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Chinese Civil War:

1920s to 1940s
By: Connor Walsh

The Beginning
Before, China was ruled by Dynasties and Emperors, ranging from the
Xia Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. That is until Emperor Puyi became the
leader of the Japanese puppet state of Manchuria. Unfortunately for
him, Japan lost the puppet state when Sun Yat-Sen retook Manchuria
and united China with a republic. Then the Emperor got taken to
numerous prisons and died.

Communist Uprisings
Soon,after the Chinese Republic was formed, A Communist Party was
growing in popularity. Then Mao Zedong, the leader of the Communist
Party, went to war with the warlords occupying the north along with
some friends.

CIVIL WAR Part One!!!!!!

One of the first war campaigns was called the Northern Expedition. The
Republic wanted to eliminate all warlords in the north to unify China
from 1926 to 1928. The Republic and Communists won the wars first
round. But the warlords didnt give up.

Shanghai Massacre
Soon after winning the Nationalists had a meeting. Most didnt like the
Communists and agreed to eliminate them. On April 7 1927 the
Nationalists open fire on the Communists in Shanghai.

Capture Of Beijing
The left wing of Chiang Kai-Sheks team removed the Communist
Partys from the government in Wuhan, later they were removed my
Chiang. Then the Nationalists resumed war with the warlords in 1928.
Then they won and captured Beijing. After that they used Khampa
Troops to fight the Communists.

Second Sino Japanese War (First war not

mentioned because it happened in 1890
Kai-Shek wouldnt fight with the Communist Party for the Second
Japanese War that they had. He thought the Communists would be a
greater threat that their team. He had an idea to eliminate all of the
Communists and Warlords. Chiang thought his troops werent strong
enough so he wanted to build up his military so he could launch an
attack on the Japanese. So he told his 2 generals to undertake the
elimination of the Communist Party.

Second Sino Japanese War Part 2

The War ended up giving the Communists a boost because of their
guerilla war efforts in Japanese areas and the Nationalists lost a boost
due to not defending China from Japanese assaults. In 1944 the
Japanese launched their last operation, Operation Ichi Go. After the
operation the Nationalists forces were seriously weakened and the
Communist Party benefited lots from the operation.

Defeat Of The Nationalists

After the war the Nationalists finally gave up and went to Taiwan and
the Communist Party took over mainland China. Tensions between
Taiwan and the mainland still last until today but for now good bye and
thank you for watching this presentation on the Chinese Civil War.

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