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Shannon Niceley

Grade and/or Discipline: Biology

4+ Years:

0-3 Years:
Ken Oertling

Pre-Observation Conference Date: 10-2-09

Observation Date: 10-2-09

Time Period:


Activities Observed:
Test correction review
Anticipatory Set
Guided Practice


Comments on teacher performance with respect to the indicators of effective teaching:

1. Planning: Concise and clear learner outcomes were written and reviewed with
students prior to lesson implementation (1.2). Lesson objectives aligned with
classroom activities and assessment (1.3).Teacher routinely states methods of
evaluation to students. For example the teacher made reference to cumulative tests
and how many questions are repeated on each (1.7). Lesson plans are submitted on
time and are aligned with district standards (1.11).
2. Management: Classroom is organized to provide teacher accessibility to students
without interfering with classroom instruction (2.1). Teacher treats all students fair
and equitable with a positive attitude. Students reflect the positive learning
environment by asking a multitude of questions related to subject content (2.20).
Teacher established clear expectations for learner behavior; for example the teacher
said, 5, 4, 3 to quiet students down during instruction. All students immediately
quit talking (2.5). During lecture portion of lesson, teacher remained in the front of
class (2.6).
3. Instruction: Teacher used anticipatory set, objective and purpose, input, checking for
understanding, and lesson closure to develop lesson objectives (3.1-3.3). Teacher
presents accurate subject matter with real-world experience to engage students in
the learning process. For example, to make a point related to lesson content, the
teacher asked if anyone had a widows peak or could roll there tongue (3.7, 3.8).
Teacher answered student questions correctly or deferred them to the next class
period when that material would be covered (3.9). Teacher routinely asks higher level
questions and ensures tests and other forms of assessments contain similar types of
questions (3.12). Teacher uses technology on a daily basis which includes a
promethean board (3.17).Teacher exhibits enthusiasm for subject matter taught and
routinely uses current events and research to engage students (3.23). At times, the
teacher asked general class questions to check for understanding (3.19) Teacher
integrates other disciplines into lesson; including world geography (3.25) Teacher
communicates timelines for long and short range projects and assignments (3.26).
4. Professional Development: Teacher has developed and implemented a professional
growth plan related to his job responsibilities. His PGP area of growth is literacy and
has already encorportated strategies related to that area, including the use of
professional journal articles related to lesson content (4.1, 4.2).
5. School Improvement: Teacher leads department meetings and is an active member of
the school advisory committee. In addition he routinely leads a professional learning
community and coaches football (5.1, 5.3).
6. Evaluation: Teacher performed satisfactorily on all indicators in this area(6.1-6.4).
7. Interpersonal Relationships: Teacher promotes a positive learning environment. It is
evident throughout teacher-student interaction that students are not afraid to ask
questions and take risks (7.1). Teacher consistantly treats colleagues and students
with dignity and respect in all settings (7.2). Teacher accepts and uses contstructive
feedback (7.5).
8. Professional Attitude and Conduct: Teacher displays a positive attitude and adheres
to all school board policies and regulations (8.3, 8.8). Teacher performs satisfactorily
on all other indicators in this area (8.1,8.2, 8.4-8.7, 8.9, 8.10).


Commendations: Mr. Niceley engages students with a wide variety of instructional

methods. He promotes a positive learning environment where all students are not afraid
of taking risks, asking questions, and willingly participate in the learning process. He
challenges his students through a rigorous curriculum and holds them accountable to
high standards of work. He provides timely feedback to students regarding their progress
in class and integrates technology into every lesson he teaches. He manages routines
and transitions smoothly and establishes clear expectations for learner behavior. Mr.
Niceley is a contributing member of the school advisory team and leads the science
department as department chair. He is well-respected by his peers for his honesty, workethic, and leadership in the science department.


Recommendations: Mr. Niceley should walk around classroom during all portions of
lesson. He should avoid checking for understanding through a general classroom
acknowledgement question.

Observers Signature


Teachers Signature



My signature does not imply that I agree or disagree with this observation, but only that I have
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(NOTE: There is a statutory requirement that both parties sign the observation form
Deficiencies on this form are subject to professional assistance
Intensive assistance plan required?


Signed comments are attached by the:

Principal and/or


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