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March 1, 2016

TWC 5: Pre- and Post-Assessment Data Analysis

A. Pre- and Post-Assessment Data for the Whole Class

Whole Class Assessment Data


Pre-Assessment Data

Post-Assessment Data

After reflecting upon the assessment data for the entire class, I I realized that some
students still need explicit instruction on spacing their words and practice with their
conventions of writing. All of the students improved, except for one student, A.M., who lost
one point because he did not use punctuation at the end of his sentence. My next step for
instruction would be to act out the use of punctuation and spacing with music and movement.
The writing process can seem very tiring to students, but I think that adding movement to the
lessons will increase their engagement. I want all of the students to always know they should
space their letters, and end their sentence with a punctuation mark. I could have words written
on posters. Students can stand in line holding the posters to create a sentence. I could also
have students hop if there should be a period at the end of the sentence, or do jumping jacks if
there should be a question mark. After all of the students master spacing and punctuation, then
I would lead the students into mastering sounding out words.

Looking at this graph that represents the data of the entire class, I would explain to my
grade-level partners the different conventions of writing that we worked on. I would display the
chart and write the number of points that the students improved by. I would explain the use of
formative assessments in my lessons and how that helped guide me to where I need to target
my instruction throughout the lesson. I would explain to my colleagues that I gave the students
a topic to guide their thinking, and that the checklist was displayed for them to see while they
were writing. When talking with families at conferences, I would display the students pre- and
post-assessments on the table for the parents/guardians to see. I would also ask the parents if
the student enjoys writing at home, and ask the parent how I could support their child in the
writing process at school.

B. Pre- and Post-Assessment Data for the Sub-Group

Sub Group Assessment Data: Females



M. G.




Pre-Assessment Data





E. T.

Post-Assessment Data

The sub-group that I decided to focus on was the females in the class. My case study
student, T.L., is one of eleven females in the class. One of the females was absent for the pre-
and post-assessment, so she is not listed on the chart. There was only one female in the class
that started off with zero points because she did not write anything down on her preassessment. Six out of ten females showed improvement in the class, while four out of ten
females scored the same on their post-assessment as they did on their pre-assessment.
Content wise, my next steps for instruction for the females in the class is to continue to
find the beginning, middle, and ending sounds in words. Looking at most of the females postassessments, the majority of them got points taken off for not finding at least three sounds in
the words that apply. For example, S.M. did improve her score from a one to a three because
she included punctuation, spacing, and capital letter, but she spelled part as, PR. She also
represented the word like as L. The females seemed to grasp the spacing, capitalization,
and punctuation, but still need help with stretching out those words. I want to continue to use

the snap cubes to help the females stretch out their words. I also could introduce Elkonin boxes
so they visually see and check off the sounds they hear in words. Instructionally, I need to
continue to provide explicit instruction for the females in the class, as most of them are visual
and auditory learners.

Looking at this data, I would first remind my grade-level partners of the checklist I was
using to grade the students in the class. I would explain to them that I was looking at all of the
females in the class because T.L. was a part of that subgroup. The other professionals will be
able to understand the data if they understand the context in which the students were being
graded. I would first point out the one female that received a zero and explain why that
occurred. She did not have anything written on her paper, because she usually does not have
the confidence to begin writing without an adult. After my lesson, she moved up two points,
which showed that I reminded her of the tools that she can use independently. I would then
explain why the students scored a 2, 3, and 4. If I were to share this graph with Tracys parents,
I would take out all of the students initials and only highlight Tracys data. I would explain that
she already started with a high score of 3, and moved up 1 point, which is the highest score she
could receive. I would explain my lesson that I taught to the class and discuss Tracys learned
preferences alongside her parents. Finally, I would have her pre-assessment and postassessment writing pieces in front of us during the conference so they can see how she
improved with her writing.
C. Pre- and Post-Assessment Data for the Child

Child Assessment Data


Pre-Assessment Data

Post-Assessment Data

Reflecting upon Tracys writing samples specifically, I would gear my instruction towards
sounding out letters. She appropriately spaced all of her words in her post-assessment, used
punctuation, capitalized her letters, and found at least three sounds in her words; however, she
would still benefit from explicit instruction in sounding out words. I will continue to model
effective writing strategies and hang the checklist in the front of the classroom since Tracy is a

visual learner. In the future, I will make copies of the checklist for students to keep at their
desks. Students can color in the smiley faces to ensure they are including everything in their
writing. Since Tracy is a visual learner, coloring in the smiley faces will help her visualize what
she has included in her writing. Overall, Tracy did reach the maximum score, which showed
that the lesson benefitted her as a learner.
When in a conference with my grade-level partners, I would explain the goal that I had
for Tracy. I would inform my colleagues that I wanted to work on her conventions of writing
including spacing, capitalization, punctuation and sounding out words. I would explain that
Tracy participated a lot throughout my lesson, and applied what I taught her in her writing. I
would also show my colleagues the resources that I reminded her to use, and explain how she
used them in her writing. I would display her pre-assessment writing sample as well as their
post-assessment writing sample. I would point out that she lost one point for not utilizing
punctuation on her pre-assessment as well.
When meeting with her parents during a conference, I would explain the role that the
pre-assessment played in driving my instruction. I would show that she continues to have
difficulty with finding more than two sounds in her words, so the snap cubes really benefitted
her as a visual learner. I would point out her strengths as a writer at the beginning of her
conference which are that she stays on topic, draws illustrations related to her writing, forms
her letters appropriately, and finds beginning and ending sounds in her words. Finally, I would
explain that I will continue to utilize interactive writing to work on finding at least three sounds
within words and to be consistent with spacing words. Overall, analyzing the assessments
allowed me to see how my instruction benefited the learners in the class and how I can
continue to shape my instruction to help the learners who still need to make progress.

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