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Western astrological signs, commonly referred to as sun signs or zodiac signs,

have over time developed a relationship with the practice of yoga. This relationship is
called yogastrology and has many different facets to it whether it concerns the name,
aspects, or elements of each sign. There are twelve western astrological signs and
these signs each belong to one of four elements, water, fire, earth, and air. There are
many people who are unaware of the the ties that sun signs have to yoga and how this
knowledge can help them in their own personal experience of yoga. Yogastrology uses
yoga in conjunction with an individual's predicted physiological problems based on
their sign to decide which poses will be the most beneficial to them.
The origins of yoga are not known for certain due to how far back in history
the practice goes. The best estimates that have been made place the origin in the Indus
Valley Civilization and pre-Vedic Northeast India, the Vedic period, or the raman a

movement.The first texts to contain any mentions of yoga were written in c. 500-200
BCE. In Vedic Sanskrit yoga means any of four things, either to add, to join, to
unite, or to attach in a literal sense and is often translated to yoke referring the
joining of two oxen by a yoke around their necks but the first time that the word yoga
appeared in its modern meaning was in the third or fourth century BCE. In this early
reference in a text called the Katha Upanishad speaks about yoga as the steady
control of the senses, which along with cessation of mental activity, leading to a
supreme state. Yoga is also mentioned or referenced in early Buddhist texts. It is widely
stated that Buddha founded or began the system of yoga but it is also said that he used
knowledge and experience gained from other yoga teachers.

Western Astrology is a product of Greco-Roman culture with its more basic

components coming from Babylonia, such as the division into twelve equal sectors. It
was in the fourth century BC that ancient Greek and Roman culture began to influence
the Babylonians astronomy and by the end of the second century BC, Egyptian
astrology had also become a part of the whole. This caused a strong focus to shift to
an individual's birth chart and lead to the creation of horoscopic astrology and the
twelve houses in relation to each sign. There are 88 constellations that have been
cataloged and named over several thousand years but only twelve of them are used
and often referenced in everyday life. These are the signs known as zodiac signs or
sun signs. Each of these twelve signs takes up a 30 degree section of the ecliptic,
meaning that the sun passes in front of each one for roughly the same amount of days.
The twelve signs are as follows; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces . Another important development
for the twelve signs was the addition of Empedocles' four classical elements (fire, water,
air, and earth). Yogastrology is the connection between the practice of yoga and
astrological signs, also called zodiac, sun, or star signs. The sun represents the ego or
the self in both yoga and astrology.
Yogastrology is a blended word formed from the words Yoga and Astrology.
Yogastrology can be used in relation to both western and vedic astrology but due to
familiarity, western astrology is more often used. Ancient traditions of body-zodiac
correlations (Leo = spine, Cancer = chest) are the foundations of Yogastrology. The
concept and term of Yogastrology seems far fetched, odd, and new to most people but

in reality, these too seemingly unrelated things have a deep rooted relationship that
began far back in time near the origins of yoga.
As mentioned previously, each astrological (zodiac) sign has physical attributes
and ailments that are associated with it. Each zodiac sign represents a part of the body
and organs and so a yoga practice can be created that focuses on each of these parts
of the body as they correspond to your sign. The first sign of the zodiac, Aries (fire),
rules the head and brain and are often plagued headaches, sunstroke, and depression.
Other concerns for the Aries sign are indigestion and nervous disorders, the poses
recommended for this sign are Virabhadrasana, also known as Warrior Pose, in all
variations. Taurus (earth) rules the throat and neck and throat infections and respiratory
ailments such as asthma are common. They are also said to be at risk for liver and
kidney disease along with rheumatism. People with the Taurus sign should incorporate
Vrksasana, or tree pose, into their yoga practice. The sign that rules the hands, arms,
lungs and nervous system is the sign of the twins, Gemini (air). Those born under this
sign need to be aware of diseases and accidents associated with the upper body as
well as the nervous system and pulmonary disorders. Gemini should try plow pose
(Halasana) and shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana). The chest, breast, stomach
and digestion are all ruled by the sign of Cancer (water) and those of this sign are
predisposed to weak digestion and other stomach ills and have a tendency to coughs,
weak vision, and varicose veins. They should try half moon pose or Ardha
The fifth sign, Leo (fire), rules the heart, spine, upper back and forearms. Leos
often are subject to anything from back pain to heart and blood diseases and should

