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Jessica Ewers #4

Lets Bee Respectful!

Problem Behavior Interrupting Class: a) Shouting out answers or comments without raising hand; b) talking, yelling, or
screaming when other students or teacher are speaking. This behavior interferes with learning due to it disrupting the
lesson plan being taught at the time for each student, including the disrupting student. It takes time away from teaching
and learning.
Expected Behavior: These expected behaviors will be listed on a board in the front of the classroom.
Lets Bee Respectful!
Raise your hand if:
o You have questions!
o You have comments!
Listen quietly when others are talking
o Have your ears open and voices off!
Wait for your turn to speak if your hand is up
o Be patient!
o Ears open!
Positive Reinforcements:
Immediate R+: Each time a student raises their hand before speaking, listens when others are speaking, and waits for their
turn to speak they will earn a bee sticker. Students will be able to place these stickers on the beehive, which will be next to
the list of expected behaviors.
On-going R+: Students will be able to have a visual if they are gaining stickers by looking at the beehive to see if they are
reaching their sticker goals and if they are or are not practicing the expected behaviors.
Overall R+ Novel Interactive Learning Activity: Our class will construct a model of a bee out of balloons and label each
part of the bee. We will hang up the bee by the Lets Bee Respectful rules and beehive!
Easily Administer R+: The stickers will be administered by looking for the Lets Bee Respectful criteria. I will give
stickers throughout the day and will placing them on their desk. During transitions times students will have time to place
their stickers on a row on the beehive. There will be 10 rows on the beehive that will need 20 stickers each. When each
row is filled we will construct the big model bee.
Interactive Learning Activity: Kindergarten Science (10) Organisms and environments. (B) Identify parts of plants such
as roots, stem, and leaves and parts of animals such as head, eyes, and limbs. Math (2) Numbers and operations (C) Count
a set of objects up to at least 20 and demonstrated that the last number said tells the number of objects in the set regardless
of their arrangement or order.
As a class we will construct a model of a bee out of three yellow balloons, wax paper for wings, black felt for the stripes,
construction paper for the eyes, pipe cleaner for the antennas and legs, and paper flags to label the parts of the bee.
1. I will blow up the three balloons for my students
2. Have students work on parts of the bee:
Cut and glue stripes, eyes, legs, and, antennas; I will help glue the balloons together.
3. I will point to each part of the bee and have a whole class response to answer which part it is. When
answered correctly, I will write it down on a paper flag and have a student glue it on the bee.
4. Once the bee is complete I will hang the bee by our Lets Bee Respectful rules and beehive!
Teach Desired Behaviors: While going through each rule I will provide examples of when each desired behavior is
wanted. I will have my students construction a bee out of paper plates, paint, and pipe cleaner to demonstrate and excite
them about our new rules. Then, they will write a story to take home about how to be respectful in the classroom or home!
When everything is complete we will hang the bees in our classroom. In addition, throughout the plan when students are
not following my desired behaviors I will ask them the question, Is that Beeing respectful? I will remind them what
Im looking for will always been in the front of the classroom as a reminder.
Teach the Plan: During circle time, I will tell the students, Since, sometimes each of us may be a little excited to speak I
have come up with new rules I want everyone to follow. We will start practicing being respectful when talking as a whole
class. Lets Bee Respectful! This means raise your hand before speaking; listen when others are speaking; and wait for
your turn to speak. For the next few weeks I will be looking for any one in class to be doing these. When you do I will
place a bee sticker on your desk. During, transition times you will place the sticker on a row in the hive. Each row needs
to be filled with 20 stickers. When each row is filled we will make a big bee out of balloons to show how respectful we

Jessica Ewers #4
Lets Bee Respectful!
Options: This could be adapted for seasons or other behaviors. The title may change if the focus needs to be on a
behavior such as being on task.

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