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Kyle Whitman 3/17/16

Health Promotion Training Session

Initial Assessments of Clients Current Fitness Level:
College level athletics and exercises regularly
Client Session Goal(s):
1. Using HR monitors during a workout in order to track the amount of moderate to vigorous activity time
2. Motivate clients using polar go fit application (showing real time HR zones)
3. Educate clients on how to correctly reach target heart rate zones
Behavioral Objectives of Training Session written by the trainer to direct the clients action and efforts in meeting preset client goals.
Cognitive: After interpreting the importance of exercising within moderate to vigorous activity via Go Fit HR data sheet, clients will be able to
demonstrate how to use moderate to vigorous training zones by creating a 45 minute workout/activity while actively using the Go Fit HR data sheet.

Psychomotor: After the training session, the client will be able to actively demonstrate how to train within the correct target HR zones by
rating their level of exertion they performed within their workout.

Beginning of Physical Workout

Warm Up phase: Dynamic Warm Up, explain the importance of working with in training zones and the GoFit HR data sheet.
Time: __10 minutes______
Specific Skill or Health Related Components to be developed: detailed instructional CUES
Health Related
M Strength
M Endurance
Body Comp
Skill Related

Specific Type
Mountain Climbers
Body Weight Squats

3 sets
3 sets


30 seconds
20 reps

Clients Comments

Specific Type




Clients Comments

Verti-Max 4 Way Hip

3 sets


8 each way

Kyle Whitman 3/17/16

Hang Clean + Verti-Max Med Ball
Box Jumps
Reaction Time

3 sets


12 reps

3 sets


12 reps

Cool Down phase: Static stretching, allow client to reflect on workout by rating themselves on the exertion scale and compare results with
Go Fit HR data.
Time: ___10 minutes_____
Visual support: if able insert pictures of the activities used in the training session

Goal(s) for next session: Increase the amount of time spent exercising within moderate to vigorous activity
Equipment needed: Verti-Max unit, Olympic lifting bar, proper bumper plates, plyometric boxes
Safety considerations: Not allowing athletes to be above 80% of their maximum heart rate, proper spotter during each exercise, proper
Trainer Reflection: the first questions needs a response for a rough draft session plan to be complete
1. As I reflect on the session, to what extent were my client(s) productively engaged?
2. If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again to this same group of students/clients, what would I do differently? Why?

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