incorporate sun salutations as well as fish pose (Matsyasana) into their practice. The
sign Virgo (earth) rules the central nervous system, spleen, and intestines leading to
them getting stomach and bowel troubles as well as nervous instabilities. Virgos should
try Viparita karani (legs up the wall pose) and supported headstand (Salamba
Sirsasana). The kidneys, bladder, the lower back lumbar region of the spine and the
skin are ruled by Libra (air) and while this sign does not often have any problems
besides their love for sugar, they should try to use Nadi Shodhana Pranayama in their
yoga practice. Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is an alternate nostril breathing technique
that restores balance and harmony to the body. Scorpio (water) rules the pelvis and
reproductive systems and can have problems in their liver, kidneys, bladder and
genitals. Scorpios should try Ustrasana (camel pose) and Baddha Konasana (cobbler
Sagittarius (fire), the ninth sign, rules the hips, thighs and sacral area and is
therefore prone to sciatica and problems with their hips and thighs. They can also have
poor nails, skin, and hair. Trikonasana (triangle pose) and Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
(king pigeon pose) will be beneficial in Sagittariuss yoga practice. The knees, bones
and skin are ruled by Capricorn (earth) and people born under this sign may get
fractures and strains of the knees. Some may also get skin diseases, such as rashes,
or digestive upsets caused by suppressing their emotions. Capricorns should try Eka
Pada Rajakapotasana (king pigeon pose). Aquarius (air) is the second to last sign and
rules the legs from knees to ankles as well as the circulation of blood through the body.
Leg and ankle cramps are common for this sign as well as a predisposition to
spasmodic nervous issues. Aquarius should utilize bridge pose (Setu Bandha

Sarvangasana) and shoulder stand. The very last sign is Pisces (water) and this sign
rules the lymphatic system, the liver, and the feet. This sign is often troubled by skin
diseases, gout, and inflammation. Those with the sign Pisces should incorporate fish
pose (Matsyasana) and cobbler pose (Baddha Konasana) into their yoga practice.
I myself was born on the very first day that the sign sign Taurus rules, April 20th.
My birth was a bit strange as I was born a month early, meaning that I should have been
born a Gemini on May 21st. Because of this, I often refer to both signs when anything
referring to astrology comes up but for the purpose of this paper I will only focus on the
sign I was actually born under, Taurus. My sign governs the throat and neck the most
but also the cervical spine and thyroid glands and it is the first of the three earth signs in
the zodiac. Any asanas can be good for a person born under taurus as long as focus on
the neck and throat is maintained but there are several poses that are recommended.
For a Taurus to have a fulfilling practice, they should begin and end with Savasana and
incorporate Surya Namaskara A or Surya Namaskara B into their practice. Before your
sun salutations, move from corpse pose into child's pose and then to tree pose for
several breaths. After two or three sun salutations, there are several poses you can do
in any sequence you want, just stay focused on your neck and throat. Bitilasana (cow
pose), Marjaryasana (cat pose), Trikonasana (triangle pose), Mayurasana (peacock
pose), Viparita Karani (legs-up-the-wall pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (bridge
pose), and Halasana (plow pose). Be sure to finish your Taurus practice by returning to
tree pose before savasana.
Sometimes you come across two things that, at first glance, seem to have
nothing to tie them together, but often these are the things that share many connections.

Yogastrology is definitely one of these things, a term blended together from the ways
that yoga and astrology are related. When I set out to find a connection, I didnt know if I
would find anything at all and I found much more than I had imagined. Yoga and
astrology seem like theyre on completely different planes but threads of each have tied
into each other over a very long time, and now anyone can use these ties, this
relationship, to enrich their lives and strengthen their yoga practice or belief in astrology.

"Astrological Sign." Astrological Sign. Web. 13 May 2016.


"Astrology and the Classical Elements." Astrology and the Classical Elements.
Web. 13 May 2016. <>.

"| Gaia." Gaia. Web. 13 May 2016. <>.

Gilliam, Diane Booth. Yogastrology. Cork: BookBaby, 2011. Print.

"What Is Yogastrology? When Yoga Meets Astrology..." Star Sign Style. 2014.
Web. 13 May 2016. <>.

"Zodiac Signs and Their Dates - Universe Today." Universe Today. 2015. Web.
13 May 2016. <>.

"Your Yoga Horoscope: What Poses Suit Your Sign." Well Good Your Yoga
Horoscope What Poses Suit Your Sign Comments. 2014. Web. 13 May 2016.

"Yoga." Yoga. Web. 13 May 2016. <>.

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