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Rosa Castillo

PRQ# 8 How can I create and maintain an effective environment for learning
through my classroom management, discipline, and leadership role?
Classroom management as our text Methods for Effective Teaching is effective
when it "involves teacher actions to create a learning environment that encourages

positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation." There are
many factors that are involved in classroom management and the biggest areas


responsibilities are keeping order, dealing with all off-task behavior, misbehavior, and
discipline. ln order fr:r classroom to be successful it is necessary that students have order.
Order is defined as students who are following the actions necessary for a particular
classroom event, and students who are focused on the instructional tasks, and are not
misbehaving. Order is important because without it the class would lall apart and learning

would not take place. AlthoughXone might think that classroom management has to do

with managing student behavio5 this is actually only part of classroom management.
Classroom management falls heavily on how well the teacher is able to manage aspects
that affect the class other than behavior. If a teacher is able to have a good grasp of the
class and manage every aspect well, their classroom
teacher I need to make sLlre that


be successful. As a future

I create an effectivc lcarning environment by having

great classroom management techniques, a disciple plan and a great leadership role. As a

future educator it is my responsibility to create the best learning environment for my

students to ensure that they are successful in rny class.

One of-the pillars of having a class run smoothly and well managed is having
great class management techniques in place. There are many mishaps in a classroom that
can be prevented


a teacher plans ahead. The

book, "Methods for Effective Teaching"


Rosa Castillo

talks about the importance of the teacher preparing ahead of time for the school year.
Some suggestions that the book gives are preparing the school environment, this means

tliat as a future educator I need to become familiar with the school surroundings. It is
important that I become familiar with the room, school flacilities, personnel services
resources policies and procedures, other teachers, and the community. The better

informed I am will ensure that I am well equipped to make effective decisions that

will '/

affect classroom environment. lt is important that I gather my support materials ahead of

time and that I know where I can access these materials in the future if I am to need them.

It is important then I have class rules and procedures in place such

as sharpening pencils,

using the restroom, and putting away supplies. I need to have my class lists and rosters
ready made to ensure that all the names are organized in alphabetical order I also need to

know, that I have home communication in place that I have students information in case I
need to contact parents. I need assure make sure that my room is arranged before the

school. As far as classroom arrangement is concerned. it is important that all my furniture

and classroom supplies are organized and ready to be used. An important aspect


teaching is instructional preparations. lnstmctional preparations need to be in place, this

means that I have long range plans for my class, skeleton plans, weekly time schedules
and daily lesson plans.


lt is imporlant that I have a routine for the beginning of

ensure that procedures


class, this

be set in place right from the beginning of the school

year. With this said rules and procedures need to be ready ahead of time and it is

important that I have plan and a strategy to implement rules and procedures. If my
students have a clear understanding of what is expected from the beginning it

will make

Rosa Castillo

classroom ffianagement run smoothly. I need to demonstrate to my students that I am

prepared and this will give my students a sense of trust, because they
charge. In contrast

if I am unorganized


and unprepared then my students

see that

I am in

will doubt my

ability to teach them.

Discipline is an imporlant part of effective teaching. Students need to have

order /

in order for them to be able to thrive. The definition for disciple is to disciple someone
and to disciple someone is to teach and to lead them. This tells me that in order to

effectively lead someone then one must have discipline. Implementing discipline in

classroom is important because it creates order and functionality in a class; both

important for classroom management. When considering discipline one must consider
punishment and praise. As an effective teaoher I to want to assure that I have a good
balance of both and that I in any'thing that I do I always treat my students with dignity
and respect. In his arJicle "Punishment", Skinner states an interesting quote: "Punished

behavior is likely to reappear after the punitive contingencies are withdrawn." What he
was trying to say is that behave simply to avoid punishment,

it is out of

t'ear. As a teacher

I want to assure that my students behave well because they want to make the right
choices not because they want to avoid punishment. To avoid this the book, Methods for

Effective Teaching, mentions that implernenting discipline teachers need to avoid the

following harsh and liumiliating reprimands, threads, nagging, forced apologies, sarcastic
remarks, and assigning extra academic work. In fact the book gives guidelines for

implementing punishrnent, and they are discuss and reward acceptable behaviors, clearly
specify the behaviors that


lead to punishment, administer punishment in a calm and

Rosa Castillo

unemotional manner. This last suggestion mentioned brings up part of the lecture given in
class that talked about not showing emotions to students when one becomes irritated or
upset. This is irnportant because then students

will not know horv certain reactions makes

us feel and it wont give students an advantage over us.

Leadership is defined as an action of leading a group or an organization. As a

teacher I


be a leader for my classroom.

My classroom



depend greatly on

how well I am able to manage the class. This,puts a lot of responsibility on my shoulders
as a future educator.

and this


It is important that

as an effective leader

be possible by how well they see

I gain my students trust,

I manage challenging situations that arise

in class. TPE 8 learning about students and TPE 9 instructional planning are both
important in developing me as an effective leader. Learning about students is important
because once my students feel they are cared for and accepted this

will naturally


thern to trust me. This is great because when I direct to them to make the right choice
they will trust that what I am telling them has value. Instructional planning is important
because this


send the message to my students that I have everything under control.

and they can trust that I am in charge.

If my students are able to view

as a leader and as a

facilitator of their success then we have a great starting place. In his article "Altematives
to Punishment" Skinner talks about a very interesting illustration about acting as midwife
when dealing with behavior modification. He says. "A method of modifying behavior

without appearing to exert control is represented by Socrates' metaphor of the midwife:

one person helps another give birth to behavior." (pg.84) This is great because my



to help bring out the best in rny students. This is certainly is certainly a Biblical principle

Rosa Castillo
and as we were discussing in class,


is the work of the Holy Spirit in us.

I do not think

there is a better example of a leader than Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is completing that

work in us so we can be more Christ-like. This is how I would like to be a leader in my

classroom, by helping my students be all they can be. I know that my students will need
guidance with their education because they are trying to figure out who they are. If I am
able to guide thern in this but at the same time giving them structure. then I have done my


There are many strategies that exists that as a teacher I can use to have great
classroom management. A big part of'great classroom rnanagement is preparing ahead of

time. As a future teacher I play a very important role in the environment that I want to
create for my students. There are so many factors that are involved in this, from

classroom affangement, to classroom decoration to rules and procedures, and the list goes
on. The better prepared I am the better my classroom will be managed. Discipline is also

very important in creating a structure learning environment for my students. However

more irnportantly is effective discipline, where I can help my students want to make the

right choices. I want to be able to be an effective leader by modeling good decision

making and self-reflection. Such as stated by Skinner with the midwife notion, I want to
be able to serve as a

"midwife" and help bring out the best in my students. This will


only be possible if my students are able to trust me. My students will be able to trust be
once they know that I am in charge and they see a leader in me.

Rosa Castillo

Burden, P. R., & Byrd, D. M. (2010). Methods for effective teaching: Meeting

the needs of all students (6th ed.). San Francisco: Pearson Education, Inc.
Skinner, B.F. (1971). Punishment.ln Beyond freedom and dignity [pp.

83-100). NewYorh NY: Alfred A. Knof,lnc.

Skinner, B.F. (1971). Alternatives to punishment.ln Beyond freedom and

dignity (pp.83-100). New Yorh NY: Alfred A, Kno[ Inc.

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