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Defeat Domestic Violence

By: Ashley Dirksen, Alexandra Vandenberg, Evelina Tvorogal

Overview of Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence is not just hitting, fighting, or an occasional mean argument. It is an
extreme abuse of power. The abuser tortures and controls the victim by threatening, intimidating,
and using physical violence. Actual physical violence often times ends with a result of months or
years of intimidation and control (C.J. Newton). According to statistics, every 9 seconds in the
United States, a woman is assaulted or beaten. There are also more than 20,000 phone calls
towards domestic violence hotlines nationwide and victims of domestic abuse are at higher risks
of developing addictions and addictive habits (Glenn). Nearly half of all women in the United
States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner; on average, 24 people
per minute are victims of rape or physical violence by an their significant other in the United
States (Wilson). Every time the police fails to punish the abuser or a case about domestic
violence is given up on and every time we ignore the violence we see going on around us, the
abuser gets away with a terribly unjust act. Domestic violence is a serious crime and it should be
treated as such (Horley). Nobody deserves to a victim of domestic abuse.
Mission Statement/ Philosophy
"A Simple Act Can Save a Life, Help Defeat Domestic Violence One Donation At A Time"

This Mission statement is short and sweet but accurately helps get our message across of
what our action plan is. Our philosophy is that in helping build our shelters for women,
awareness can be brought to the issue of domestic violence. It does not have to be hard at all.
Simply donating any items laying around your house that are not being used anymore can be put
up for donation in our trade store location. The proceeds then go towards building the refuge
houses for women suffering from domestic violence. The lives of each women who comes into
the shelter can ultimately be saved from the abuse experienced else where. This is how a simple
act can help save a life and defeats domestic violence with each donation made.
Action Plan
Our organizations name is "defenders donations" because we are essentially trying to
help women defend themselves from the terrors of abuse and violence through the help of
donations. Our action plan, through the organization "defenders donation", raises funds to open
up a warehouse where a fun and convenient Goodwill type of thrift store would be held. The
store would be located in a more wealthy area so that the donations being made could make a
good profit to help out the cause. This store would consist of all things such as clothing for all
ages and genders, shoes, toys, books, furniture, silver wear, dish wear, appliances, jewelry and
many miscellaneous items that would be donated from people all over. We would advertise this
store to gain popularity and make it known that half our proceeds would be going to help build
shelters for women suffering from domestic abuse. This would allow more of the public to be
aware of the issue occurring and want to help. Donating used items does not seem to be a hard
task for anyone to do. Most people who hear of tragic issues going on will want to lend a hand
out of the goodness of their heart, especially if it is as easy as donating something you never used

anyways. We would also accept any cash donations made from someone wanting to help out
with the cause. After enough money is made from the store, shelters would start to be built.
These shelters would consist of the necessary living spaces, areas and appliances, for women
suffering from domestic abuse to live either by themselves or with their children to escape the
dangers of the abuse they were once receiving. Women would be allowed to stay here until they
are securely able to leave knowing that they would be safe from their previous abuse and able to
start a new life on their own.
Although there are other organizations out there that have a similar goal in helping with
the issue of domestic violence, our plan has many differences that make it unique. Our small
thrift shop provides a very easy way for anyone to help make a difference in the issue of
domestic abuse. Most of the other stores or organizations that raise money usually donate to
several different charities but our stores main focus would be domestic abuse. Many other
organizations also only donate money but we are making an effort to take it a step further and
make sure that our money is being used to begin building our own safe houses for these women
to stay in. We are non-profit organization and we are not expecting to get anything from it. We
encourage people to volunteer, if they want to get involved more than just donating. We will
make sure that women get not only safe place to stay, but also assistances such as food, clothes,
school supplies (if needed), psychological help from medical experts.
There are a few other organizations out there that already help with the issue of domestic
abuse. The Lydia House is a non-profit emergency shelter for women. They provide hope
through a time of abuse, addiction, financial hardship and abandonment. Lydia House also gives
assistance to many by providing more care facilities. The Lydia house strives to move all guests
into temporary or semi permanent housing. They help restore womens life and provide safe
place to stay. Women here are given materialistic support as well as spiritual. Volunteers teach
them how to find God in their life and recover from whatever they have experienced.
There is another organization called "Reach". They also provide safe home and shelter to
survivors of domestic abuse and their children who have also been traumatized by domestic
violence. Support services are available to the shelters guests. This includes counseling
assistance in having longer-term housing and employment, and legal advocacy. Their overall
goal is to end domestic violence through community education and early intervention, so that
individuals and families of all backgrounds are striving to reach healthier, safer lives.
Financial Need Rationale
Total price: $1,030,952
Shop Building: $926,000
Renovations: $3,000
Building Decor: $1,000
Shelves: $240 x 4 = $960
Clothing racks: $200

Cashier register: $169 x 4 = $676

Cashier tables: $154 x 4 = $616
Dressing rooms: $250 x 2 = $500

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