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EDMA360- Literature Review

Stephanie Todd, S00143925

Gaining insights from research for classroom numeracy planning

Stephanie Todd
The chosen mathematical content area is algebra. Often misunderstood, it is vital to begin exploring
algebra in the early years, as it creates the foundations for ongoing future learning. More emphasis must
be placed on the significance of teaching algebra in the early years, while exploring and linking algebraic
thinking across all areas of mathematics. This paper will critically discuss the key concepts, strategies and
ways of thinking mathematically, while exploring possible misconceptions and appropriate teaching
practices around algebra.
Word Count: 79

Literature Review
Key ideas and concepts underpinning algebra and the language associated with it.
Algebra in the primary years must be tightly interweaved across all areas of mathematics (Booker &
Windsor, 2010). Therefore the focus in primary schools should be on algebraic thinking and reasoning, as
they go beyond curriculum topics categorised as algebra, to exploring concepts such as equality and
generalisations, creating more meaningful entries into algebraic symbolism in the later years. (Van de
Walle et al., 2014; Windsor, 2011). The key to developing early algebraic reasoning is through practices
involving mathematical explanations, representations, justifications and generalisations (Hunter, 2014).
However Warren (2003) suggest algebraic reasoning must occur in conjunction with arithmetic
reasoning (p.2), as algebra needs to focus on combining arithmetic and algebra within the early years
(Hunter, 2012/2015). The Big Ideas provide the solid foundations for algebra, which include equivalence,
properties, patterns, relations and fractions and transformations (Charles, 2005). Early experiences with
patterns build the foundations of algebra, through investigating sequences and generalisations (Radford,
2014; Taylor-Cox, 2003). Additionally relationships between quantities, properties, operations and
equivalence are fundamental concepts which underpin algebraic thinking and reasoning (Hunter, 2012;
Warren, 2003). Authentic dialogue must be used when exploring algebraic problems, such as same,
more, less, balanced and repeated, as it creates deeper understandings (Falle, 2005; Taylor-Cox, 2003).
The key ideas and concepts must be understood to ensure foundations are covered for further algebraic
Word Count: 219

EDMA360- Literature Review

Stephanie Todd, S00143925
Key strategies, skills, ways of thinking and working mathematically that students uses.
For students to master their algebraic thinking and reasoning, they must explore a number of
mathematical concepts such as equivalence and patterns using strategies including materials, drawings,
diagrams, models and discussions with others to explain their thoughts and ideas (Falle, 2005; Brooker &
Windor, 2010; Taylor-Cox, 2003). Students need to develop their algebraic thinking early, as this skill
will support them when they explore algebraic symbolism (Radford, 2014; Xin et al., 2011). During early
algebraic thinking, students use their knowledge of patterns and numerical reasoning to justify and
generalise their thoughts while making conjectures (Hunter, 2012). Students need early experiences with
patterns, as in the later years they will use patterns to produce algebraic expressions (Warren, 2005).
However students need to have a sound understanding of how repeating patterns work before they begin
to explore more complex patterns (Bobis, Mulligan, Lowrie, 2013). Students should also use generalised
reasoning to justify their mathematical understandings of patterns (Hunter, 2014). Once students have an
understanding of patterns with shapes, it is important for them to use number patterns that lead to
variables (Van de Walle et al., 2014). Furthermore students need supportive learning environments where
they can explore their strategies, as Hunter (2014) suggests students need to engage in algebraic reasoning
and discourse to strengthen their mathematical approaches. It is important for students to develop a
number of these key strategies and skills early to support them when they begin to learn more complex
algebra concepts.
Word Count: 243

Possible difficulties and misconceptions.

Many difficulties and misconceptions can arise around students algebraic understandings if algebraic
concepts are not introduced in the early years of primary schooling. Xin et al. (2011) suggests, to avoid
problems and dislikes when algebra becomes abstract and symbolic, early algebraic concepts must be
taught. However the equal sign is the most common misconception that students have, as they view it as
an indicator to an answer, rather than a symbol of equivalent operations (Hunter, 2012; Brown, 2008;
Stephens, 2003). Therefore equivalence should be introduced to students in the early years and the equal
sign should be delayed to avoid this misconception. Misunderstandings also surround patterns, as often
when transitioning to patterns and functions, students experience difficulties, as they do not have the
appropriate language or ability to visualise the pattern (Warren, 2005). Students often view repeating
patterns as only beginning at a particular starting point, and do not understand that it can extend in both
directions (Warren, 2005). Symbolic representations can also create problems, as Ladele, Ormond and
Hackling (2014) suggest, misconceptions often form from letters being introduced too early, as students
often view the algebraic letter as a word or object rather than a quantity. Commutative principles may

EDMA360- Literature Review

Stephanie Todd, S00143925
create misconceptions, as Hunter (2012) explains students limited experiences with operations and
properties may create a lack of understanding operational laws and cause incorrect generalisations.
Teachers need to stay aware of theses possible misconceptions.
Word Count: 234

The implications for teaching.

