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Calculator Skills For Maths Studies

1) Find mean and s.d from data grouped and ungrouped.
Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L2 is the frequency list if required). Then STAT, CALC, 1VAR STATS
2) Find regression line (Find r2value)
Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L1 and L2 are datapoints) STAT, CALC, Linear Regression
(Needs Diagnostics turned on 2nd 0 scroll down to Diagnostics ON )
3) Find chi squared and expected values
2nd , Matrix, EDIT, enter matrix data in [A], STAT, TESTS, C, This calculates relevant data. To find the
expected values go back to Matrix and look at matrix [B]
4) Find Normal Distribution probability
2nd, VARS, NORMALCDF, Lower bound, Upper bound, mean, sd. This calculates probability for the
bounds given. Use 10^99 and -10^99 for open ended bounds.
5) Find Normal Distribution z value from probability:
2nd, VARS, INVNORM, area (=probability) ENTER This calculates z value.

Find y value from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, VALUE, enter a value for x. This is the value of f(x) for a
chosen value of x.
Find x intercept (roots) from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, ZERO, choose a point to the left of the x intercept and enter,
choose a point to the right of the x intercept and click enter. This is a solution to f(x) = 0
Find local minimum and maximum from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, MINIMUM, choose a point to the left of the minimum and
enter, choose a point to the right of the minimum and click enter. This give the co-ordinates of the
local minimum of f(x)
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, MAXIMUM choose a point to the left of the maximum and
enter, choose a point to the right of the maximum and click enter. This give the co-ordinates of the
local maximum of f(x)
Find intersection between 2 curves
y= , enter two equations, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, INTERSECT, click near intersection point for curve 1,
curve 2 then click again. This gives the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of f(x) and g(x)
IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

Find gradient of tangent at a point

y= , GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, dy/dx, enter a value for x. This gives the gradient at a point.

1) Make sure you can change between degrees and radians. We will reset calculators immediately prior
to the exam this will leave your calculator in radians. If you dont change this in the exam room
you will get all trig questions wrong.
Mode, select DEGREES


1) Solve linear and quadratic equations
APPS, POLYSMLT, POLYROOT FINDER, Enter degree of polynomial as 2 for quadratic, enter values
for a2, a1, a0, SOLVE
2) Solve simultaneous equations
APPS, POLYSMLT, SIMULTANEOUS EQUATION SOLVER , Enter number of equations, number of
unknowns, enter values in terms of matrix rows, SOLVE
3) Sum of n terms (arithmetic geometric series)
MATHS, 0, fill in the summation spaces.

1) Solve equations using graphs
Rearrange equation to form f(x) = 0. Now plot y = f(x) and find the zeroes of the graph (see above for the
2) Sketch graphs
y=, plot graph, change window by WINDOW, alter Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax.

2) How to do square, cube, square-root, cube-root
Convert decimal to Fraction
Enter decimal, MATH, 1, ENTER.
Convert fraction to decimal
Enter fraction, MATH, 2, ENTER.
Cube root
IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

Modelling (IA) Finding linear, quadratic, power regressions etc:

Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L1 and L2 are datapoints) STAT, CALC, choose required

Clearing RAM
2nd MEM, 7, ALL RAM (this will reset to Radians and will turn Diagnostics off)
Clearing APPS
2nd MEM, 2, A, select APP and press DELETE
Transfer APPS, OS
Connect 2 GDC with connection wire, set up the GDC that needs to receive the data first. 2 nd, LINK,
Set up the GDC that will send the data 2nd LINK, SEND, SELECT APP or OS etc.

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

Calculator Skills For Maths SL

1) Find mean and s.d from data grouped and ungrouped.
Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L2 is the frequency list if required). Then STAT, CALC, 1VAR STATS
2) Find regression line (Find r2value) (Useful for modelling IA)
Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L1 and L2 are datapoints) STAT, CALC, Linear Regression
(Needs Diagnostics turned on 2nd 0 scroll down to Diagnostics ON )
3) Find chi squared and expected values (Possibly useful for modelling IA not in syllabus)
2nd , Matrix, EDIT, enter matrix data in [A], STAT, TESTS, C, This calculates relevant data. To find the
expected values go back to Matrix and look at matrix [B]
4) Find Normal Distribution probability
2nd, VARS, NORMALCDF, Lower bound, Upper bound, mean, sd. This calculates probability for the
bounds given. Use 10^99 and -10^99 for open ended bounds.
5) Find Normal Distribution z value from probability:
2nd, VARS, INVNORM, area (=probability) ENTER This calculates z value.
6) Find Binomial Distribution:
2nd, DIST, BINOMPDF, Fill in trials, p (probability of success), x (number of successes). This gives the
probability of exactly x successes.
2nd, DIST, BINOMCDF, Fill in trials, p (probability of success), x (number of successes). This gives the
probability of x successes or less.
7) n choose r / factorial function

