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All trash thrown by man cause the animals pain, suffering and death of a
million animals a year. (About 700,000 seabirds, seals and 30,000 hundreds of
turtles). According to the Global Marine Litter Information Gateway, an initiative
of the UN environmental program, only between the coasts of Japan and the US
fleet a carpet of about 3 million tonnes, similar to the central European area.
These are materials that take thousands of years to degrade. Currently, there
are six times more plastic than plankton in the Pacific. The most problematic
material is plastic. The use of synthetic materials has grown tremendously in
the last 30 aos.En the world hundreds of thousands of species are lost, many
of them even before being discovered by the science. Thus, not only biological
variability, but also genetic diversity, sources of livelihoods for future
generations is lost. An endangered species is a species that may become
extinct in the near future. Throughout the history of evolution, millions of
species have disappeared due to natural processes. In the last 300 years,
however, humans have increased the extinction rate per thousand. For all
natural, plant and animal species, live it constitutes a daily danger, should take
care of their fellows, especially the most powerful predator that exists on earth:
man. Ecological disasters, deforestation and other consequences of human
actions cause damage to the food chain. In today's world the extinction of
animal species is not so directly related to food shortages or contamination, as
with direct violent actions (unregulated hunting and illegal trade in wild
species) or indirect (the introduction of exotic species, in certain environments,
competing for one or more individuals or resources with native and locally
According to conservationists, wildlife predation to mushroomed and is
currently estimated that a species disappears every 15 minutes. For nature, the
worst that can happen is the extinction of species, and with that it threatens
the necessary balance in any ecosystem. In this natural chain, each species
needs the other to survive. Accelerated destruction of habitat is pretext of
development without sustainability parameters, condemns to extinction to
biodiversity whose potential life of the future is based. And while this attitude
represents an anthropocentric posture glance, the man in an effort to search
for new alternatives, can not depart from that view, otherwise the very
existence would have no reason to be. Introducing these concepts to the
philosophy of communication, we consider vital to contribute to the protection
of natural resources, spreading the potential of the Faustian wealth.

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