Often teachers in the primary years are not confident when it comes to teaching mathematics, as Warren
(2006) and Jones (1993) explain teachers often hold concerns when teaching mathematics and often fear
teaching algebra, as it is an area they struggled with at school. Research states teachers have not had
enough experience constructing rich problems and have limited understandings of how to connect
arithmetic and algebra problems (Hunter, 2012/2015; Radford, 2014). Teachers must not allow their
views of algebra to influence their teaching, and avoid teaching symbolic representation, as Wilkie (2013)
explains this leads to instrumental understandings. Therefore Warren (2003) and Jones (1993) explain
teachers must move away from formal algorithms and allow students to interact and share strategies,
using relational understandings. Teachers are faced with a variety of challenges in creating environments
where algebra is available to all abilities and ages of students, as all students learn differently this takes a
considerable amount of time and effort (Hunter, 2014). Teachers must change their practice to best
support their students, they must also engage in professional development to increase their teacher
pedagogical content knowledge and allow their students to succeed in early algebraic thinking and
reasoning (Nathan & Koedinger, 2000; Hunter 2012). To best support their students, teachers must
continue to increase their content knowledge around areas they are not confident in. To avoid
implications, teachers must become less concerned with the curriculum content and focus on what their
students need to know.
Word Count: 239

Critique of the Curriculum

The literature review presented big ideas to support students in developing algebraic thinking and
reasoning abilities. One of the big ideas was the importance of introducing patterns to students from the
early years. The AusVELS curriculum addresses this idea, as it introduces algebra to students in
foundation level, through exploring patterns by copying, continuing and creating patterns, while also
using objects and drawings to describe patterns (VCAA, 2012). However as students move into level 1
there seems to be a big shift from exploring patterns using drawings, to investigating and describing
number patterns (VCAA, 2012). The research presented in the literature review suggested that students
need time to explore patterns using shapes and objects before moving onto exploring numbers. Therefore

EDMA360- Literature Review

Stephanie Todd, S00143925
through introducing number patterns so early in level 1, it may create misconceptions or confusion.
Another idea presented in the literature review was the importance of linking algebra across all areas of
mathematics to support students algebraic understandings in the later years. However the AusVELS
curriculum limits the teaching of algebra to the one sub-strand of patterns and algebra, which restricts
students abilities to develop algebraic thinking and reasoning skills across the curriculum. The literature
review also discusses the importance of equivalence, and how it must be introduced early to avoid
misconceptions. Yet the AusVELS curriculum only formally begins to introduce equivalence in level 4
through number sentences (VCAA, 2012), and by this stage misconceptions around equivalence would
have already begun to form. In addition the literature review discussed the importance of generalising
beginning in the early years, although the AusVELS curriculum does not tend to introduce generalising of
number patterns until level 6 (VCAA, 2012). Overall the main aspects that teachers are required to cover
throughout the AusVELS curriculum is number patterns, beginning with number sequences, moving to
addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, then to fractions and decimals (VCAA, 2012).
Although patterns are vital to teach to develop students algebraic understandings, a number of the ideas
which were explored throughout the literature review were not introduced early enough in the curriculum.
The AusVELS curriculum should readdress algebra, reconsidering content that needs to be taught across
the curriculum, as more emphasis must be placed on introducing ideas such as equivalence,
generalisations, properties and functions in the early years of schooling, beginning with the foundation
level, before misconceptions form.
Word Count: 389

Clearly algebra must be taught in the early years to support ongoing learning. The big ideas such as
patterns, equivalence, functions and properties, must be explored to strengthen students understandings
and avoid misconceptions. Teachers must use a wide range of meaningful materials and strategies, while
interweaving algebra across all areas of mathematics to develop students algebraic thinking, rather than
just covering the content expected in the AusVELS curriculum. Essentially algebra must be made a vital
part of early mathematics, to create strong foundations for the future.
Word Count: 86

Total Word Count: 1479

EDMA360- Literature Review

Stephanie Todd, S00143925
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EDMA360- Literature Review

Stephanie Todd, S00143925
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EDMA360- Literature Review

Stephanie Todd, S00143925


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