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Daily lesson plan



Grade level /Program: Grade 5, ESL

Period length: 54 minutes

Goals for the period (what do you want students to walk away with?)

By the end of the class I want the students to be able to use the simple present tense.
I will know they can do this when they express their own likes and dislikes using the simple present tense orally and in writing.

Competencies to be developed

Evaluation criteria (What will you EVALUATE today?)

o' C1 (To interact orally in English)

C1: _X_ Student reacts to messages using strategies

_X_ Student takes initiative to transmit oral messages using strategies
_X_ Student maintains oral interaction using strategies
o' C2 (To reinvest understanding of oral and written
C2: _X_ Preparation of listening and reading texts using strategies
_X_ Demonstrates understanding using strategies
o' C3 (To write texts)
_X_ Student carries out meaningful tasks using strategies
C3: __ Prepares to write using strategies
_X_ Composes texts using strategies
__ Revises their text using strategies
Functional Language for speaking
and writing (expressions)

I like I dont like

Me too.
How about you?
He/she likes
He/she doesnt like

Learning strategy

Language conventions (grammar & punctuation)

Vocabulary Focus:

[X] Resourcing
[X] Risk taking

Forms simple sentences.

Uses verb tenses to construct meaning.

Sandwich vocabulary (p.52 of student

activity book; found at the end of this

Cooperative learning techniques:

[X] Pair work

[X] Group work

Teacher-centred techniques:

[X] Individual Work

[X] Cold calling
[X] Scaffolding


[X] Choral reading

Teaching Context

This Lesson Plan is elaborated using the Student Activity Book, because the students are obliged to use most of the Student Activity
Book throughout the schoolyear. Therefore, the students must follow prescribed Units, and adhere to a designated Plan that
corresponds to a selected pedagogical structure. In this case, unbeknownst to the students, this Lesson Plan pertaining to Food is
a necessary linguistic component that forms part of there School Commission and MELS Final Exam. Consequently, it will help them
review and learn certain adequate vocabulary that shall facilitate and increase their ESL knowledge corresponding to the functional
language about Food.
The present is a lesson plan designed for the grade 5 students of the elementary school, St-Nom-de-Jsus. Although this group of
students have had English classes twice a week since grade 4, they have not had a consistent English teacher over the years and
do not display the level of understanding dictated by the Progression of Learning published by the Ministry of Education. Therefore,
frequent scaffolding and eliciting techniques must be used by the teacher to guide the students to the correct vocabulary, verb tense,
and pronunciation. At times, the teacher must translate certain words in French to ensure the understaning in the students.
The school, St-Nom-de-Jsus, is located in a disadvantaged area and many students are known to come from difficult family and
socio-economical situations.
Period Start-up Routines (Attendance, Menu on board, collecting homework, handing out materials, silent reading etc.)

Greeting on the smartboard.



(Activate prior knowledge)




Break it down into point form steps for students

Write the instructions you will give students

-' Group greeting (Hello! How are you today?)
-' Attendance & individual greeting (students greet the teacher by
saying hello when their name is called)

Individual / paired /
groups cooperative
learning structure?)

(Your pedagogical reasons
/ Goals
What teaching STEP is

Interaction as a group Letting the students

between the teacher know that English
and the students.
class has started.

Individual interaction
between a student
Introduce guest, Ms. Claudine! Explain that Ms. Claudine is here to
observe the classroom. Students will be asked to pay attention as usual. and the teacher.

Overview of the classroom rules by eliciting the answers from the

-' Raising hand before talking.
-' No talking with your classmates during class.
-' Class rules: Strike 1: Warning; Strike 2: 2nd warning; Strike 3: Name
on the board and a X meaning 5 minutes of recess is taken away;
Strike 4: an additional X meaning 15 minutes of recess is taken
away; Strike 5: another X meaning the entire recess will be taken


Notifying the students

of the anticipated
guest to ensure that
their attention will not
be diverted during the

Two students distributes the activity books.

