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Analyzing Nutrition

Among University
Students in an Academic
MARCH 20, 2016

This paper is focusing on the wellness of nutrition in students of UTEP and the EL Paso
Region. Therefore, what you consume affects your body physically, mentally, and emotionally. It
must be pointed out that each source does relate to UTEP students and shows different points of
view from where to alter the college diet one is used to. You will also learn simple ways one can
better their lifestyle and choose healthier options from what you are doing nowadays.
College students that live in a borer city are being affected by this Hispanic culture in
high caloric foods, which causes students to have energy or not depending on what they eat and
what is available to them. Because the community and communities around UTEP are
surrounded by fast food places and is not so bike or pedestrian friendly this paper can introduce
one how they can make better choices health wise. El Paso being a low income city is directly
affecting El Pasos overall health. Depending on where you live you can probably reach a
McDonalds within 5 to 10 minutes of your house. As for a grocery store that is 5 minutes if
youre lucky or 15-20 if youre not. The areas that have super low to no income have a corner
store which doesnt sell fresh vegetables or fruits but do sell ice cream, soda, and candy.
UTEP students do not have many healthy choices to choose from. The Union has a Chick
Fil A, Sushi, Pizza Hut, Chinese food, and other types of unhealthy food on campus. Down the
street from the campus there is a Whataburger, Burger King, and McDonalds. These foods are in
a college students budget but are not the best for them. Students need to learn to make better
choices for themselves even if it means to start slow and cut out drinking that energy
drink/coffee. They could try taking vitamin B12 or try green tea for energy, or simply just drink
more water.

How are students at UTEP affected by the food available on campus?

Food companies are impacting the government rules on dietary guidance in marketing to
people about food that is being placed in schools and in the home. Nestle (2007) claims, As more
people recognize how food companies influence government policies about dietary advice,
school foods, marketing to children, or health claims on food productsthe matter addressed in
Food Politicsmore want to get involved in ways to improve the food environment (p. xi).
However, Jacobson and Silverbush (2012) offered, one out of two children in the United
States have lived on food assistance once in their life. The average food stamp is $3.00 a day,
which means youre going to spend it on the cheapest calories you can find (p.). Both of these
sources show how the government is feeding children, they can make it entertaining and
interactive with commercials and posters but still have to appeal to children. Schools can do that
but still struggle with meeting all the required amounts of nutrition they need and food stamps
are the more difficult to follow nutritional needs because there are no restrictions it is ultimately
up to the owner of the food stamps.
The food being consumed on a daily basis does affect the mind and the body, this leads to
our mood being altered. According to Bass et al. (1979), This book was written to fill a need for
a textbook dealing with the complexity of peoples behavior in relation to food. Interest in this
topic and a growing recognition of its importance have led to the development of courses in the
sociocultural aspects of food, cultural foods, community nutrition, and the development of food
ways (p.2).
According to ABC News Productions (2012) , people believed that food could influence
their health and wellbeing. Studies show that foods are directly influencing the brain

neurotransmitter systems have the greatest effects on mood. For college students and the
environment, they live in, it does not provide the healthy options the body needs. It provides
things that are not good for working minds. These findings challenged the work of earlier
researches, although it was not in such depth it still stated a few foods than are a major mood
changer. A few of the foods mentioned only related to stress, sadness, and happiness. Because
this was a website article it really effected the information she used because we do not know how
creditable it really is. She claimed that chocolate is great for when in a negative mood, but that is
not the only thing to cheer a person up. She made it seem that boredom, anger, and sadness
causes a person to eat chocolate. But she does not explain why people also eat chocolate when
they are happy.
Hopfs (2011) study distinguishes, for thousands of years, people have believed that food
could influence their health and well being. These studies suggest that foods directly influencing
brain neurotransmitter systems have the greatest effects on mood, at least temporarily. In turn,
mood can also influence our food choices and expectations on the effects of certain foods can
influence our perception (p. 1 s. 4). These finding challenged each other because the work of
earlier research is in not in such depth it just states different vitamins found in everyday foods
that cause a mood change. Historians have long assumed that food comes from the culture one is
from, which is a direct relation to the community they are living in. The community includes the
place where one buys groceries from, where one goes out to eat, and the workplace he or she
works at. These all can affect what you consume. The cultural qualities being food-related needs
to maintain a healthy weight or diet. This becomes more complex when society increases in
population and the community needs to make more stores and restaurants available.

