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Celia, A Slave introduces the lessons of the past, which are the records of a female slave

who had the hardships of serving a master in the 1800s. Celia experiences practically what most
slaves experienced when they were in America. She was owned by Robert Newsom, a farmer in
Missouri, who had raped her several times as a personal sex slave. This was common in the
1800s, as many slave owners would often bed their slaves and often have children with their
owners. Slaves often had no human rights, as they were often counted as property, which is
shown in the 3/5th compromise.
The idea that a slave would attack their master is considered murder, regardless of the
fact that it was of self-defense. Slaves were treated like animals would be treated today, if they
ever hurt a human being, they would have to be put down. Slaves at this time period were
compared to such acts and couldnt do anything to protect their wellbeing. In the novel, Celia
had waited for her master to visit her after her plea to have him leave her alone, and while she
never expected to kill him, he had dropped dead after being hit by a large stick. The Missouri
compromise separated the nation because of the introduction of slave and Free states in order to
please both parties. Missouri was divided due to equal support from each side that wanted a
different approach to the situation. But the admission of Missouri as a slave state, set the tone of
the issues when slavery was becoming a huge dilemma with the morality of the nation. Slaves
were losing their rights as human beings and have no rights to justify their actions. Many slaves
had to live by their masters will and because of this many slaves like Celia, were often left to
make serious decisions such as murder in order to protect themselves.
-I wonder why the idea of slavery was tolerable in the South despite its economic value,
when the moral aspects of it is degrading to human nature.

I would like to reflect on the assignment I did on Celia, A slave Chapter 1-2. When I first
read this novel I was intrigued about what this novel has to tie into our readings. The first two
chapters focused on the life of a slave and how they were treated on a day to day basis. It really
helped me develop a sense of connecting how slavery shaped American politics and how it
makes up a great deal of history in America. Early America was built upon slaves, its easy to see
that America has great it is today, has had to overcome many issues such as civil rights in order
to give liberty for all. The skill to understand this is great for analyzing history and precedent of
how the choices we made back then should influence the choices we make today.
I hope that learning this way can improve the way I see historical events and their impact
despite how significant or well know it is. History is made of all the people who helped dictate
its course. The idea that history is made by the choices a group of people can give rise to a nation
such as the United States of America. I really enjoyed the idea that choices we make today also
determine the way our nation will look in the next 100 years. This type of thinking, I hope will
improve the way I analyze historical events and sources such as Celia, A Slave. I really enjoyed
the first two chapters of the novel and hope that rest is just as fascinating and impactful as the

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