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PO ON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION WONG SIU CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL FORM TWO Listening Final Examination 2004-2005 Date :June, 27 ,2005 Time: 10:00am - 10:45am Total no. of pages : 4 ‘There are Eight Sections on the tape. Sections A-H. Listen to them carefully and then answer them on the Answer Sheet provided . All the materials will be played once. Section A Listen to the story about the fisherman and his wife. The sentences below all appear in the story. Write 1- 6in the order they are said. One has been done for you as an example, (2.5%) Didn’t you ask this prince for anything in return ? Tam not really a fish. I am a price. Do not eat me, Let me swim away. ..«dhe fisherman went home and found his wife living in a castle. ...the fisherman caught a snapper and to his surprise it began to speak. This house is too small! Go and ask that snapper for as castle, Go back to the water and ask that snapper for a nice house. peasge HEI Section B Listen to Jenny and Laura talking about island people. Look at the pictures and tick ( V) the countries to which they apply.(2%) a Philippines b Canada a CubaL] b Iceland 2 ‘Section C Listen to the conversation between Ben, Laura and Jenny and then tick (V) the correct answer for each question.The first one has been done for you as an example.(2.5%) 1. Where is the spaceship going ? 4.How many categories did Ben think of ? a Satu a a two oO b. the Moon Oo b three Qa ec. Titan w c four a 2. What is the spaceship taking? 5.Who is Rory? a, a computer disk oO a, an alien a b. Ben a b.Laura’s school friend Qa ¢. people from Earth = 1 imaginary friend Qo 3.How can you send a message ? 6.Who does Ben think is the most interesting person ? airmail o ahimself Ga b.througha website bhhis pet frog Qo voioce mail a c.Laura a Section D_ Listen to Ben and Jack asking each other questions about the environment. The answers to all six questions are written below. Match the answers to the questions by writing the correct question number (1- 6). One has been done for you as an example. (2.5%) a. green b. tiger c, 12.5 kilograms 4. Sichuan, shanxi and Gansu Canada f. acid rain Section E Listen to Laura talking about the comics industry and fill in the blanks with the ‘missing dates and numbers. The first one is given as an example. (5%) 1. The comics industry is worth more than (1) HKKS5,300 million. 2. The comic that first had Batman in it, from (2), is worth over (3)HKS. 3. There are only (4), copies of the comic still in existence and only 6) copies in really good condition. 4, The comic character , superman, first appeared in a comic in (6), 3 Section F__ Listen to Laura, Ben and Jenny talking about the comic book they are creating . They are discussing what to put on each page. Write the correct page to the list of things below . (ah) (3.5%) adventure story about a small boy who solves crimes. Pets comer . Science and technology :robots, Show business feature. Cartoon strip about Ben and ‘Bruce Lee’. Feature about cars uum A competition . Cartoon strip about a dinosaur that wakes up in New York . Section G Listen to Ben and Laura talking about how to improve their efficiency. Fill in the blanks while you are listening to their conversation. Eleven answers have been given to you as examples. (5%) rFeRmop ae ge [Ben: %perweek [Laura: % per week _| Lessons at school 42% 42% 1 7% | 2? 3? 10% 4 { 52 __12% 62 Hobbies 7% | 7? 8? 5% 9? Doing nothing 17% Wo? Section H_ Listen to Ben and Laura talking about earning some extra money. List the eight ways to earn extra money by filling in the gaps .The first one has been done for you as an example.(7%) 2. 1%? forparents. B. 1%? : 4. 1%? [S.Take__1%_? back for people. \6.Clear out, 1%? : -Runa 1% _?__service. 