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A Limit on Social Media for Good

The use of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, etc., are good or bad for
children? Psychologists say that the over use of these sites are causing
struggles in children physically and mentally because some of the kids, if not
the majority, use social media overnight, at school, technically everywhere at
any time. Some of you may ask yourselves where the parents are, but, lets
remember that parents are the ones who provide the children with the
mediums like cellphones, laptops and tablets to access these networks
without thinking of the harm they are doing to their daughters and sons, just
because sometimes they want to get rid of them for a little while or as a gift.
And because of this, most of the kids and teens do not have limits when it
comes on how much time they spend on these social networks causing them
problems like insomnia, depression, obesity, and lower grades.
The kids and teens who use social media overnight according to Mr. Udurier
could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of anxiety and
depression because nowadays children are so emotionally attached to social
media that they have to be connected 24 hours a day, seven days a week in
order to satisfy this need of being always virtually communicated
(Udurier,2015, p.2). Also, Schroeder adds that a teen normally needs 9.5
hours of sleep because they are developing but usually they sleep on
average of 7.5 or less (Udurier,2015, p.3). So all this lack of sleep comes with
health problems such as insomnia, which is a sleep privation disorder, and
makes the person who had not sleep well to be irritated, tired, reduces

improvement at school or work and more susceptible to catch a disease such

as flu or gastritis.
Passing to much time online reduces the time in wich a kid can do some
exercise making him or her more vulnerable to be over wieghted because all
the calories are not being burned out of the body so they accumulate and
stay inmaking the person to gain weight and eventually be fat. But
appearance is not as important as what obesity can cause like heart failure
that leads to death. So reducing the time of social media and increasing the
time of exercise can actually save a life and make the person more
healthier,mentally and physichally.
But no only health is affected but school is too. Why? Because according to
the American Psychology Association, students that check facebook at least
15 minutes while studying get lower grades reducing their improvement at
school (American Psychology Association,2011, p.6). Limits is one of the keys
in order to be succesful at school amon others because if parents limit the
use of these sites, students would be able to concentrate more while
studying and get better grades. Psychologist Larry D. Rosen, cited on the
Social networkings good and bad impacts on kids, says that parents
should talk with their children about technology and the proper use and to
create a bond of trust between them so the kid wont make an inapropiate
use of social media such as bullying.

The kids that already have mental

issues are more suceptible to make their problems worse by using social
media without moderation and supervision (Schroeder, 2015,p.5). Dr.

Hugues Sampasa-Kanyinga, co-author of a study conducted in Ottawa, Ohio,

which purpose was to investigate the relation between the use of social
media and mental health problems, notes that the use of more of two hour a
day increases the chance of suffering a mental issue such as depression,
anxiety, suicidal thoughts, narcissism (Schroeder, 2015, p.7).
So, limiting the use of social media will reduce the chance of kids and teens
suffering a mental issue at an earlier age and making them exercise will
prevent physical illnesses such as cholesterol and heart failures. Dont let
this, so called, technology era to absorb you and the people surround you,
specially kids and teens because they are the future of this nation and
people will want leaders who are capable of living without being connected
24/7 and this only can be achieved if people put a limit on how much time
they spend on social networks.

Reference Page
American Psychological Association. (2011, August 7). Social Networkings
Good and Bad
Impacts on Kids. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 17, 2016 from
Udorie, J.E. (2015, September 16). Social Media is Harming the Mental Health
of Teenagers. The
State has to Act. The Guardian. Retrieved April18, 2016, from
Schroeder, M. O. (15, September 17). For Some Troubled Kids and Teens,
Social Media Can Be a
Vicious Circle. Retrieved April 18, 2016 from

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