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Bobby Allen

Mrs. Knudson

I talked to Mrs. Knudson and I told her that I wanted to go to the gym and do my observation for
two days. I told her I wanted to sit in the corner for 30 min and rotate to another corner every 30
min. I told my peers this also and they agreed with me.

Primary Recourses (Ethnography)

The gym is were a lot people go to change their image. There are several different groups
that go to the gym. There are the group of people that come to the gym because its something to
do, even though they do not work out. There are the groups that are straight beginners and would
like to find some guidance. The powerlifters, and this group is overall what I kept seeing in the
gym, people that do not know how to perform proper form and do not eat healthy. My first
observation was around 5:00 -6:00 p.m. at Belk Gym. Then I went to the student activity center
and did my observation from 6:15- 7:30. I wanted to do an observation that morning, so I went to
Belk gym from 8:00-9:00, then I went to the student activity center from 9:15-10:15 am.
When I walked in the gym it was a dry and a muggy present in the air. The staff changed
the music several times. It seemed like she wanted to reach out to every race. There was an
entirely different atmosphere in the gym today because I would be observing. Someone took a
deep breath, while shoes consistently hit rubber on the treadmill. Most of the conversation I
heard were students talking about school work or their next exercise. As I walked around Belk
gym with my pen and paper I seen some people with some confused looks on their faces. I even
ask myself why do I work out? Is it to see progress or is it because it is healthy for you? I work
out and eat healthy because that is how you see the best results. Do most people know if you eat
healthy and go to the gym consistently you will fill better than you ever felt before?

Bobby Allen
Mrs. Knudson

The first thing I noticed was someone working out different muscle groups. You are
supposed to stay focused on one muscle group. He started out with his triceps, he only did 1 set
of 5-7 reps. After you finish doing a set your supposed to fill PUMPED. I could tell he did not
get nothing out of that set. What led me to believe this is because he was not breathing hard. Two
minutes later he started doing an exercise for your upper back. To see the best results, you must
keep the tension on a particular muscle group you are working on. Like you should do 4-5
different exercises for every muscle group. I started to ask myself several question? Why do
people give up on their sets? Why do people try to do too much weight and cant complete one
full rep? I would say people let their pride get to them. Some people showed me that they do not
care about hurting themselves. I took a step back and looked around I noticed groups with too
much weight that could possible led to injury. I saw these groups let their momentum carry them
to complete a rep. That is incorrect, slow and steady that is how you will see the best results. If
you let your momentum carry you to complete a set your encouraging bad habits. You could
easily pull, tear or worse. That is why you always practice your form so you want have to go
through this.
I noticed a significant group. This group I could tell that they neglect their legs. Why do
people just focus on their upper body and neglect their lower body? I think some people are
really scared to do legs. You walked every day, youre working out and you do not even know it.
So these groups decide that they are not going to touch legs. To be honest its looks weird. You
have so much power in your legs, but its own you to unleashed that power.
In the same category like how groups do not do legs certain groups do not run either.
Running is a big factor in staying in shape and tighten your core. Multiple times that I have gone
to the gym I saw the group that wants to bulk up never run. Only groups I see running are the

Bobby Allen
Mrs. Knudson

females that want to lose weight and males that run for 5-10 minutes. Why dont they run at all?
As I am looking over at the treadmill right now I only see females. Running helps your
breathing. If you add drinking water daily and running it will change you in so many ways. The
most noticeable one is you will see your face starting to clear up.
I noticed this group right when I walked into the gym and looked around. Groups that do
not eat healthy. If you do not eat healthy, going to the gym is irrelevant in my opinion. When I
say eat healthy I mean eat some grilled food, fruits and vegetables, and water. This should
become a life style. I could tell a lot of people in the here do not eat healthy because, some
people just started there work out and there already breathing hard. Some people have a massive
gut. This is a significant trait you can tell if somebody does not eat healthy bad body odor You
start to sweat out all that fatten food through your pores. It smells really bad, I receive a
headache in the past from somebody running beside me and they gave off that bad body odor.
Why dont people want to eat healthy? You fell so much better and you will see results you have
never seen before. Your building clean muscle, not that junk food muscle. Advertisement makes
people continue to eat junk food. They see a pizza from dominoes on a commercial, now they
want some pizza. I am not saying you cant eat junk food, I am saying when you do eat a piece of
chocolate cake it should be like you have not ate it in so long. Your eyes should grow so wide; it
should feel like Christmas. Your taste buds should go crazy. It should be like the 4th of July in
your mouth. Most people will never get to fell this sensation. Why? because they are not
disciplined enough, and they wonder why they are having heart problem etc. Un healthy eating
can lead to so many diseases and even death.
In conclusion, I hope my reader seen the point I was trying to make. In the society today
people do not work out either its because they do not have time or just lazy. Not working out

Bobby Allen
Mrs. Knudson

and performing improper form is a health issue. Then when you incorporate eating un healthy
you get a person that may have a disease in the future or possible injury themselves leading to
something worse.

Why do people think they can get in the best shape of their life without completing the proper
procedures like eating healthy, proper form, running? I believe its because people are not
discipline enough and dont want to go through the burn of working out and temptation of
Burger King. People tell there self I will eat healthy tomorrow, but they never do. So then some
incorporate then gym into the equation. You should eat healthy so much you should like the food
you eat, its should become a lifestyle. So when you do eat a piece of cake it should be magical.
It takes hard work and dedication, consistence to truly get the body you want.

Third, unhealthy behaviors carry a substantial cost only if they are regularly repeated. Since the
long-term cost of any one food decision is negligible, people tend to underestimate the cost of
choosing unhealthy foods because they fail to aggregate over consumption episodes, treating
each consumption occasion as separate and negligible [38]. Even worse, when people do
consider consumption in aggregate, they are motivated to believe they will make healthier
choices in the future [37] and therefore feel licensed to make an indulgent choice now [15, 36].

Bobby Allen
Mrs. Knudson

For you to be in the best shape of your life, you must run, work out while practicing proper form,
and most importantly eat healthy. These three factors play a Vitol role in your appearance and the
way you fill on the inside.

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