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Definition: A reference to a person,

place, poem, event, etc. which isnt part
of the story that the author expects the
reader will recognize
Example: Dont act like a Romeo in front
of her.

Definition: a scene is a movie, novel,
etc. set in a time earlier than the main
Example: A man is about to give a
speech to a large audience on biology.
Suddenly, he remembers playing with
frogs and toads in his backyard as a
curious child. He smiles at the memory,
and then begins to speak to the audience
about a new, groundbreaking finding
about frogs.

Definition: the moment in a story where
a character achieves realization,
awareness, or feeling of knowledge after
which events are seen through the prism
of this new understanding.
Example: I used to smoke a lot.
Everyone let me know that it was bad for
my health however, I didnt pay any
notice. One day I saw my two years of
age offspring trying for a used cigarette
within an ashtray. Seeing this, abruptly it
dawned upon me how terrible smoking
was and I stopped smoking.

Definition: an authors use of
descriptive language to add depth to
his/her work by appealing to the human
senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, or
Example: Huge, waxy tears rolled down
his face.

Definition: the atmosphere in a literary

Example: The river, reflecting the clear

blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as
it flowed noiselessly on. (From Charles
Dickens novel Pickwick Papers)

Definition: the use of something that
represents something else; a visible sign
for the invisible
Example: A red rose or red color stands
for love or romance.

Definition: comparison of two things,
through which one is described in terms
of the other
Example: I drove to work on a sheet of

Definition: a combination of words that
have opposite or very different meanings
Example: My temporary eternity

Definition: a literary device that repeats
the same words or phrases a few times
to make an idea clearer
Example: I ate the red, red apple quickly.

Definition: word that imitates or
suggests the source of the sound it
Example: The clickety clack of the rain
on the roof

Definition: an intentional contradiction
between what something appears to
mean and what it really means
Example: You laugh at a person who
slipped stepping on a banana peel and
the next thing you know, you slipped too.

Definition: a comparison of different
things using like or as

Example: His nose resembled a jagged


Definition: term that applies to specific
speech patterns or is characteristic to a
particular group of language speakers
Jim: Wes safe, Huck, wes safe! Jump
up and crack yo heels. Dats de good ole
Cairo at las, I jis knows it.
Huck: Ill take the canoe and go see,
Jim. It mightnt be, you know.
(From Mark Twains Huckleberry Finn)

Definition: repetition of sounds at the
beginning of words
Example: The bullets buzzed near the

Definition: repetition of similar sounding
words occurring at the end of lines in
poems or songs
Example: The infernal flame/ hurts all of
us the same

Definition: the use of words, phrases,
and hints that set the stage for a story to
unfold and give the reader a hint of
something that is going to happen
without revealing the story or spoiling
the suspense; used to suggest an
upcoming outcome to the story
Example: In John Steinbecks novel Of
Mice and Men, George killing Candys
dog foreshadows George killing Lennie
because Lennie is identical to the dog.
Even the nature of the death of the dog
was the same as Lennies as both were
shot in the back of the head. He chooses
to kill Lennie himself in order to save him
from being killed by a stranger.


Definition: a figure of speech in which

an object, abstract idea, or animal is
given human characteristics
Example: The hurricane attacked us

Definition: the attitude the author puts
in a literary work
Father: We are going on a vacation.
Son: Thats great!!!
(The tone of sons response is very cheerful.)

Father: We cant go on vacation this
Son: Ok. Great! Thats what I
(The sons tone is sarcastic in the given

Definition: repetition of an interior
vowel sound within a short section
Example: Whose woods these are I do
not know

Definition: exaggeration for emphasis;
an overstatement
Example: I have loved you for 1000

Definition: phrase or expression that
means something different from what the
words actually mean
Example: Every cloud has its silver

Definition: the sense of anticipation or
worry that the author makes the reader
feel; a lack of certainty the author
creates, leaving the reader to wonder
what will happen; it draws the reader into
the story and creates a sense of
momentum to the plot

One minute to go and hed be eleven.

Thirty secondstwentytennine may
be hed wake Dudley up, just to annoy
him threetwoone

The whole shack shivered and

Harry sat bolt upright, staring at the door.
Someone was outside, knocking to come
(From J.K. Rowlings novel Harry Potter and
the Sorcerers Stone)

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