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Interview Questions for Students

*Creating a safe learning environment where students feel open and comfortable to
share their ideas and opinions in class*
1. Tell me your name, age, and grade level.
Luis, 18, 12th grade
2. Would you say you know everyone (or a majority) of the people in your class?
Names, personality, etc.
a. What kinds of activities did Ms. Hawkins do to help you get to know your
A: She was different from every other teacher. She isnt an Honors
Teacher. Projects were easier to do so that students wouldnt struggle.
Using class time to work on projects.
b. What are some ways other teachers have helped you get to know your
A: Working on projects in class.
c. What are some ways you think could help you get to know your peers?
A: Talk to your friends.
3. Do you feel comfortable discussion, sharing, your ideas and opinions in small
groups (3-4 peers), pairs, or as a whole class? Why?
A: No, because this class is disruptive and loud.
4. What kinds of things have Ms. Hawkins done to make you feel comfortable to
share your ideas and opinions?
5. What kinds of things have other teachers done to make your feel comfortable to
be open and share?
a. When you do share (in this class and in others) do you feel as if your
opinions are valued and respected? Why or why not?
A: Examples of what is expected of them.
What are some ways do you think teachers could show they appreciate
your opinions and ideas?
A: Yes because he talks to his friends in class. Change the arrangement of
the desks to promote discussion.
Interview Questions for Teacher
*Creating a safe learning environment where students feel open and comfortable to
share their ideas and opinions in class*
1. Tell me your name, grades you teach, years you have been teaching
A: Mary, 12th, 30+ years
2. When you were teaching do you believe your students know each other on a
personal level in your classes? Why or why not?
A: Not always, not at first.

3. At the beginning of the year did you do any ice breakers to help the students get
to know each other and to help you get to know the students? If so, what ice
A: Depending on the class. A game to memorize names. Match up students
based on similarities.
4. In your opinion, what makes a safe learning environment? (Students feel
comfortable to share their ideas and opinions)
a. What kinds of things did you do to create a safe learning environment?
A: Just listen to the students. Let them know that you care about them and
their education.
5. What are some ways that you showed the students that you respect and value
their ideas?
A: Just by listening to them. Standing in the door as they walked in to welcome

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