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Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Everyday Life

Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section)
Students will be combining background knowledge and research to learn about the basic needs of
animals, humans, and plants. Students will study the similarities and differences of the needs of
all three of these organisms. Following observations from a nature walk, a read aloud, and
research, students will create a piece to combine all features that each need in a particular
Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the
students to know.*
1. Visual Art: Students can identify living elements for different
organisms in various art pieces
2. Literacy: Students will know the needs of plants through a
3. Science: Students will know the various basic needs for
plants, animals, and humans

Grade Level*: 3
Class Periods Required:
(please circle)

(4th if needed)

Essential Questions (1-2)*:

1. What are the similarities and differences between the
needs of humans, plants, and animals?
2. What are the components of specific environments
that make all three organisms able to be in the same

Lesson Objectives/Goals: (Excellent resource at What

you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: The students will be able to incorporate different features of a lesson into one common piece
2. Literacy: The students will be able to utilize a fictional story to learn about necessities of life of a plant
3. Science: The students will be able to compare the different needs of different organisms
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)


1. Visual Art:
Anchor Standard #3, #10
2. Literacy:
RI 3.3, RL 3.2
3. Science:

Instructional Strategies (Teachers approach to helping students

achieve learning)
- Monitor students work
- Engage in conversations with students when observing
(during nature walk), creating Venn diagram, and

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

Content Areas Integrated*:

1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: __________________)
2. Literacy
3. Science

Lesson Structure & Procedure(s) Sequence of events of the lesson

elements. (The before, during, and after the lesson, e.g.
Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion ,please be
very specific, walk me through step by step of the What of what is
happening with a rationale as to WHY you are doing this):

1. Nature walk in area around school (15-20 minutes)

2. Read aloud of A Flower Grows by: Ken Robbins
3. Student research on iPads or computers individually of
needs of plants and animals
4. Students complete graphic organizer (Venn diagram more
than likely) to show the similarities and differences
5. Teacher will explain demo project and the features to look
6. Students will create an image to incorporate features of
both plants and animals that they need to live. They will pick
from environments such as their backyard, a school
playground, a park, etc. to incorporate humans, animals, and
7. Students will reflect in small group presentations (whole
group if necessary- see closure)
Opening (Gaining Attention, what will you show, or demonstrate)*:
Nature walk to record observations and thoughts to use prior
knowledge about what plants and animals need to survive.
They will bring their science journals outside and record
different observations (these observations are what they will
use for their Venn diagrams after research).

Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set, how will student share what they

Formative Assessment strategy: (how will you assess while the

Summative Assessment strategy*:

A short quiz will be provided. This will include the Venn
diagram that the students will fill in, on their own. Examples
of a plant and an animal will be given in a certain

learning is happening?)

Because this project will take multiple days, exit slips would be
a good option. Students can will write down what they have


Students will present in small groups about the information

that they learned. Note: this may change depending on the
outcomes of the projects, and then we may conduct informal
class presentations.

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

learned up to that point, that day specifically, as well as
any questions they still might have (either about
information itself or the directions of the project).
questions will be answered the following day prior to
activity for the day.


environment, and students will identify the where the basic

needs are located for both items.

What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)
If the curriculum is how I anticipate it is, students will have learned a lot about human, animal, and/or plant needs in second
grade. In third grade, they will refresh their memory with this research, as well as further dive into the topic. They will also be
using more resources than they would have used before in their learning of basic needs.
Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
Students will need access to a class set of computers, laptops, or iPads
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways? Is there a fixed answer or lots of
Students are able to think in divergent ways in this lesson because of the flexibility of choice in this project. There is no
wrong way to complete this assignment. The example of the art project should provide enough for students to understand
their task. Additionally, because the third graders will have learned a lot of this information, they are able to extend their
thinking and use this art project to show anything new they learned, as well as represent it in a different way that does not
involve a typical report. The flexibility of materials that the students are able to use, allow them to know they can complete
this assignment as they wish. This especially allows those more visual learners to use their strengths to complete the
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
Students will routinely reflect through the formative assessment strategy of exit slips. As said, because this lesson will take
more than 1 day, students will be able to reflect on what they have or have not learned, as well as questions. Even if a student
is extremely confused at the end of a day, the purpose is to identify those confusions and address them the following day.
Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences,
cultural and language differences, etc.

Pertaining to ELL students and those students with any reading and writing disabilities, I may pair them up with other

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

students. Depending on the amount of students that would require this modification, I may choose to pair all students up
during the research portion, and have each student complete and individual art project.
List of Materials
Colored pencils or crayons (student choice)
Magazines (provided by teacher)
White paper (8 x 11)
Venn diagram (previously printed and provided by teacher)
Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):

A Flower Grows by: Ken Robbins

Various websites (approved by teacher as student goes along)
Additional literature resources (can also refer to pictures of the books on the powerpoint)
MO Standards App

* Include this information during the Padlet/prezi/ppt presentation.

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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