Find y value from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, VALUE, enter a value for x. This is the value of f(x) for a
chosen value of x.
Find x intercept (roots) from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, ZERO, choose a point to the left of the x intercept and enter,
choose a point to the right of the x intercept and click enter. This is a solution to f(x) = 0
Find local minimum and maximum from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, MINIMUM, choose a point to the left of the minimum and
IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

enter, choose a point to the right of the minimum and click enter. This give the co-ordinates of the
local minimum of f(x)
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, MAXIMUM choose a point to the left of the maximum and
enter, choose a point to the right of the maximum and click enter. This give the co-ordinates of the
local maximum of f(x)
Find intersection between 2 curves
y= , enter two equations, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, INTERSECT, click near intersection point for curve 1,
curve 2 then click again. This gives the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of f(x) and g(x)
Find gradient of tangent at a point:
y= , GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, dy/dx, enter a value for x. This gives the gradient at a point.
Find area under curve:
y=, enter equation, 2nd TRACE, 7, enter lower and upper bound.
Deselecting a plotted line: (useful if you have plotted graphs but want to look at them one at a time)
y=, enter equations, move cursor over the = sign and enter. This deselects the graph so it wont be

CALCULUS: Non-graphs
Differentiate functions:
MATH, 8, enter differential with respect to x.
Integrate functions:
MATH, 9, enter integral with bounds. With respect to x. Especially useful for volume of revolution

1) Make sure you can change between degrees and radians. We will reset calculators immediately prior
to the exam this will leave your calculator in radians. If you dont change this in the exam room
you will get all trig questions wrong.
Mode, select DEGREES or RADIANS


1) Solve linear and quadratic equations
APPS, POLYSMLT, POLYROOT FINDER, Enter degree of polynomial as 2 for quadratic, enter values
for a2, a1, a0, SOLVE
2) Solve simultaneous equations
APPS, POLYSMLT, SIMULTANEOUS EQUATION SOLVER , Enter number of equations, number of
IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

unknowns, enter values in terms of matrix rows, SOLVE

3) Sum of n terms (arithmetic geometric series)
MATHS, 0, fill in the summation spaces.

1) Solve equations using graphs
Rearrange equation to form f(x) = 0. Now plot y = f(x) and find the zeroes of the graph (see above for the
2) Sketch graphs
y=, plot graph, change window by WINDOW, alter Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax.

2) How to do square, cube, square-root, cube-root
Convert decimal to Fraction
Enter decimal, MATH, 1, ENTER.
Convert fraction to decimal
Enter fraction, MATH, 2, ENTER.
Cube root

Modelling (IA) Finding linear, quadratic, power regressions etc:

Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L1 and L2 are datapoints) STAT, CALC, choose required

Clearing RAM
2nd MEM, 7, ALL RAM (this will reset to Radians and will turn Diagnostics off)
Clearing APPS
2nd MEM, 2, A, select APP and press DELETE
Transfer APPS, OS
Connect 2 GDC with connection wire, set up the GDC that needs to receive the data first. 2 nd, LINK,
Set up the GDC that will send the data 2nd LINK, SEND, SELECT APP or OS etc.
IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

Calculator Skills For Maths HL

1) Find mean and s.d from data grouped and ungrouped.
Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L2 is the frequency list if required). Then STAT, CALC, 1VAR STATS
2) Find regression line (Find r2value) (Useful for modelling IA)
Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L1 and L2 are datapoints) STAT, CALC, Linear Regression
(Needs Diagnostics turned on 2nd 0 scroll down to Diagnostics ON )
3) Find chi squared and expected values (Possibly useful for modelling IA not in syllabus)
2nd , Matrix, EDIT, enter matrix data in [A], STAT, TESTS, C, This calculates relevant data. To find the
expected values go back to Matrix and look at matrix [B]
4) Find Normal Distribution probability
2nd, VARS, NORMALCDF, Lower bound, Upper bound, mean, sd. This calculates probability for the
bounds given. Use 10^99 and -10^99 for open ended bounds.
5) Find Normal Distribution z value from probability:
2nd, VARS, INVNORM, area (=probability) ENTER This calculates z value.
6) Find Binomial Distribution:
2nd, DIST, BINOMPDF, Fill in trials, p (probability of success), x (number of successes). This gives the
probability of exactly x successes.
2nd, DIST, BINOMCDF, Fill in trials, p (probability of success), x (number of successes). This gives the
probability of x successes or less.
7) a) n choose r b) factorial function c) nPr
a) MATH, PRB, 3 b) MATH, PRB, 4
c) number of permutations of r objects from n distinct objects: MATH, PRB, 2.
8) Poisson Distribution:
2nd, DIST, POISSONPDF, value for lamda and x. This gives the probability for exactly x
2nd, DIST, POISSONCDF, value for lamda and x. This gives the probability for x or less.