Why do vending machines only have fatty snacks?

Vending machines are meant to be an easy way to get a bite to eat in busy places such as
a mall, school, or airports. They all have cookies, chips, candies, soda, and healthy options.
These healthy options are granola bars, fruit snacks, trail mix these options are not healthy and
dietitians and nutritionist know what you should be eating and none of these are choices.
Winterfelt et al. (2005) say, Dietitians, through their unique knowledge of both the science and
art of nutrition, are the professionals taking the lead in the promotion of nutritional health of the
public. Because of this blend of scientific knowledge and social and cultural factors that
influence what people eat, dietitians are able to use their skills to help individuals in illness and
disease prevention as well as those who are health and active.
While Drewnowski (2004), It reveals that energy dense foods provide dietary energy at a
far lower cost than do lean meats, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit (p.) Eating as if we were never
exposed to over processed foods, bread, and candy could help all of the world get back to a
healthy weight. But chefs tease us with delicious high fat items that have a lower health benefit
than a plate a carrots and broccoli. Science and experimentation has made life so easy you can
find anything you want at the store that taste great because of all the fats and oils they include.
When you can actually make that same thing with little to no fat or oil and have it still taste
great, but people have grown to be lazy and want things made for them instead of doing it for
How does living in a border city effect ones diet?
The information this article and monograph help provide what a person should be eating
and how much the average person should be spending on foods that are healthy this could be
useful to low income households, which relate to El Pasos households because the city is a

developing one with a university and college in it. Drewnowski (2004) shows us, the article
examines the relationship between socioeconomic factors, diet quality and diet costs. It reveals
that energy-dense foods provide dietary energy at a far lower cost than do lean meats, fish, fresh
vegetables and fruit. The article suggests that food costs may be one barrier to the adoption of
healthier diets, especially by low-income households (p.)
While Nnakwe (2009) adds, it presents a community-based care perspective instead of
the hospital-based care perspective used by most other books in this area to reflect the increased
emphasis of practitioners on providing community based services that emphasize primary,
secondary, and tertiary prevention. This proves that there are more problems on where a person
eats. You have to take certain steps to achieve a healthy lifestyle even if you live in a city with a
high fat culture like El Paso. The next two sources show what simple fixes they can do to
improve their health, which may include a little weight loss.
According to Films for the Humanities & Sciences and Films Media Group (1986), Using
the body is hard enough, but also keeping it well fed is equally difficult. Having to learn to put
what is right in the bodies is hard to do in a Hispanic Society because of all the corn, flour, and
cheese, that is put into almost every meal. This does not help the people who are allergic to
lactose or gluten. Treatments have been made for these reactions with medical techniques and a
sophisticated science of healing physically and mental problems with nutrition and special diets.
These findings proved that not all problems can be fixed with a trip to the doctor. They just give
chemicals or dont dig to the real problem. The Doctors like the one in the video help heal with
natural ways that nature gives us. Vitamins, oils, and massages can help anything from menstrual
cramps to the inability to move a joint from birth. He helps get rid simple things from eczema
and improve your overall mental and physical health. There is also a part in the video when he

says TV is promoting high calorie junk food to children which directly effects the generation
weight problem.
Eggerdorfer (2013) provides information about a road to good nutrition, this is a work of
advocacy, whose prime objective is to inform people about the relationship between nutrition
security and public health. It draws on the thinking and experience of a selected number of
experts in the field of nutrition and public health. Collating up-to-the-minute information in a
clear and accessible way, the book forms a one-stop information source, and paves the way for
further, science-led publications in this field. The topic of nutrition security on the agenda of
policy-makers, academics, private sector organizations and civil society, as well as of
organizations dedicated to the nutrition space. It is also of interest to the educated lay reader who
is generally well informed in matters of health, nutrition and sustainability (p.).
In more recent studies Robinson et al. (2016), Healthy eating is not about strict dietary
limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, its
about feeling great, having more energy, improving your outlook, and stabilizing your mood. If
you feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out there, youre not alone.
It seems that for every expert who tells you a certain food is good for you; youll find another
saying exactly the opposite (p.) These findings are supported well and they are straightforward
information. Eat smaller portions so you do not over whelm yourself. Eat slower to enjoy the
food you are eating which leads to feeling full quicker.
Food aside, Martinez (2015), We examined the effect of nutrition labels on (1) plans for
drinking and (2) alcohol expectancies. Study 1, n=80 underage college drinkers responded to an
image of a beer with or without a nutrition label. Study 2, n=98 community drinkers responded
to either: an accurate label, none, enhanced vitamin C label, extreme low-calorie label. (p. 1)

