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Taylor Bennett

Business 1050
"My Renaissance"
Global warming, & our Carbon footprint.

Global warming and climate change is a current issue that many people either think is
really happening, or dont think the evidence to global warming exists. Scientists have collected
data throughout time that has helped support the theory of global warming and climate change.
Though there is data collected by scientists, the concept of global warming conflicts with some
religious beliefs causing some to be closed minded about the theory. Yet to some, the theory of
climate change and global warming supports their religious beliefs. Whether one thinks the
evidence to global warming it true or not there are clear statistics and samples all around the
world that shows the earth is going through another warming state. Whether global warming is a
true occurrence, there are still major pollution issues that we face, and there are ways to help stop
it or slow it down.
Many scientists think that global warming is the earths atmosphere and surface. Data
shows that temperatures have risen by 0.75C (1.4F) in about 100 years. Another debate
about climate change and global warming is whether humans are causing the increasing
temperature or its just earth natural cycle. In the past, rising temperatures was by natural causes,
but it believed that the case for global warming this time around is greenhouse gases.
Greenhouse gases may sound harmless, because a greenhouse involves growing crops and
flowers, but its far from. Greenhouse gas is the pollution admitted from human activity, such as

gas burned while using motors (cars), factories, and even the gas from plastic being decomposed.
This is also known as our Carbon footprint, which is what we leave behind.
The recording of climate change is one of the most supporting evidences of the earth
warming. Due to the extended warmer temperatures, animals and humans are finding it too
uncomfortable to live in certain areas, such as Panama and Costa Rica. The hot temperatures also
effects vegetation as it is usually dryer and harder for plats to stay hydrated to grow. Those that
think it be a natural process that humans are not contributing to look at past rising temperatures.
In the 1870s the earth had experienced a warm spike where temperatures reached a new high in
20 years. In the 1940s the earth had warmed to those high temperatures once again. Today in
2016, Earth is hotter now than in the 1870s or 1940s.
For those who think humans are admitting the pollution and causing global warming look
at the carbon dioxide admitted by humans. About 10 billion tons of released per year. Our
carbon footprint, which is the waist we leave behind is measured by carbon dioxide. As we are
admitting toxic gases, plants are absorbing it. Due to plants absorbing the toxic waste it causes
areas that can no longer grow vegetation and sometimes even the soil is poisoned. Because of the
warm temperatures we also find that glaziers are melting. While they melt, the earth is becoming
overall greener because the icy surfaces are deteriorating. Water levels in those areas are also
Some believe that once global warming has developed so far it will lead to a judgmentday, a day when the earth will be so hot that God will save the innocent and let the sinful die.
Others find it to contradict their religious beliefs that God would not allow the earth to warm
and eventually kill off human life. This also contradicts that God created the earth and ca
control its overall being. Whether one thinks evidence of global warming or climate chnage

exists, the earth is warming, past and current data will show this. Glaziers are melting, climates
are changing, and life in some areas has become too uncomfortable to stay. We as a planet can
reduce the waste and gases we admit into the air.
Some ways that society can reduce our carbon footprint is by driving less and reducing
the gas and oil we use. Using transit, carpooling, biking, or walking are all positive alternatives.
By not watering your yard as often or only watering at night can also help preserve water.
Unplugging phone chargers, TVs and lamps when not being used can save energy. One can also
take advantage of their local recycling programs to reduce waste. It cant hurt to reduce our
carbon footprint, this will also help clear the waste in our waters and land fields. Whether
greenhouse gases, or our carbon foot is whats causing global warming, there are many ways to
reduce our waste. If the human carbon foot can be reduced, it could help with global warming or
other pollution issues that society faces.

Work Cited
Engh, G. Edward Critical Thinking, Readings from the Literature of Business and
Society, III Ed. A Pearson Education Co. USA

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