Find y value from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, VALUE, enter a value for x. This is the value of f(x) for a
IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

chosen value of x.
Find x intercept (roots) from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, ZERO, choose a point to the left of the x intercept and enter,
choose a point to the right of the x intercept and click enter. This is a solution to f(x) = 0
Find local minimum and maximum from a graph:
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, MINIMUM, choose a point to the left of the minimum and
enter, choose a point to the right of the minimum and click enter. This give the co-ordinates of the
local minimum of f(x)
y= , enter equation, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, MAXIMUM choose a point to the left of the maximum and
enter, choose a point to the right of the maximum and click enter. This give the co-ordinates of the
local maximum of f(x)
Find intersection between 2 curves
y= , enter two equations, GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, INTERSECT, click near intersection point for curve 1,
curve 2 then click again. This gives the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of f(x) and g(x)
Find gradient of tangent at a point:
y= , GRAPH, 2nd TRACE, dy/dx, enter a value for x. This gives the gradient at a point.
Find area under curve:
y=, enter equation, 2nd TRACE, 7, enter lower and upper bound.
Deselecting a plotted line: (useful if you have plotted graphs but want to look at them one at a time)
y=, enter equations, move cursor over the = sign and enter. This deselects the graph so it wont be

CALCULUS: Non-graphs
Differentiate functions:
MATH, 8, enter differential with respect to x.
Integrate functions:
MATH, 9, enter integral with bounds. With respect to x. Especially useful for volume of revolution

1) Make sure you can change between degrees and radians. We will reset calculators immediately prior
to the exam this will leave your calculator in radians. If you dont change this in the exam room
you will get all trig questions wrong.
Mode, select DEGREES or RADIANS

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition


1) Solve linear and quadratic equations
APPS, POLYSMLT, POLYROOT FINDER, Enter degree of polynomial as 2 for quadratic, enter values
for a2, a1, a0, SOLVE
2) Solve simultaneous equations
APPS, POLYSMLT, SIMULTANEOUS EQUATION SOLVER , Enter number of equations, number of
unknowns, enter values in terms of matrix rows, SOLVE
3) Sum of n terms (arithmetic geometric series)
MATHS, 0, fill in the summation spaces.

1) Solve equations using graphs
Rearrange equation to form f(x) = 0. Now plot y = f(x) and find the zeroes of the graph (see above for the
2) Sketch graphs
y=, plot graph, change window by WINDOW, alter Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax.
2) Draw Inverse functions
2nd, PRGM, DRAW, DRAWINV, then enter the function you want to sketch the inverse of.

F) Complex Numbers
1) Using i
2nd, decimal point sign
2) Convert between Cartesian and Polar:
Enter Cartesian complex number. Press Enter. MATH, CPX, 7
3) Convert between Polar (in form e) and Cartesian:
Enter Polar complex number. Press Enter. MATH, CPX, 6

4) Find angle for a complex number:

Enter Cartesian complex number. Press Enter. MATH, CPX, 4

5) Find complex conjugate (only really useful if in polar form first)

Enter Polar complex number. Press Enter. MATH, CPX, 1

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition

2) How to do square, cube, square-root, cube-root
Convert decimal to Fraction
Enter decimal, MATH, 1, ENTER.
Convert fraction to decimal
Enter fraction, MATH, 2, ENTER.
Cube root
Absolute function

Modelling (IA) Finding linear, quadratic, power regressions etc:

Use STAT, EDIT: Fill in L1 and L2 (where L1 and L2 are datapoints) STAT, CALC, choose required

Clearing RAM
2nd MEM, 7, ALL RAM (this will reset to Radians and will turn Diagnostics off)
Clearing APPS
2nd MEM, 2, A, select APP and press DELETE
Transfer APPS, OS
Connect 2 GDC with connection wire, set up the GDC that needs to receive the data first. 2 nd, LINK,
Set up the GDC that will send the data 2nd LINK, SEND, SELECT APP or OS etc.

IB Questionbank Mathematical Studies 3rd edition


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