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Standard 3: PowerPoint Presentation on the Interactive Whiteboard

Note the focus area and standard

Note the type of

Describe the document / artefact and indicate

Describe how the document /

descriptor/s the artefact /

artefact / document

the possible impact or result of the artefact /

artefact meets the standard

document on teaching and/ or student

descriptors you have identified.

document reflects


This artefact is a

This PowerPoint presentation on the

I planned and structured an

Plan, structure and sequence


Interactive Whiteboard was developed for a

engaging learning source for the

learning programs

presentation I

prep/one composite science class to

students for their science lesson

Plan lesson sequences using

designed for a

effectively engage and enhance learning. By

while learning about needs. This

knowledge of student learning,

prep/one composite

selecting these ICT resources students were

required using student knowledge

content and effective teaching

class used in my

able to improve their knowledge and

and understanding of dogs and



understandings on the science topic needs

puppies and needs (APST: 3.2).

experience III.

as they were able to actively participate and


engage in the presentation.

Select and use resources

I effectively selected and used

resources to engage students in

Demonstrate knowledge of a

I applied my personal knowledge of content

the lesson. Using a PowerPoint

range of resources, including ICT,

to match student interests. I included images

presentation on the Interactive

that engage students in their

of puppies and dogs that effectively engaged

Whiteboard immediately engaged


students and supported participation.

the students. Using relevant and

The PowerPoint impacted on student learning

real life pictures I was able to


as they were able to visualise and relate to

attract the students to the board

Support student participation

the puppies. It also applied for higher order

(APST: 3.4).

Identify strategies to support

thinking questions and made the students

inclusive student participation and

think about what they know and what they

I identified a way to support student

engagement in classroom

think they know.

participation and engagement by


designing a PowerPoint

presentation relevant to the

particular age group and the
relevant topic. Students were able
to relate to the PowerPoint and
actively engage with the Interactive
Whiteboard (APST: 4.1).

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