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Colton Mann
Professor Watkins
Comp II
23 February 2016

The Future of Farming

By the year 2040, scientists are proclaiming that we would need to double food
production at a rapid and widespread rate in order to keep up with the alarming rates of
population growth. Well what if we could accomplish this task with a new farming technique?
Lately, we have discovered ground breaking new ways of farming that have subsistence and
commercial farming applications. With this new economically sound environmentally friendly
process we can start making accelerated movements to the overall goal of being able to feed our
enormous population. This new innovative farming technique is called sustainable farming.
However even though it may increase productivity and cut the time of production, there is side
effects to everything.
What is sustainable farming you might wonder? Sustainable farming is the creation of
food, fiber, and other agricultural accommodations with the use of farming practices. Sustainable
farming promises to succeed on three platforms. These include: a healthy environment, growing
the economy, and protecting our society and communities. Although it promises to accomplish
the three main goals, does it really meet its criteria? The main issue with sustainable farming is,
is it suitable and safe for our world and society. Many researchers would argue no and for some

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pretty good reasons. Some key arguments against sustainable farming are the depletion of top
soil, the scarce contamination of groundwater and severe air pollution. Also this new style of
farming would eliminate the need for family farms putting nearly all family farmers out of jobs.
Even though there are frightening costs and risks, the array of benefits may outweigh all the
negative that come along with this new process.
Our most important part of the lives that we live, is the environment in which we live in.
Sustainable farming produces both pros and cons to this situation. A pro to sustainable farming
will the ability of farms to produce crops, while raising animals without realizing the toxins that
can come with it. It will also help in its ability to as Grace Communication says in their article
Sustainable Table decrease on the degrading of water, or soil. Though this can be a more
expensive outtake in the way of being environmentally friendly, which make hurt local farms
economically. Some experts think it may not be as environmentally friendly as advertised. With
this new style of farming could cause some environmental concerns, with some asserting that it
can have some negative effects on animals, and some forms of soil. When it comes to the
environment, two sides both believe that their way will the best one to choose when it comes to
whether or not to go with sustainable farming. One side takes on the belief that sustainable
farming is one for the future, and will provide great environmental protection opportunities.
While the other side, dose not only believe many of the pros will have an effect on the
environment, and in some cases harming it.
Sustainable farming also has both pros and cons when it comes to economy. The
community can benefit when it comes the practice of sustainable farming. It can provide jobs,
and also provide the community with clean, sustainable food for the local community. It also
will provide decent working conditions for its employees. Supporters of this, believe it will

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prove to be a positive for both the local and national economy. However people who are
opposed to this believe that this will hurt local farmers instead of help them. It can hurt a
farmers family if he has to change his way. With the possibility of this new way of farming,
running the old way and its farmers out of business. When adapting to a new way, it can be
expensive, especially in the world of farming, which is already a competitive field. Farmers
need to do whatever they can to produce a high volume at the lowest possible cost. Each side has
its own view on the economic impact that sustainable farming could have in the future if it
becomes a reality.
The last way of civilization that sustainable arming will have an impact on is society.
With both pros and cons being shown. People for it, believe it will have nothing but a positive
impact. A greater environment, more economically friendly way of life. Anything that can
contribute to both of those positive attributes will help society tremendously. It has the ability to
give a food future that is in shortness of dying out anytime soon. It will benefit society in every
way imaginable. While objectors the idea of sustainable farming. Dont believe that it will
cause all of our problems to disappear overnight, and can cause chaos in the shorter for the
economics, and long-term for the environment. They believe that it isnt worth the risk. Society
may be to dramatically changed, in the short term that it can cause harmful effects in the longterm.
As a community, we need to make sure that this world is left unsullied. We must make
the necessary changes, and take action in order to leave a clean, and safe earth for our children,
and their children. When sustainable farming this goal of feeding the world becomes a more
realistic goal instead of an idea. When weighing out the pros and cons and all other negative and
positive aspects, all the positive things highly outweigh the negatives. In a three of the major

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categoriesEconomy, Environment, and Society, The new farming practice excels at keeping
those true to the current state and carries that trend throughout. Thats why I believe that in order
to help our environment, society, and economy we must pursue sustainable farming.

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