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EDC/ESE 257 EEI Lesson Analysis

Your Name: Whitney Bowers

Pima Instructor: Lopez
Grade Level/Topic: Analyzing Texts with
URL (web address): (9-12)
Describe the evidence you see to support each element (e.g., What is the teacher doing?
What are the students doing?). If you do not observe an element, write N/A and include
suggestions for what could have been done.
Anticipatory Set
She began by choosing popsicles from the common core buckets in her classroom. Each
Did the teacher hook the students
one had a different requirement that students would have to display by the end of the
lesson: using logic, close reading, and determining themes/concepts.
Did s/he focus student attention on
She made the instructions and objective for the activity clear, then allowed the groups to
the objective and the purpose of the pick one of 7 different messages and then choose specific moments from the book that
convey their chosen message.

Did s/he activate prior knowledge?


Did the teacher use effective and

varied strategies to provide
information for students to gain the
concept, strategy, or skill?
Did s/he demonstrate and show
examples of what students are
expected to do?

She didnt do a demonstration for them but made the instructions clear and encouraged
them to begin working on their own.

Active Participation

Were ALL students actively

participating, not just passively
What strategies were used to
encourage active participation?

Yesnot initially during the anticipatory set, but right after her introduction was finished and
the groups had picked their themes she began walking around and talking to the students
about the connections they were making and their group process. She asked the students a
lot of questions and talked about the ideas they were coming up with, encouraged group
cohesion. In the case of this lesson, I would consider the active participation to be one-inthe-same with guided practice.

Checking for Understanding

Did the teacher use a variety of

strategies to determine whether ALL
students understood the objectives?
Were the strategies used throughout
the lesson, not just at the end?

By asking the students a lot of questions and asking them to explain their thinking, she was
checking for how well they understood the lesson and how clear their connections were.
She was checking to make sure all the group members were on the same page and that
they were explaining their statements and making them thematically complex.
After guided practice was over, she went back to the Common Core goals and asked
students to raise their hands based on how many had to think logically during this activity,
how many did close reading, and how many had to determine themes and concepts. She
also mentioned self-monitoring that students did themselves after she asked them a couple
questions about their ideas.

Guided Practice
Did the teacher provide time for every
student to demonstrate understanding by
practicing new learning with guidance
(from the teacher and/or peers)?

Yes, I would consider this to be the same as the active participation section I described
above. Once the students had their objectives and were divided into groups they began
their discussions, and at this point the teacher was regularly making rounds to each group
and talking with them a lot. She would help them clarify their ideas and ask them a lot of
questions, as well as provide new ideas regarding the theme they had chosen.

EDC/ESE 257 EEI Lesson Analysis

Did the teacher AND the students say/do
something to summarize lesson
objectives and solidify new learning?

Yesas stated above, she returned to the Common Core objectives that began the lesson
and checked that all students participated in logical thinking, close reading, and determining
themes and concepts.

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