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Dana Luck #20

Organizing Needs & Strategies for Intervention Purposes

Common Disability Characteristic

Choose 6 characteristics for YOUR

Evidence-based Instructional or Behavioral

the student can learn to find school success
a)Cornell notes- divide up for easier

1.Writing/Reading Troubles
(Difficulty understanding the big
2. Interest in only certain areas.

b)LINCS Table- help but together a better
understanding as well as visual
a) Interest based group- have the child be in
something that he/she feels talking about.
b)Art/Illustrations- visual learner so things
with color and images the child may pick up
on to learn easier

Social / School (Skills)

1. Pre-occupied by their own agenda.
a) cooperative learning- being around
others someone to keep him on track
b) musical attributes- keep constant interest
2. Prefers to be alone.
(not good with feelings)

on something else
a) Response cards- allows child to be on his
own and express answers in his own way.
b) Social Stories- provide story to see other
interaction and possible catch on.

1.Repetitive Routines
2. Not one for sharing.

Behavior / Organization
a) Visual Schedules
b) Graphic Organizers
a) Behavioral contract- incentive to want to
b)Play Games- interaction with others

Disability: High Functioning Autism

Possibly / Common Strengths: average to above intelligence, compassion for a particular
area/ object,

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