8.Do the 1% _?. all week. End of Question Paper 4 PO ON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION WONG S!U CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL LISTENING TEST ANSWER SHEET _ FINAL - EXAM.04/05 FORM 2____ NAME: __. SECTION_A (2.5%) _ Write 1-6 ia (|) MARKS:_ a. . Ic : SECTION B (2%) Tick (v_) the countries to which they apply la.Indonesia O bJapan ]_~—.2.a, Philippines [) _b.Chile 3.aPhilippines 0 b.Canada 3 4.a.Cuba 3 biceland SECTION C (2.5%) Tick (v) the correct answer for each of the conversation between Ben,Laura and Jenny. The first one has been done for you as an example. SECTION D (2.5 %) Match the answers to the questions by wi correct question number (1-6). _One has been done for you as an example fa. Ib. le. [geese oe 'f. SECTION _E (5%) Fillin the blanks with the m missing dates and ‘numbers. The first one has been given to you as an example. 7 1. @) p.2) j2.(3)HKS [3.(4) 3.5) AKS5,300 F G.5%) Write the correct page to the list of things (a-h). The first one has been done for you as anexample. _ fa3.4 |b. c. a. ei ig bh Section G (5%) Fill in the blanks while Ben and Laura are talking about how to ‘improve their efficiency. Eleven answers have been given to you as examples, —_ [Ben % per week [Laura _% per week [Lessons at school 42% 42% Doing nothing 1m to. SectionH 7% Fill in the gaps by listing the ways to earn extra money. The first one has been done for you as an example. (6.Clear out (7.Run a [8.Do the End of Answer Sheet 5 PO ON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION WONG SIU CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL, LISTENING TEST ANSWER SHEET FINAL - EXAM.04/05 FORM 2 NAME: : ) MARKS: SECTION A (2.5%) Write 1-6 in the order they are said. One has been done for you. a3 fb.2 Ic.6 lal (ita SECTION B (2%) Tick (v_) the countries to which they apply. la.Indonesia (i) bJapan 0 Vv 2.a. Philippines vi b.Chile 3.aPhilippines © b.Canada OQ vy 4,aCuba = v 1 b.lceland SECTION C (2.5%) Tick (v) the correct answer for each of the conversation between Ben,Laura and Jenny. The first one has been done for you as an example. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a v v Lob v v c v v SECTION D (2.5 %) Match the answers to the questions by writing the correct question number (1-6). One has been done for you as an example a3 [b.4 c.6 [ara let {2 The first one has been given to you as an example. CTION E (5%) Fill in the blanks with the missing dates and numbers. HK$5,300 Million Perc) 2.(2)1939 _[2.(3)HKS1,200,000]3.(4)300 3.G)three 4.(6)1938 has been done for you as an example. Section _F (3.5%) Write the correct page to the list of things (a-h).The first one 3.4 [bo e.7 a8 lel [2 2.9 [h.10 their efficiency. Eleven answers have been given to you as examples. Section G (5%) _ Fill in the blanks while Ben and Laura are talking about how to improve a Ben %perweek [Laura _% per week Lessons at school _ | __—42% 42% Tmusic 7% 2.5% \3.friends 10% 4.15% [S.homework 12% 6.20% Hobbies _ 7% 7.7% 8.TV 5% 9.3% Doing nothing 17% 10.8% The first one has been done for you as an example. Window Cleaning Tidying up for parent: Cake making |4.Car cleaning 55. Take back empty bottles for people. \6.Clear out pet cages. 7.Run a dog walking service. 8.Do the washing up all week. - End of Answer Sheet SectionH 7% Fill in the gaps by listing the ways to earn extra money. 1 FORM TWO Time: 10:00am - Date :June, 27" ,2005 Tapescripts Listening Final Examination PO ON COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION WONG SIU CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL, 2004-05, 10:45 am_ total no.of pages : 4 ‘There are Eight Sections on the tape. Sections A-H. Listen to them carefully and then answer them on the Answer Sheets provided . All the Section _A Listen to the story about the fisherman and his wife.The sentences below all appe: materials will be played once, ‘Tapescript the story. Write 1-6 in the order they are said .One has been done for you as an examle.( 2.5%) Jenny: There was once a poor fisherman who lived with Jenny: suid the snapper and he swam away: The his wife in a very poor house near the sea, One fteree ede ee ee og Digit atl aber pouse. The fishermans wife was in it. She was : surprise, the soapper began to speak very happy. But by the end of the week she was Ben: ‘Listen to me, fisherman.” me Uncen i ae Laura: ‘This house is too small! Go and ask chat snapper Jenny: said the snapper. ieee pp Ben: ‘Tam not really a fish. | am a prince. Do not eat . ° beeen sul otray a Jenny: said the fisherman’ wife. The fisherman went to i the water and asked the snapper for a castle Jenny: So the fisherman threw the snapper back into the When he went hore, he