Review of the vocabulary related to sandwiches:


2 mins
Choral reading

Student interacts
orally in English C1


Listening activity.

5 mins
understanding of oral
messages C2

Students open their books to page 52 of the Student Activity Book (this
page has already been completed).
' The same page will be projected on the Smart Board. The teacher will
then name each student and ask the question What is this? to which
the students must answer It is ______ using the answer on their page.
-' Once the answer is given, the teacher will ask everyone in the
classroom to repeat the word (choral reading).

Development (activities. of 5-20 minutes)


A quick listening activity:


A student will be asked to read the following text on page 53 of the

student activity book.


The students must follow the instructions within the given time limit by
the teacher.



Break it down into point form steps for students

Write the instructions you will give students

Speaking activity with a partner:


The students will look at p.53 of the student book projected on the Smart
Board and listen to the teacher read the text.
-' Students will familiarize themselves with the sentences
I like..
How about you? And you?
I dont like
Me too!


A student will be asked to read the following text on page 53 of the

student activity book:


Students will express their understanding following an example

modelled by the teacher. The teacher will also ask a student to model.


Students will answer questions when the teacher asks them what likes
they have in common with their partner.


A student will be asked to read the following text on page 53 of the

student activity book:

Individual / paired /
groups cooperative
learning structure?)

Partner work.

Partner work.

Closure: Goal?


Students will express their understanding following an example

modelled by the teacher.


Students will answer questions when the teacher asks them about the
ingredients that only one or two members like to eat.

Congratulate students on their hard work.

Ask two students to pick up their books.
Ask students to raise their hand if they feel that they worked very hard today.

Encouraging selfreflection.

(Your pedagogical reasons
/ Goals
What teaching STEP is

Student maintains
oral interaction using
strategies C1



Student carries out

meaningful tasks
using strategies C2
Composes texts
using strategies C3

Student maintains
oral interaction using
strategies C1


Student carries out

meaningful tasks
using strategies C2
Composes texts
using strategies C3

5 mins
understanding of oral
messages C2

Remind students that we will continue this activity next class!

End of class reminders / routines

Class must end on time to allow the students to gather their belongings and head to their lockers.
Students are to get up row by row as the teacher calls the row number and they must line-up next to the entrance.
A student will be asked to turn off the lights.
Students will then head to the lockers where the teacher must remain until all students have left.


Anticipated problems

Solutions/Plan B

1.' Smartboard does not work.

1.' Orally guide the students on where to look on their activity

book (luckily all vocabulary are enumerated using the

2.' Students show anxiety towards activity.

2.' If all fails, use some French to help students understand the
activity and encourage participation.

Materials to prepare

Homework (to assign and collect)

Smart Board pages containing the Student Book.

None this class.

Self-directed specific teaching

During this lesson, I would like to be mindful of the classroom management and differentiating my teaching to all my students.
Knowing that this is the first day back from the long weekend and that it is the last class before lunch, I fear that the students may not participate in
the lesson to the full potential. Knowing that some students in this group are disruptive, I felt that I would be a good idea to spend some time at the
beginning of the class to go over the rules together with the students to allow a more collaborative feeling between the group and myself. Knowing
that I often let some disruptive students slide, I will focus on strictly adhering to the rules so that the learning experience is maximized for all
In this lesson, I would also like to focus on differentiating to the group, which consists of varying levels of English speakers. I will use techniques
such as individualized instruction for those who display more difficulty than others. I will also try to allow time for students to work at their own pace
when possible and I will try to provide multiple learning opportunities to reinforce the key concept and the vocabulary of this lesson. The last
differentiation technique that I will use is to provide background knowledge to help the students tie in new information with something familiar and I
may use the support of the students native language to do so.




Student Activity Book page 52





Student Activity Book page 53





Student Book page 53 will be projected on the Smart Board.


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