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ee Ethan Parker Professor Raymond UWRT 1102-014 18 April 2016 ‘That's All He Wrote ‘Coming into the semester long project, I had many solidified and also some unsure ideas of how I wanted to execute the project. I also had a change of perspective during the entire process just by the long duration of the project. In assignments such as writing prompt nine, I spoke with my roommates about my project and collected thoughts from others other than myself. I also gathered opinions different from that of my 3 other group members. This offered a new perspective and created doorways for new discoveries. I was motivated by the interest of / people who would not seem interested at all. I figured if I could captivate them with the topic, ./ then the same could be done for our class. This motivation caused me to just refer back to my slides and did everything I could to improve them in preparation for the presentation. In reference to the Student Learning outcomes, I have seen improvements in just about ‘every category. With all the random researching I do and the reading I do in my spare time, | am packed full of shetorical knowledge. An example of thi)would be my length daily wit ‘Mustangs that seemed to shock the class with how in depth it was. I also fee! like I have become a better critical reader, and have a better concept of the knowledge I am reading and retaining, Conclusively, I feel I have strengthened most on creating critical reflections. I have strengthened in taking information, comprehending its contents, and then reflecting to the best of my ability + “

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