lowed his wife living in sea, When he got home he told his wile the story. a castle But ater only day she was unhappy Ex Laura: ‘Didnt you ask this prince for anything in return? again. "Whats wrong asked the fisherman SF Jenny: said his wife, angrily. ‘No,’ said the fisherman, Laura: You see the sun up there? I want to make the sun 7 2s ‘We dont need anything. set in the morning and rise in the evening se BS “Dont need anything? Jenny: And again the fisherman asked the snapper for SF said his wile angrily ‘what his wife wanted. But this time the sea yrew Bg ¥ It reve hot an boiled and the waves were a2 “We live in this poor, horrible, little house, Go back angry. It grew hot poledond (t sé to the water and ask that snapper for a nice house large and angry Jenny: So the fisherman went back to the water and called, Ben! Go heme! Prince, oh, Prince of Fish. My wife wants a nice Jenmy: shouted the fish house.’ The snapper came to the surface of the water. Ben: Go home to your wife and your first poor home, Ben: Go home and you will find one, Jenny: The fisherman walked home and found his wile Section B_ Listen to Jenny and Laura talking about island people. Tapescript L00k at the pictures and tick ( V) the countries to which they apply.(2%) Island people, people who live on islands all over the world, have many things in common. For example, you often find many different languages spoken on islands, There are more than seventy languages spoken on the island of Papua New Guinea Jenny: Laura: Look at picture one. You see one answer to a problem faced by most island people: How do you get from one island to another? There are many different answers, In Indonesia people sometimes use wooden canoes. In Japan islanders use a jetfotl for short trips and a small aircraft that can land on water for Longer journeys. The Japanese also link > their islands by road. At almost two thousand meters in length, Japan Akashi Katkyo road bridge is the world longest suspension bridge qt i 5 qe Look at picture two. Many islands have industries that damage the environment, like mining, forestry and sometimes even fishing, if itis done using cyanide, When these industries have 10 reduce, because of the damage they do, the problem is, how do the people on these islands earn their living? One answer is tourism. Some slands have tourist attractions on them. For example on Easter Island, off the coast of Chile, in South America, there are huge statues left hbehind by a civilization that used to live there But in countries like the Philippines, the people put their skills to yood use and sell their beautiful hand-dyed material to tourists Jenny: (Gujusysr1) ajdoed -puEysams - Laura: Look at picture three. Even with the growth of tourism, mining and fishing are often the two biggest industries for island people. There are large copper mines in the Philippines, for example. And the people of Newfoundland. off the coast of Canada, lish for cod in the cold watets of the North Atlantic. Look at picture four. Because it was, and often stil s, difficult to transport raw materials to an island, you often find that the houses are built of whatever grows on the island, For example in Cuba. an island olf the coast of Florida, in the 7 United States, people build houses called bbohios. They are made of the wood that grows fn the island and the roofs are thatched with palm leaves from the local tees. But in Iceland, where there are no trees, the homes are built with thick stone walls and the rools are covered with turf cut from the fields, to keep the cold out smsuy 2 Section C Listen to the conversation between Ben, Laura and Jenny and then tick ( V) the correct answer for each question.The first one has been done for you as an example.