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Sports Broadcasting Booth

Sports casting is a career where you either give the play by play events
during the game, or you analyze what happened and what should have been
done throughout the game. This is mostly done through a live broadcast on
television, but some often still broadcast through the radio. I will describe the
equipment used in the sports casting booths and the way they help bring the
entertainment to every home.

The video camera is the way to bring

the game from the stadium to
peoples television. This is a brilliant
machine that instantly can take a live
event and display it to whoever wishes
to enjoy it. There are a variety of
cameras placed in the stadium that
transmit a different picture to the
studio producers, in that instant the
Figure 1. Taken by Tony Mancuso
producers pick which take will be
displayed on live television. This helps broadcasters by getting a certain view
for a distinct camera unless they have to review the play or talk about it in
depth. This is probably one of the most important items along with the
microphone in a sports broadcasting job.

Figure 2. Taken by James Whaling

The microphone is how the commentary of each broadcaster is sent out to

hear a clear sound (most of the time). There are many different types of
microphones depending on what usage one may have for it. The shock
mounted boom microphone has a PVC pipe that holds the electronic
elements, the pipe size depends on the type of microphone that is being
made. Inside, the mic has an electret element that is used to bring quality
audio, it is really useful for its small size allowing more components in the
pipe. A push to talk (PPT) is installed as the on and off switch. This is
connected to the electret element and then a coil is connected to move the
electric waves from one side to the other. A shock mount is connected to the

PPT, the shock mount is used to leave out noise that is wanted during
recording. After all this the windscreen is placed which is the most common
thing seen on a microphone, this is closed on the top allowing the sound to
be controlled and to be reached to the audience.

Figure 3. Taken by Joe Short

Along with the camera and microphone, another

essential tool for sports casters is the headset. This device lets the workers in
the booth communicate with their co-workers on the field or in the main
studio. This also helps with special information that needs to be brought in
order to let people understand for example why a certain player isn't playing
or an injury report. As shown in figure 4, the headset has as well a small
microphone in order to communicate with their personnel. Many sports
broadcasters have replaced their normal microphones and instead use this
combination to not have the hassle of holding the device.

Figure 4. Taken by Traci Perla

Haines, G. "A Homebrewed Shock-Mounted Boom Microphone." Qst
-Newington- 99.2 (2015): 33-35. British Library Document Supply Centre
inside Serials & Conference Proceedings. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
Janssen, Joop. "Production Workflows: Supporting Role in Sport." TVB Europe
(2010): 44-45. Small Business Reference Center. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.
Anne-Marie, Green, and Yuccas Jaime. Let me put it to You This Way. Even
With Working in TV, I Had No Idea How much Production Goes into the Super
bowl Between Cameras, Graphics and All the Technology. CBS Morning
News. Web. 26 Feb. 2016

I chose to revise my technical description assignment where I had to
describe an object or place to an uninformed audience. My technical
description consisted on giving the basic information of items that would be
found in a sports broadcasting booth. A course goal that was accomplished
with this assignment would probably be understanding circumstances in
technical writing that influence readers, topic, format, and style. Thanks to
this document I was able to inform readers of these objects and try to
influence them to learn more about the topic. This also helped me in the way
of learning how to format the document, and not give more information than
what should be mentioned. I really enjoyed this assignment and have
received great knowledge on key points to learn when creating a document
of this sort.
PS. (The weebly page adjusted the images, that is not how it originally

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