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Dear Senior Internship Coordinators,

The field on which you will focus my Senior Internship is Robotics Engineering. Yushin
is a factory and industrial automation equipment manufacturer that creates robots that are used in
a factory setting. I chose this field based off of my interests in robotics and engineering. I hope to
one day become a robotics engineer for a company much like Yushin. I have strong knowledge
of robotics and how things work and throughout my high school career I have honed in and
developed my robotics and technological skills in order to better suit my long term goals.
Robotics class has prepared me extensively for this internship, however in saying that it does not
mean that this internship is not a learning stretch for me. I have very little knowledge or
experience when it comes to industrial robots or the factory setting. I have a lot to learn and it
will be very new to me, even with my prior experience.
For my fieldwork I will be helping and learning how to 3D model and design most if not
all of the parts used to create certain robots. I also will be helping assemble and work on robots
in the factory. My sponsors name is Karen Paolucci. She is the Human resources manager at
Yushin and will be helping me work with engineers in the factory. She has helped me and
continues to help me with the process of working with Yushin. The focus of my research will be
to investigate the efficiency of the manufacturing process in order to create such complicated
machines. There are a couple of preliminary questions that I have in order to begin investigating
this process. First, are there individual people doing the building or are robots essentially
building robots and why? Over time is it more cost efficient and time efficient to use people or
robots to manufacture and produce these products?
I understand that I am required to successfully complete a Senior Internship in order to
graduate with my class in June. If I fail to meet this graduation requirement, I have the
opportunity to do so after my classmates graduate and receive my diploma at a later date.
Furthermore, I understand that honesty and integrity are highly valued elements of the Rocky
Hill School community. As such, I will demonstrate these qualities by not cheating on any part
of my Senior Internship; this means I will not plagiarize any of the written portions, and I will
not lie about or exaggerate any part of my fieldwork. I know that if I decide to cheat on the final
draft of my research paper, fieldwork or portfolio, I will not be allowed to deliver a Senior
Internship Presentation prior to graduation and will have to successfully complete my Senior
Internship after my classmates graduate in June in order to receive my diploma.

Tyler Gates

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