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College of Education


Name: __Sarah Zach________________

Grade Level: __Fourth Grade_________
School: _Colman-Egan School District___
Date: __February 11, 2016___________
Time: ___1:45 2:30________________

Reflection from prior lesson:

In the previous lesson, the students reviewed the information they needed to
know that would be on the test. They enjoyed playing kahoot as a review
game. The students showed that they had a good understanding of what
they needed to learn.
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
4-ESS1-1 Identify evidence from patterns in rock formations and fossils in
rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over time.
4-ESS3-1 Obtain and combine information to describe that energy and fuels
are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the environment.
4-ESS3-2 Generate and compare multiple solutions to reduce the impacts of
natural Earth processes on humans.
Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the students will identify properties of rocks with
100% accuracy.
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify fossils and how
they are made with 100% accuracy.
By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to identify by pollution
affects the environment with 100% accuracy.
Materials Needed:

Chapter Test

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics:

The students are always very eager to answer questions. There are times
when the students blurt out their answer without giving others a chance to
answer the question. There is a variety of disabilities in the classroom
causing the students to need altered tests and some content. The students
really enjoy doing hands on activities, such as labs.

A. The Lesson
1. Introduction (2 minutes)
In the last two weeks, we have been learning about
conserving Earths resources. Yesterday, we reviewed the
information that will be on the test today. Does anyone have
any questions before beginning the test? If you have any
questions during the test, just raise your hand and I will come
to you.
2. Content Delivery (40 minutes)
a. The tests will be handed out to the students and they will
work on it independently at their assigned seats. While the
students are taking the test, I will walk around the isles for the
first 5 minutes in case a student needs help and to make sure
they are keeping their eyes on their own papers. The students
will be given as much time as they need to complete the test.
Forty five minutes will be set as a guideline to completing the
b. There are four students that will go to the resource room to
have it read to them. Two of those students have modified
tests so they have less options for each question. Another
student has the exact same test as everyone else but goes to
the resource room to have it read to him. The fourth student
has an alternate test. This test is made up of less questions
that are not as complex.
3. Closure (3 minutes)
a. Does everyone have their tests in? If you got your study guide
signed, make sure it is handed in.
B. Assessments Used
a. Summative assessment will be used to assess the students
retention of the information presented to them during the unit.
The students will be completing the chapter test individually
during the time given to them.
C. Differentiated Instruction
a. For students with learning disabilities, the test will be modified so
that there are less options and the questions are less wordy.

D. Back Pocket Idea

a. If the students complete the test early, they can sit at their desks
and read a book quietly.
E. Resources
a. Science: A Closer Look

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