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Metas de Aprendizaje y Planes de clases

En consideracin a que es su responsabilidad

planificar unidades de

aprendizaje y cada una de las clases que va a implementar en los cursos

donde hace docencia, debe evidenciar esta competencia a travs del desarrollo
de las siguientes tareas:

Tarea 2
Fundamente las decisiones que tom al planificar

las clases antes

mencionadas considerando referentes didcticos y de contexto.

To start planning the unit of the 11th grade there were many things that I
had to take into consideration. This unit plan is about the second unit of the
book that is given by Ministry of Education. The unit is called Two of the
Elements and I will focus my unit plan only in some aspects of the book. As
mentioned in MDD 1, the level of English of students is basic, but some of them
have a higher level. Taking this aspect I had to plan something that would be
helpful to advanced students and basic students.
According to what I have seen in previous classes, students participate a
lot in class and they are more enthusiasts with activities where they can speak.
In consequence of these observations, I could think in exercises that they can
develop in a better way.
Reviewing MDD 1 I could take some ideas according to what I had wrote.
They are used to look for exercises where they can respond, so if they are used
to that it will be easier to focus in that didactic direction of teaching.
Tarea 3
Reflexione en torno al proceso que sigui para planificar las clases, indicando
fortalezas, debilidades y desafos.

In the process of planning, it was easier to think in the design of the

planning. When I started to plan for the eleventh graders, it was easy to think in
activities and tasks. Most of the students participate and are interested in class
so I did not had to think in difficult things, I only had to think in tasks that will be
meaningful in their learning process and something that will be easy to
The most difficult part in the planning process was to think in how to
introduce the topics and be less grammar oriented. It was difficult because I
know that these students are used to have classes focused on grammar.
Grammar is not a problem, but according to what my teachers in the university
ask me to do, I cannot focus a class only on grammar. It is difficult to plan a
class to a context where they have been doing the same thing. At least what I
have observed, students react in a positive way to grammar oriented classes,
and I thought that it would be difficult to introduce at the half of the semester a
more communicative approach to teach. In consequence of this issue, I tried to
plan the unit having classes oriented on grammar and classes more
communicative, ending with a task where they have to apply both.

( Adaptado de Muestras de Desempeo Docente: Instrumento para evaluar la calidad de la enseanza y su

impacto en el aprendizaje. Carmen Montecinos, M. Cristina Sols, Ins Contreras, Sylvia Ritterhaussen.
Ediciones Universidad Catlica de Chile, Stgo de Chile, 2009)

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