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Geralynne Solitaire #13

Organizing Needs & Strategies for Intervention Purposes

Complete the graphic organizer to match needs to strategies so your
book character can be successful in school.
1. Name the disability (1 point)
2. List strengths that YOUR character will have in the story. (2 points)
3. List a minimum of 6 different characteristics (2 in each category) for
the disability your
character exhibits. (6 points)
4. Align each disability characteristic to two research-based strategies
to overcome or
manage struggles directly related to the disability. (12 points) (+ 3
points for details)
Disability: Language Disorder


Common Disability Characteristic

Choose 6 characteristics for YOUR

Evidence-based Instructional or Behavioral

the student can learn to find school success

1. Academically behind peers: Noticeably
a) PALS: By paring students together it
behind peers in same grade levels.

allows the student with the language

disorder to practice completing work on the
same level as their peers who are up to par.
b) Class wide peer tutoring: This strategy
allows the student with a learning disability
to be taught/tutored by a peer without a
disability. This benefits the student with LD
because they are able to see where they
are at compared to their tutor and yearn for

2. Understanding: May see or hear word

better understanding in content.

a) Foldables: Student can use foldables to

but are unable to understand meaning.

make a dictionary of words they have

difficulty with and work on their vocabulary.
b) Post it notes: Post it notes allow students
to write down the word they are unable to
understand and either look it up or ask
about it later.

Social / School (Skills)

1. Word usage: Improper use of words and a) Graphic organizers: A graphic organizer
their meanings.

can be used to correctly show the way to

properly and improperly use a word and its
b) Model: When the student uses a word
wrong the teacher can model for the

2. Difficulty answering questions:

Difficulty remembering and using specific

student the word in the correct context.

a) Teacher/Student Agreement: A teacher
and a student can have an agreement
where the student only gets called on when

words during conversation or answering


they raise their hand or secretly signal they

can be called on without any other student
b) Response Cards: When a student is
having a hard time during a conversation or
answering questions, a set of response
cards can be at the ready when the student
needs them.

Behavior / Organization
1. Expressing themselves: Inability to

a) Teacher/Student signals: Teacher and

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