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Nalani Kochey

English 112
Preface to "How Does Illegal Immigration Impact the United States?" (2015).
Becker, C. S. (2005). Preface to "Does Illegal Immigration Harm America?"
Eichenwald, K. (2015). Illegal Immigration: Myths, Half-Truths and a Hole in Trump's Wall;
Even if you wanted to, sealing off the Mexican border is impossible.
O. (2011). Illegal Aliens.

Nalani Kochey
English 112


Illegal Immigration: Myths, Half-Truths and a Hole in Trump's Wall; Even If you
wanted to, sealing off the Mexican border is impossible
By: Kurt Eichenwald
Americans understand and can recite the allegations made against immigrants. That
they are violent, dangerous lawbreakers, who steal jobs from americans and cost
american taxpayers millions of dollars every year for social services.
Proposed solutions made by political parties and elected officials are to deport the
millions who are in the currently living in the country illegally and build a wall on the
Mexican border to prevent them from ever returing
-Rebuttal against this soltuion is that congress would never approriate the
funds for building the wall, or paying for workers to build the wall.
- would require spending billions of dollars to accomplish virtually nothing,
while upending the American economy.
Immigrants create jobs. It's simple economics--if more people spend money, more
jobs are created. Workers without documentation still pay rent, buy food and clothes,
go to the movies. Just through their daily existence as consumers, they are spurring
economic activity. For example, the Bell Policy Center, a Colorado research group,
found that for every job held in that state by an immigrant who lived in the country
illegally, another 0.8 jobs are created.
-Immigrants do their job in ways other than paying taxes. They put money into
the economy from buying groceries, clothes, and paying rent. Just through
their daily existence as consumers they are stimulating americas economy and
creating jobs.
While many people argue that taxpayers money is going towards paying for
undocumented childrens education, I wonder what would be a better use for their tax
dollars? Sending troops off to war? Or perhaps paying for war overseas? Americans

Nalani Kochey
English 112
have seemed to lose their core values and are blinded by the politics of america.
Taxpayers would rather fund a war in Iraq than pay for underprivledged children to
have an educaation, and that is diseartening in and of itself.
The big question surrounding illegal immigration is what should the united States do
about it? None of the enforced policies over the last few decades have proven
effective, and mass deportation, along with building a wall will prove to be not cost
effective and entirely impossible.

- the answer for the future can be found in the past.

Preface to "Does Illegal Immigration Harm America?"
By: Cynthia S. Becker
The United States is a country of immigrants. From the arrival of the Pilgrims in the
seventeenth century to refugees fleeing religious and political persecution in the
twenty-first century, immigration has played an essential role in the nation's success.
As the country grew, America's exploding agricultural and industrial sectors needed
the cheap labor provided by these constantly arriving immigrants. The new arrivals,
both skilled and unskilled workers, helped to build America into a world power.
-own words: in the seventeenth century as the country grew, America's
agricultural and industrial sectors were growing rapidly, and needed cheap
labor to build America into a world power. The constantly arriving immigrants
provided that, and are one of the main reasons why these sectors are so
successful today
It is commonly said that illegal immigrants "do the jobs that Americans won't do"
jobs that are either too dangerous or too low-paying for American citizens. The
federal government recognizes the symbiotic relationship between illegal aliens and
American industry and generally does not strictly enforce laws against hiring
undocumented immigrants
-own words: Many unemployed Americans want a certain type of job; they
went through college, got their masters in business, and don't want to settle for
a construction job during the blistering heat of the summer, so the position

Nalani Kochey
English 112
remains unfilled. Immigrants migrate here to find work, earn money, and help
their family prosper economically, so they take any job they can get their
hands on. They are happy doing jobs most Americans would think are
degrading and unimportant such as being a maid, construction worker, or
It is said that the government does not stricly enfoce laws against hiring
undocumented immigrants which proves that they are beneficial to our economy. If
they did not help/benefit America in some way, the government would have placed
higher importance on the topic of deportation a long time ago.

Preface to "How Does Illegal Immigration Impact the United States?"

"Undocumented workers are among the most vulnerable and exploited workers in our
country, as frequent victims of unpaid wages, dangerous conditions and
uncompensated workplace injuries, discrimination, and other labor law violations.
Workers who attempt to remedy the abuse routinely face physical and immigrationrelated threats and retaliation."
-own words: Since illegal immigrants face the fear of deportation every day
they end up among the most vulnerable and exploited workers in America,
they frequent victims of unpaid wages, dangerous conditions and
uncompensated workplace injuries to name a few consequences.
David Bier of the Competitive Enterprise Institute argues that the presence of lowskilled immigrants, whether legal or illegal, benefits the economy and raises
American wages.
-own words: *insert quote* Immigrants come to America to work, better
themselves, and provide for their families. Meaning, they typically settle
somewhere and find an open job. These immigrants have to live somewhere,
so they pay rent, they have to eat something, so they buy groceries, they have
to have clothes, so they go to a department store. By participating in normal
consumer activities these immigrants are stimulating they economy instead of
destroying it and create jobs along the way.

Nalani Kochey
English 112
Illegal Aliens

Because of the long waits, all kinds of difficult scenarios arise. For example, a parent
may learn that a spouse's recent death invalidates immigration applications for their adult
children, forcing the children to reapply and wait an additional six to 19 years. Family
members may receive their visas after many years in the backlog, only to learn that their
children can no longer immigrate with them because they are older than 21 years and
must now apply separately as adults.
-own words: Many immigrants are fleeing their country in attempt to
free themselves from religious persecution and find economic relief. The
documentation process and visa process for immigrating to America is a long
and treacherous process. Long wait times and all kinds of different scenarios
create long delays with documentation and force many immigrants to illegally
Many americans do not understand how it could be so bad in a country that they
would have to leave immediately because most americans have had the privilege of
never living under a dictator and never being persecuted for practicing their religion.
Talk about Trump-Hitler comparison
Talk about how political parties/elected officials only tell Americans certain things
about illegal immigration because they dont want them to know everything.
-own words: With all of the talk conservatives do in the news it is quite
understandable why americans are hesitant on the topic of immigration.
Conservatives such as Trump and Cruz tell voters that illegal immigrants are
stealing American jobs and are destroying the economy, when its quite the
Blocking people out who seek refugee will only ruin America, it is in Americans core
values to help others, why does it suddenly change on the topic of immigration?

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