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Garret Rohan

1. Have you personally ever felt any kind of discrimination in America due
to your religion?
No I have not. I have been lucky that people I have met and
interacted with in the US were always kind and respectful
towards me.
2. What do you believe was the origin of American islamophobia?
stems from being uninformed or misinformed and the same
applies when it comes to the issue of islamophobia
By most estimates there are about 3 million Muslims in the US.
represents less than 1% of the population.
most non-Muslim American get their knowledge about Muslims
from the media
mostly talk about Muslims only when horrific attacks happen.
3. Do you believe that this islamophobia will vanish in the upcoming
I certainly hope so.
It is my hope and belief that over time, as more Muslims and
non-Muslims interact, people will become well informed about
the right image of Muslims and that should take care of
islamophobia. However this requires work on the part of Muslims
to reach out and present to people the true image of Muslims as
peaceful, patriotic and law abiding Americans whose aspirations
and ambitions are just like all people for a better life for
themselves and their family.
4. What is the difference between the words Islam, Islamic, Muslim,
and Arab?
Islam is the name of the religion.

Islamic is an adjective essentially describing the nature of

anything related to Islam.
Muslim is a person who claim to be of the Muslim faith.
Arab is a person who comes from one of the 22 Arab countries
spanning the Middle East and North Africa. Although the lineage
of Arab people are necessarily the same.
5. How does Islam view other religions?
Islam is one of three Abrahamic religions. Hence Islam mirrors
many things of Christianity and Judaism. The holy book of Islam
(Quran) contains much text about Christianity and Judaism. So
Islam view of these two religions is that they are a message of
the same God we worship and must be respected. Islam however
does not recognize other religions of any other source. However
respect, kindness and mercy to all people is a must no matter
what their religion is.
It is important to note that Islam teaches that no human being
shall be forced into following the message of God. Muslims can
invite others to their religion but with wisdom and good word.
6. What were the views of America and Americans when you lived in
had mixed views.
saw America as the land of opportunity and where big dreams

come true.
at the same time, US foreign policy and wars in the Middle East

made them think that Americans are bullies and hostile.

Hollywood movies have big influence on the image of America
overseas. People see the things like advanced strong nation in
some movies but they see money and lavish life in others.

however a lot of people still dream of coming over to the US and

pursue their dreams.

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