analysis of genre, author/s, purpose, audience, context, sources, content level, format, language and
visuals. Uses sufficient examples. Demonstrates your sense of the discourse communitys perspective on

You use quotes and paraphrasing from your artifacts.

Maybe go deeper into your analysis by connecting the technique or information identified to the
globalization of the business world.

Your analysis seems very broad, because you are addressing the business world in general. Does
this mean that globalization has a universal effect on all business sectors, or are some more impacted by
Style: Demonstrates careful crafting, including structure, with respect for his/her primary audience. Is
sufficiently developed.

I lexis and tone of the paper is appropriate for the intended audience.

Consider adding transitions between paragraphs or main points.

Remember to add intext citations, footnotes, or endnotes.

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