These findings show that people who are in college underage and age appropriate respond to
drinking alcohol whether or not it has a label. Everyone drinks more calories than they are
supposed to, people do not realize how many calories one beer has, 100 or more. A mixed drink
can start at around 350 calories. For one drink that is so much, you can have a hearty salad and
water with those calories. This information is stating that to watch how much one drinks in a
night, because one can consume the recommended calories for a day.
Primary Research
Questions with Ms. Huerta
What do you think about the food available here on campus?
According to Duarte, it is very bad for your body, but the students do not have much else
of a choice since that is what is on campus and most of it is relatively affordable. As a professor
I do eat at these places most of the time but I try to make healthier choices eating a salad rather
than Chinese. I do like to have snacks though, like Nutter Butters and Hot Cheetos.
So she does see that something is wrong with the food that the students are being offered,
but it is convenient and cheap for the most part. But investing in some containers and giving
yourself time to cook food should help in this area.
Do you bring your own food or do you eat off campus?
Sometimes I do bring my own food and I work at the Texas Tech school here so I try to
make my meals easy and when I am unable I eat off campus and get fast food most of the time or
I will just snack until dinner time.

Bringing food that is homemade or at least healthier is better for your health and you can
choose ahead of time what you want and not have to settle for something in the Union or on
How often do you exercise?
I try to exercise at least 5 times a week, and a lot of the time I like to walk my dog since I
am not very fond of running. Ill go to the gym to do some weight training especially since my
wedding is coming up and I need to fit into my dress.
Having a goal to reach helps the exercise process happen is the first step. Secondly, one
needs motivation which is hard to find so a partner should help. Thirdly, taking baby steps or
making little goal to that big goal should help along the way.
What do you think is the easiest recommendation for students to do, to be healthier on campus?
Eating smaller portions and avoiding snacking are two of the best and easiest ways to eat
healthier on campus. If you have to eat on campus, choose the best option, avoid greasy foods,
and drink lots of water. Snacking is ok if it is something healthy like a fruit or some nuts but
potato chips or candy are the worst idea for a snack.

Visual Aid

This graph shows how much fruit and vegetable an 18-year-old or older eats relating to
their education. This graph can relate to people at UTEP because it fits the age group. When a
person is in college your mind is focus on school work and class. One wants to go to college to
further education or to find a better job and within the mess of doing that one doesnt have
enough time to cook a homemade meal.

People in El Paso are more likely to be overweight or not at the weight they should be at
for their age or height because of how people eat. El Paso is known for their Mexican American
culture and that includes so many bad foods that are greased or have a ton of corn and flour. This
city needs to incorporate more vegetables and fruit into their diets so the city can have less obese
and overweight people.

In conclusion nutrition has easy and hard ways to input into your life. A real life person
can still eat out or get fast food but limit yourself. If you are new to this lifestyle you should
know do not jump right into the hardest thing possible, take it a little at a time and you will see
results. If you want to take drastic measures than by all means do so just know it is hard to
maintain and find motivation. UTEP students all need to understand that what they eat before,
during, or after class can affect the you act so be sure to eat food that gives you lasting energy.
Nutrition should be a part of everyones lifestyle whether you are a full time student. Parents, or
worker; or even all three you should take the time to help yourself live a longer happier life.


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Nestle, M. (2007). Food politics :How the food industry influences nutrition and health
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Robinson, L., Segal, J., & Segal, R. (2016). Healthy eating: Easy tips for planning a
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