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1. Kick Drums - As with all items on this list, itl depend on the exact sound you've got, but as a general rule if you boost arcund 100h2 far the punchy low end and around 2.5khz for the clicky attack of the kick. 2. Snare Drums - 100hz again gives a nice punchy low end, but the main part of the punch will usually come from around 250hz. Increase around 6khz for a high clicky attack on the snare. 3. Bass - Roll off below about 70hz so it doesn't sound too flabby in the low end (These descriptive terms are so much fun to come up with), unless in which case, boost away! Then boost around 200hz for punch and around 3kh2 for presence it’s a sub-bass 4. Piano - Cut around 350hz gently to reduce muddiness and boost above 1khz for clarity (it'll obviously depend on what's being played - piano has a massive range of frequencies!) and around 150-250hz for the bassu notes. 5. Distorted Guitar - Here's @ nightmarish one, this can vary so much, but again - general rules of thumb, cut around 400hz to reduce muddiness (this can help make the tone really heavy), boost around Skhz to make it cut through nicely, then boost at 200hz to add punch to the low end (sounds painful, right?) 6. Strings - boost above 6khz to add an airy texture to the strings, and then boost a small band of frequencies at a sweet spot (which will depend, much like piano, on the notes being played ~ you'll Know it when you find it, since boosting it will make the sound MUCH louder than boosting other frequencies. 7. Acoustic guitar - Pretty simple, boost above Skhz for airiness and presence and boost around 250hz for punch and body. 8. Vocals - Add a gentle boost to about 300hz for warmth (you might prefer to cut this if uou want it to be clearen) and for presence then boost a bit at round 6khz. Sibllance occurs around rknz though, so be careful with that! 9. Hi-Hats - Another difficult ono, roll off below about 400hz to keep them airy and add presence at 3khz if they need it - just make sure they aren't swamping the track as a result! 10. Brass - 100hz gives a nice punchy body to the tone, and boosting over 3khz can really make them nice and bright.

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