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WORKSHOP 1 3 March 2016
This workshop is an introduction to the software package Geosoft Oasis Montaj which
we will be using extensively in Geophysics 3000 and in other units of the Geophysics
undergraduate course. In this workshop we will be using aeromagnetic data from the
Ravensthorpe area of WA. This is an interesting and varied dataset from an area with
known mineral deposits and potential to find more.
The dataset is contained within three files :,, These files are
in the Blackboard folder workshop 1 3 march 2016 Each of these files contains
eastings, northings and aeromagnetic values in that order.
Keep good detailed notes IN YOUR LAB BOOK handwritten and electronic
versions - on what you do to help you in the learning process and for assessment during
this course.
1. Copy files,,, and magmap.con to a working directory
within your geophysics computing account.
2. Log in to Oasis Montaj
Start > All Programs >geosoft > oasis montaj > oasis montaj
3. Create new project. Use file > project > new
Enter project name
4. Create new database allow for up to 500 flight lines. Key in 500 in place of
default value of 200. Database > New Database
Enter new database name
5. Import to the new database using Database> import>geosoft xyz
This file is in geosoft xyz format
6. Import into the database using append option
7. Import into the database using append option.

8. Split the three lines of data in the database into individual flight lines, using
Database tools >line tools > split on x,y breaks. Select all lines
9. Set coordinate projection parameters for database.
Go to Coordinates.
Select current x,y,z coordinates and select x,y and z channel names, followed by
Select coordinate system and go to Coordinate system at bottom of this window
Select Projected (x,y). Select projection method as Australian map grid zone 51.
Select datum AGD84 this is Australian geodetic datum for 1984
Check length units as metres
Check table of parameters and if ok select ok, otherwise modify.
10. Create map showing all the flight lines.
Map tools> new map, based on x.y, paper size A3 landscape, scale ?, line path
This will show dense pattern of lines can zoom in and see more detail.
What is line direction ? line spacing/s ? (using right mouse click with cursor on
map and select ruler function ).
Save map changes.
11. Create base map with legend, scale bar, north arrow, title block, colour legend
bar.. Use margins around map of 2 cm left, top and bottom and 14 cm on right of
map. Use Map tools > Base Map
12 Grid the magnetic data with appropriate grid interval. What is your choice and
why ? Use grid and Image > gridding > minimum curvature etc.
13. Display the magnetic grid using a. single grid option b. Colour shaded option
What sun illumination options are most suitable and why ? Save map changes.
To create colour shaded grid maps, steps are as follows:
Grid and Image > Display > Grid
Enter grid name > colour method > histogram equalization, (for topography use
Select apply shadow
more >shading effect > enter inclination, declination and vertical scale factor
(typically use 5)
select new map
14. Create a new map of a 10 x 10 km subset of the data. Use Map Tools >, new map
from x and y, and key in selected rectangle of coordinates selected using maps
created in steps 11 -1 2.
Create a stacked magnetic profile map for this sheet. Using Map Tools > Profile..
Start off with coarse vertical scale for profiles and base value of close to average
value of z1 eg 58000 NT

To restrict the profiles to just the selected subset area go to view/group manager
( left hand icon on third row down of the icons), highlight profiles in data area and
select Masked to View region
15. Open database and create profiles of individual lines using split screen data in
top panel, profile in lower panel.
16. Grid filtering using MAGMAP to create derivative in Z direction
Using input of magnetic grid created in step 11 of these notes.
This derivative is often called the first vertical gradient of the magnetic field and
shows how the magnetic field varies with height above the ground. It is very
useful in interpretation.
MAGMAP is where most frequency domain gird filtering is done.
Gx > load menu> magmap.omn
This brings up MAGMAP in top row of options
Select MAGMAP 1-Step-filtering,
In SetConFile select Derivative in Z direction, order 1.
In SetTrend select first order and edge points.
In SetExpand select 10 % expansion and rectangular
In SetFill select maximum entropy option
To run select OK at bottom left of magmap processing window
Display this new grid using sun illumination. How does this grid compare with
previous magnetic grid ? What is average value of the vertical gradient ?
17. Save all map changes, database changes, save project and exit from Oasis Montaj
to end session.
24 February 2016

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