(2.5%) Tapescript (Task E) Ben: You are not going to helieve this, Laura: Probably not Ben: Theres a spaceship going to Titan. Thats one of the moons of the planet Saturn, And guess what they are taking with them? 5 Laura: Not you, Ben? : Ben: No, they are taking a computer disk with t ‘messages from the people of Earth, And we can 5 leave a message. There’ a website open. You just log on and leave a message Jenny: I cant think of anything to say tothe people. or things, on Titan 1 thought you'd say that, Jenny: Se Tve thought of thee categories. They ae: the Most Interesting, Thing about My Life, the Most Interesting Person 1 Know and My Hopes forthe Future, What do you think of that, Laura? Ben: aN Hike it, OK, 111 start. The most interesting thing about my life is that I have an imaginary fend called Rory Rory does not exist, except in my hhead, but he goes with me everywhere. And he always talks to me and encourages me. And here 1s Rory’S message to the people af Tata: Laura great r Ben: Nice one, Laur! Fl done in the next category | fist The mest interesting person 1 know i me. Tm the world best under-fourteen g gralkceper [have a very interesting pet frog. and. Jenny: You know your ast category "My Hopes forthe “3 Future that about us or about the world? Ben: Both. if you hike. 3 Jenny: Well. my hopes forthe word are that there ar rho more wars and there is financial stability so we cam all earn a lot of money. My hope for my famaly ts that we all have good health and that we are happy together. Section D_ Listen to Ben and Jack asking each other questions about the environment. The answers to all six questions are written below. Match the answers to the questions by writing the correct question number (1- 6). One has been done for you as an example. (2.5%) 4#squiz about the environment (Listening) Answers a3 ©6 fe be el Tapescript Ben; Hello, jack. H- Francisco? Jack: Gres eat Ben: OK.\ got three quiz questions for you, about i. . environment. And then you give me your thtee questions. OK? Jack: I'm ready for you, Ben. Fire away Ben: Question one. Which country are Environies International from? Question two, What do we call rain that comes down with COs in i? Question three. What colour rubbish bin should you use for paper in Beijing? Jack: OK, Ben. Tve got that, Now here are three questions from me. That questions four to six Here we go. Question four, Name the animal which lives in China, India, Nepal, Siberia and Sumatra, Question five, Which three provinces of China do pandas come from? And the last one Question six. About how much bamboo do pandas eat per day? Section E Listen to Laura talking about the comics industry and fill in the blanks with the missing dates and numbers. The first one is given as an example. (5%) @hescomics’ industry (Listening) Answers 15,300 million 430 2 1939 S three 31,200,000 6 1938 Tapescript Laura: Comics are big business, The comic industry is worth more than five thousand three hundred- million Hong Kong dollars and seven million new comics are sold every month in the UK and the US alone, Old comics are collectors items and can be very valuable, The comic that first had Batman’ in it, from L939, is worth over twelve bunded thus Hong Kang drs The an and ont ines copes aces ne The cone canetr Sore demic 1938 Then ean sea cistnce and wea eg oes tou Ware eee ot he Bean i sre i Phyo thoud ie hee eedeeniae tu aserere sets ear i won't 3 4 Section F Tapescript giscussing what to put on each page. Write the aura: OK. This is going tobe a general interes comic Jenny: OK with me, Wheres the adventite ory #018 eS for girls and boys aged fourteen. What shall we tog? z a have imi? Laura: We havent written it yet! : $5 Ben: Well, 1d like wo see a feature on cars inthe Ben: Ive gat an idea for one. Its about this boy who is comic too small to join the police And then he soles «= FE \Jemny: Yes, | think its a good idea, But may be more all the crimes the police can't solve. -g for the boys. Is there a feaure idea more for gis Laura: Does this boy have a pet frog, by any chance? sg aie 100? No, sorry, Ben it sounds good. Which pages are °*) Laura: i Aout something rom the word of show free? We could put it on page three and page Qt usiness four? #3 Ben: Fine. Which page is that going to be on? Right, So how many pages have we got lett 3 Laura: Well, we don't want the two features next to each age five ie, soe pages six seven and nine, ie other. We're planning ten pages. How about the Ten is the back cover. 