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Sydney Sanders

University Seminar II
Dr. Collins
Does College Students Votes Really Matter in The Election?

Although every vote counts when its election time, do college students votes really
matter? Less than half of eligible young adults vote in presidential elections, according to USA
Today. Young people dont feel directly connected to their city or affected by national issues.
According to the US Census Bureau, young adult voters between the ages of 18 through 24 have
consistently voted at lower rates than all other age groups in every presidential election since
1962. The US Census Bureaus voting data also shows that, on average, less than half eligible
young adult voters will actually make it to the polls for a national presidential election. With this
being said, do you think that young voters really care about the presidential election, are they
concerned about the social security and foreign policy, probably not, which is why the age to
vote may need to be changed to age 25 when the student is older and more mature and aware
about what matter most in this world.
There are many different views on if college students vote matter. It may be in the best
interested for them to vote with the next president there may have a major impact on higher
education, rising tuition and college debt. In the 2012 presidential elections, young voters
between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine were key in President Barack Obamas victory. To
continue the trend, young votes should matter and they will continue to make a difference.
Voting is the very least you can do as a citizen, If you dont vote, you cant complain about the

issues. Period (Reynado 2016). This is a point of view of the opposing side, however, is the
mind of a college student really in tuned with political, social and economic issues that will
effect the way our country functions among other countries.
As college students our minds and thoughts are already all over the place. College
students have more then enough added stress to their everyday lives while being in school. When
election time comes around there really isnt enough time to do research and vote based on your
own opinion as to who you (the college student) think would be a better president of America.
Most college students vote based on their parents choice which they are influenced by. Election
time is very important and most college students need to really realize that every vote counts. To
be a voter, one must be able to participate in adult political discussions. Its necessary to be able
to listen to opposing arguments. This is what voting is all about, making an informed decision on
the best candidate that can be capable the position as President of the United States.
Evidence suggests that, whatever one might say about the 18-year-olds of 1971, the 18year-olds of today arent up to that task. And even the 21-year-olds arent looking so good. Many
students dont or cant vote in the state that they attend school therefore they do not feel
compelled to vote, nor that their vote would matter anyway. Many college students also depend
on their familys way too much for food and living cost of off. So they dont feel the need to
even worry about politics and other election discussion. They dont care to want to learn or what
to know what it is that is going on in the political election so they dont go out and vote. This is
another reason why college students need to look into more research and educate themselves on
why voting needs to be important to college students. Teens and young adults from eighteen to
early twenty-six need to take it into their own hands and go out and vote. We see and hear the
younger generation make mems and gifs on social media such as Facebook, Twitter and

Snapchat about the election so if they have the time to make these why cant they just go out and
Young adults often dont feel they have a stake in a particular city or community, so they
dont feel motivated to vote. I believe this is why most college students votes dont really count.
Even when it comes to primary voting most college students are out of state residents, so they are
not able to vote where their current college is depending on the state. College students are able to
switch their address for the elections in order to vote. Young adults might be less attached to a
community. When young adults graduate college they are likely to move around multiple times
and not feel settled in a certain place. Once you establish yourself in a community you are more
likely to vote (Brennah 2015).

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