8 os cars on page two and the show business feature Jenny: OK. For page five | suggest a food column, For g on page eight? pages si and seven how about a pets commer and Jenny: OK. And on page one I'd suggest the cartoon something about science and technology? & * strip about our hero, Ben, and the brave fighting Bem: Great. Page six, pets comer. And for page seven oe cat, Bruce Lee. the science and technology could be something © Ben: | agree! And then we've got the cartoon stri ‘on robots. abou dnc tht wales Up New WHR aT ura Hld on im st wig al that And wha thousands of years asleep. , about page nine? Laura: like that one! Could we put it on the back page? gen: A competition Section G Listen to Ben and Laura talking about how to improve their efficiency, Fill in the blanks Tapescript while you are listening to their conversation. Eleven answers have been given ( you as: Ben: We are going to do an efficiency survey We are going to analyse how we use our time and then We ate going to use our time fifteen per cent more efficiently Laura: Right. Er... Where do we star? We list categories of how we spend our time, in percentages per week Ben: Laura: OK So overs week, lessons at school are what, six hours a day: five days a week and nothing at the weekend, so thats thirty hours ou of, say, seventy: 15 stil about forty per cent, Latra: Ben: I made it forty-1wo per eent Ben: Laura: OK Forty-two per cent for both of us. Lessons atl aur school. Ben: Ben: Next category listening to music, Ive got seven per cent for that Laura: Laura: just listen to music before I go to sleep at night, Usually not for long, Say five per cent Ben: Ben: Now Talking to friends’ | counted up time spent talking to friends at school, time spent on the Laura: phone and walking back from school talking 10 Bem: friends. 1 make it about ten per cent of my time. Listen to Laura . Ben and Jenny talking about the comic book they are ereating . They are correct page to the list of things below .(a-h) (3.5%) those marathon telephone conversations with g Jems? Gir spend more me pesspingonthe EE phone. Its a statistical act : Mey! Watch ter ead on your fog FY and Ihave go lots of important thingstosny. gS BEB EE Make i fifteen per cent. bp 22 Doing homework Well, we get about anhoura $8 7 y 2 night during the week and Ido bewween twoand 3g FSB three hoursat the weekend So, saytwehe per 23 a cent z= 4% {doa lot more than that Ap 28 Thats because you're not so clever! Ae Thats not rue. No, make itiwenty percent forme. 3 = 3 Doing hobbies. ve got football looking afer the 3 3 & pets and Chinese martial arts. 2 $3 Chinese martial ats! You dont do Chinese g 3 manta ans. ge Tread about them, Amy bought me a book about them, Say seven per cent gf Put me down for the same Watching TV. Well, I watch the sports programmes and a couple of detective series. Say Laura: It5 about the same for me. five per cent, Not that much en: Laura! Tne spent onthe phone, remeber al] Lara: Yat shan tha The percent atmes, i ‘Section H_ Listen to Ben and Laura talking about earning some extra money. List the eight ways fey SP Ben: Laura, 1 have made an important decision ents for nothing! 1 dont like “ES —Rigs——— Be Onl Laura: [tidy up for my parents for nothing! | dont ee a the next one, ether, cake making, OK for you, 4 \ milton lke Tom Hatley ee ein Wieden te ; fee ere a Ben: Cake making! ‘Bers cakes’, What are: But youre fue now: And youre not delivery cake service? Feel like a cake? Just open millionaire. your mouth and phone Bens cake making service ee ee We could combine the. We deter peo come 2 fourteen year-old millionaire. Ive got Cakes and then clean thei cas. The next one is sar ea eee ee Re nao en Bol Sate bank ound Tat res you colt pole Exua Cash, That wl get me started, You can Sry bles and take em oe ote lp 1 Number six is clear out pet cages or run a dog, Laura: Iw fad ofthat. Te fist one i OX, though, LA ee aoe en ar ather ets Mia ceaungriespocouninae st Baw Yo dite wang Ben: Yes, we could sei up a window cleaning business. 5 aura: Burthe last one is a truly terrible idea. The last Allover Britain firs, then Europe, And Asia. We TU ‘Do the washing up all week eis ‘Do the washing up al could set up ‘Ben Window Cleaning Service: genus ho the washing up al week! I agree with you ‘Asia What’ the next one? Tidying up for oe That sa eal tribe ide. parents. Dont hike that cawe aes End of Question Paper (oq aun Jo o10yd e 8383s ‘up saaeay IsAF YL UO! 15 04m & yp s9q dual r Eg 2 z a RE ig jum aieg “7eY

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